West Texas
ArboristSite Guru
Before you buy one of those 'orange' handled plastic saws, ask Thall and Andy how easy it is to work on one of them, versus the Pro series like the 260/360/361? I've got a 029/290 scattered all over my shop in an effort to replace the jug and piston. Its a PITA to work on to say the least. It will be a multi day project for me to finish this 029/290 job. If it was the same task on the 361 I could do it in an hour or less; and, not require any special tools other than a torque screw driver and a normal ring clamp. Look down the road at the day you will service the saw or have a dealer do it for you. I bet the labor bill on changing out the jug/piston on a 290/390 etc will almost be as much as the cost of the darn saw. Talk to the dealer/repairman and forget that crap about it being the most popular and best selling saw in America. Yukko! I've owned the 026, 260 Pro, 036 Pro, 360 Pro and the 361, all used for firewood. I now own the best 026 I've ever owned and two modified 361's. Go for the 361 and never regret your choice.