Falling wedges. What's good, what's not, and why?

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I have some 6" orange wedges from Baileys. I worked on a clearing job the winter of 2008(I think) near Waterford, Vt. I mostly drove skidder but the boss let me cut some. My wedges didn't break and I swing an axe like a spider monkey on crack. Not much wedging unless a Cat 320 counts.
Cold Weather

For sub freezing jobs magnesium wedges work well. They cost a bit more then plastic wedges, they last a lot longer tho. For most winter tree bucking with a plastic 6" wedge is less likely to fracture then a longer wedge.
Hahaha! That's hilarious, Bob! I've been called the same thing! lol

Just for fun, many many years ago, I tried chopping out the face of a tree I wanted to cut for firewood. It was a cedar, about thirty inches DBH. Gave me a whole new appreciation for my ancestors that used to do the same thing with old growth redwood.

And, I gotta tell you...that was one ugly face cut. Kinda looked like it had been worked over by drunken beavers.
I ever tell you boys about that time back in 1948 when me and paw were felling old growth Aspen? Dad was 10 at the time, and had a lot of growing up to do, I was just a little fry as well, and was a smidgen under 7' tall and 450 pounds.

Well, we get to cutting that 6' DBH Aspen -- in South Florida -- and the brand new MS 660 quits on us. Of course, the 460 Husky was in the shop at the time getting a tune and 60" bar. So me and dad set to finishing off the face cut with his Swiss knife and a tube of Brylcreem for lube. Dad unfolded the saw out'a that knife and we took turns for the next 60 seconds. . . Paw said it should have only taken us 30 seconds, and it was cause us youngsters were getting lazy.

So we bucked up the whole 700' feet of the dern thing, and loaded it on dad's Vespa. We would have used his Moped, but it was also in the shop getting afterburners. Maw helped us unload it at the cabin, and we all went out for ice cream at Jedediah's -- the cantankerous one legged Amish man that sold dad his spaceship.

Next week I'll tell you fellas about my cousin Paul, and his pet Blue Ox Babe.
I ever tell you boys about that time back in 1948 when me and paw were felling old growth Aspen? Dad was 10 at the time, and had a lot of growing up to do, I was just a little fry as well, and was a smidgen under 7' tall and 450 pounds.

Well, we get to cutting that 6' DBH Aspen -- in South Florida -- and the brand new MS 660 quits on us. Of course, the 460 Husky was in the shop at the time getting a tune and 60" bar. So me and dad set to finishing off the face cut with his Swiss knife and a tube of Brylcreem for lube. Dad unfolded the saw out'a that knife and we took turns for the next 60 seconds. . . Paw said it should have only taken us 30 seconds, and it was cause us youngsters were getting lazy.

So we bucked up the whole 700' feet of the dern thing, and loaded it on dad's Vespa. We would have used his Moped, but it was also in the shop getting afterburners. Maw helped us unload it at the cabin, and we all went out for ice cream at Jedediah's -- the cantankerous one legged Amish man that sold dad his spaceship.

Next week I'll tell you fellas about my cousin Paul, and his pet Blue Ox Babe.

What a load of bullstuff! Everyone knows the Amish don't eat ice cream.
I ever tell you boys about that time back in 1948 when me and paw were felling old growth Aspen? Dad was 10 at the time, and had a lot of growing up to do, I was just a little fry as well, and was a smidgen under 7' tall and 450 pounds.

Well, we get to cutting that 6' DBH Aspen -- in South Florida -- and the brand new MS 660 quits on us. Of course, the 460 Husky was in the shop at the time getting a tune and 60" bar. So me and dad set to finishing off the face cut with his Swiss knife and a tube of Brylcreem for lube. Dad unfolded the saw out'a that knife and we took turns for the next 60 seconds. . . Paw said it should have only taken us 30 seconds, and it was cause us youngsters were getting lazy.

So we bucked up the whole 700' feet of the dern thing, and loaded it on dad's Vespa. We would have used his Moped, but it was also in the shop getting afterburners. Maw helped us unload it at the cabin, and we all went out for ice cream at Jedediah's -- the cantankerous one legged Amish man that sold dad his spaceship.

Next week I'll tell you fellas about my cousin Paul, and his pet Blue Ox Babe.

speaking of rubbing alcohol filtered through a loaf of bread

BTW was that the vespa with the Cummins triple nickel or was it a gas burner :hmm3grin2orange:
Listen, just cause you fellas don't know your Amish, ice cream, Vespa's, or Oxen. . . Don't make me come through this computer! :rant:
Another question for an expert.

How come multicolored wedges aren't in the stores. Or character ones, like Hello Kitty? Sensitive fallers could use rainbow colored wedges. If you were in a foul mood, perhaps a gray colored wedge?
South Florida aspen in 1948 - isn't it Cuba?

Paul must be that famous fellow who went to a convent full of cigar rolling nuns to ask for light and ended up a concubine of the 140 years old abbedissa?
Another question for an expert.

How come multicolored wedges aren't in the stores. Or character ones, like Hello Kitty? Sensitive fallers could use rainbow colored wedges. If you were in a foul mood, perhaps a gray colored wedge?

Rainbow doesn't mean sensitive in California. Maybe wedges could be shaped like a unicorn horn.
South Florida aspen in 1948 - isn't it Cuba?

Paul must be that famous fellow who went to a convent full of cigar rolling nuns to ask for light and ended up a concubine of the 140 years old abbedissa?

I know your type. . . One of them rock throwers. :msp_sneaky:
Maybe wedges could be shaped like a unicorn horn.

I have a couple of the old Oregon 'wood grenade' splitting wedges that are sort of shaped like a unicorn horn. . . .Well, a short, Unicorn horn. . . . OK, more like an ice cream cone Never thought about using them for bucking.

(*Internet images - mine are sleeping in the garage)


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