Farmboss 290 vs 310 or 390

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Before you buy one of those 'orange' handled plastic saws, ask Thall and Andy how easy it is to work on one of them, versus the Pro series like the 260/360/361? I've got a 029/290 scattered all over my shop in an effort to replace the jug and piston. Its a PITA to work on to say the least. It will be a multi day project for me to finish this 029/290 job. If it was the same task on the 361 I could do it in an hour or less; and, not require any special tools other than a torque screw driver and a normal ring clamp. Look down the road at the day you will service the saw or have a dealer do it for you. I bet the labor bill on changing out the jug/piston on a 290/390 etc will almost be as much as the cost of the darn saw. Talk to the dealer/repairman and forget that crap about it being the most popular and best selling saw in America. Yukko! I've owned the 026, 260 Pro, 036 Pro, 360 Pro and the 361, all used for firewood. I now own the best 026 I've ever owned and two modified 361's. Go for the 361 and never regret your choice.
West Texas said:
Before you buy one of those 'orange' handled plastic saws, ask Thall and Andy how easy it is to work on one of them, versus the Pro series like the 260/360/361? I've got a 029/290 scattered all over my shop in an effort to replace the jug and piston. Its a PITA to work on to say the least. It will be a multi day project for me to finish this 029/290 job. If it was the same task on the 361 I could do it in an hour or less; and, not require any special tools other than a torque screw driver and a normal ring clamp. Look down the road at the day you will service the saw or have a dealer do it for you. I bet the labor bill on changing out the jug/piston on a 290/390 etc will almost be as much as the cost of the darn saw. Talk to the dealer/repairman and forget that crap about it being the most popular and best selling saw in America. Yukko! I've owned the 026, 260 Pro, 036 Pro, 360 Pro and the 361, all used for firewood. I now own the best 026 I've ever owned and two modified 361's. Go for the 361 and never regret your choice.

Well he don't have to ask, I'll tell him striaght up, yes the 290-310-390 are harder to overhaul than the 361. No question about it. Now if I can't replace a jug and piston in a 290-310-390 in two hours I have no business fooling with it. Whats this multi-day job your talking about? Lets see, yank the handle, pop the clutch. untie the oil pump, pull the carb and handle housing, un-bolt the motor from the case and pop it out. Now whats the problem?? You are correct though, the pro's are much easier to tear apart. You are wrong about the 290, like it or not it is the No.1 selling saw in the USA made by Stihl. It may not be the No.1 seller over all but its Stihl's No. 1 seller in the USA. I kinda like to know myself what is the best selling model in the USA. Do you know by chance? As for the 290 though it ya don't beleive just call VA Beach and find out. My question to you is how many 290-310-390's have you tore apart? It gets alot easier the more you do it, ask Andy, I think he'll back me up on that. Also you do not have the best 026 out there, that one happens to be in my shed with my pet beaver.
I got "blowed away"

I lost that race with a 041 against a 272.
If there ever is a rematch.... I will use the MS460.

I do however firmly believe that the pro versions of Stihl saws have way more quality in there than any saw nicknamed after a breed of dog.

I would not be against using a 029 to cut 5 cords. So it is a little slower.... big deal. I have plenty of time. MS361, sure go for it. :givebeer:

Id say 361 also. I had a 310, and while it did what it was supposed to do, if you are trying to decide between the 310 and the 361, you will kick yourself if you buy the 310 and start to wonder if the 361 would have been a better choice.

Its one thing to have more power than you need, but when you start kicking yourself for not buying the bigger saw.
Thall, I am glad you have seen 78000ft of rod, so have many women downtown who watch towers getting built, I have forgetten how much rod I packed and or tied, a little harder work than just looking at it. Anyways, yes Stihl do make some very good products, so do Husky. As far as making some thing of the homeowner Stihl being #1, that freak Michael Jackson was #1 on the music charts many times, doesn't mean I want to hear him, and so it is with the saw, bfd. No hard feelings, at least you don't sell Homo-lites.
PIERCE4076 said:
I think the 310 or it's going to be the 361.

I haven't even read this thread, but as a guy who's owned a 310, and sold it to buy a 361, I can say with all kinds of confidence to just go buy the 361 and never look back. The 310 is heavier than it needs to be, and the 361 is a better saw in every way.

recently bought an ms290

and i totally regret it. sure it was cheap compared to the pros but the extra time and effort to try to get it to cut through hardwood is not lost on me. I am seriously considering selling it to get a bigger and better saw and i only do 5-8 cords of firewood a year. Here ya go i will ship you an ms290 had like 5 gallons through it 20 incher two chains bar scabbord with extention and scrench for 350 that is 85 off what I paid for it less than two months ago.
I noticed that somebody said they don't even stock the MS390s any more all I can say is that in our area the MS 390 is still a good selling saw we probably sell just as many of those as we do the 310s and with the extra goodies Stihl is putting on them now (compression release ect...)they are alot more saw then the average home owner is going to need. Whatever saw he decides to get I'll bet he will be happy with... Good luck don't forget your P.P.E.
clearance said:
Thall, I am glad you have seen 78000ft of rod, so have many women downtown who watch towers getting built, I have forgetten how much rod I packed and or tied, a little harder work than just looking at it. Anyways, yes Stihl do make some very good products, so do Husky. As far as making some thing of the homeowner Stihl being #1, that freak Michael Jackson was #1 on the music charts many times, doesn't mean I want to hear him, and so it is with the saw, bfd. No hard feelings, at least you don't sell Homo-lites.

hahaha, now I'm starting to like you alot. That Jackson feller, couldn't agree with you more. That dude has some serious issues that I'd like to discuss with him way down deep in the woods where no one will find the body. As for fussing with you back and forth over the man asking about the saw I merely went by exactly what he said, nothing else. I won't argu who has what for Clearance you know as well me the best is the one you own and its everyone to their own liking. Now don't tell me you think that is a untrue statement too. I know your a stubborn cuss and to tell you the truth I admire that. Its freezing here in Va and I gots to make a store run. Need me some viddles and a pack of smokes. Now there is something I will allow you to give me hell about, smoking. Lay it on me, I need all the help I can get to quit. See ya in abit Clearance..............
Somebody probably should have started putting rebar down before such a heap had a chance to amass. I smoke too, don't sweat it. Spending Sunday afternoons out cutting pulpwood seems to keep the induction system working properly. Using that 330 I got from Superman36, so it was the best saw today.
Thall the 290 may be the number #1 selling saw; but, I still think its a con job and false advertising to say that its a 'rugged farm saw'. Two of my neighboring ranchers have this saw with the delightful RM2 chain and its beautiful 'Farm Boss' logo on the bar. My old 026 with square chisel chain outperforms both of them and they agree. I don't care what the numbers say; IMHO the 029/290 is a boat anchor. :chainsaw:
West Texas said:
Thall the 290 may be the number #1 selling saw; but, I still think its a con job and false advertising to say that its a 'rugged farm saw'. Two of my neighboring ranchers have this saw with the delightful RM2 chain and its beautiful 'Farm Boss' logo on the bar. My old 026 with square chisel chain outperforms both of them and they agree. I don't care what the numbers say; IMHO the 029/290 is a boat anchor. :chainsaw:

You will get no agrument out of me on what you just said because I like the little 026 better too. Starting to sound like the line I saw in a movie, You can't handle the truth. Hmmmmmm who was that Jack Nicholson? I only stated the facts to the man and nothing more. Its quite obvious you don't care about the numbers, heck why should you, you make chainsaws, you sell them? The problem I see is that alot don't understand is the people that buy those saws don't give a rip what you or me or anyelse thinks. You call it a boat anchor and thats your opion and its a free country. I would assume since your in Texas you will tell George Bush his 290 is a POS too. See if he cares. Are ya catching what I'm saying?
West Texas said:
Thall the 290 may be the number #1 selling saw; but, I still think its a con job and false advertising to say that its a 'rugged farm saw'. Two of my neighboring ranchers have this saw with the delightful RM2 chain and its beautiful 'Farm Boss' logo on the bar. My old 026 with square chisel chain outperforms both of them and they agree. I don't care what the numbers say; IMHO the 029/290 is a boat anchor. :chainsaw:

All you are saying is that the 026 is a better saw, and you're right... and you do have a pro chain... but the 029 is a heck of a lot cheaper. Lot of boats out there ... and at least they'll stay anchored 'cos there's not a lot of magnesium on an 029 to get eaten by the salt:cheers:
Geo. Bush jr. has a 290 Stihl? I mean no disrespect at all but I don't think he should be using a chainsaw, any more than his buddy should be using a shotgun. I sure hope his woman has some pressure bandages around.
clearance said:
Geo. Bush jr. has a 290 Stihl? I mean no disrespect at all but I don't think he should be using a chainsaw, any more than his buddy should be using a shotgun. I sure hope his woman has some pressure bandages around.

hahahaha, that was good Clearance. They showed him on tv one nite sawing some wood on his ranch in Texas and in his hand was a 290 Stihl. Talk about getting some free exposure and free advertising, that took the case. In your case I guess not and I'm sure as hell not going to go into politics with you. That was a good one though:) :)
The 290/310/390 aren't meant to compete with the more rugged, lighter weight and more easily serviced professional models. They are meant to provide homeowners and personal firewood cutters with a decent quality saw, with the Stihl name on them, at a price that they are willing to pay. A large number of people don't have the money to spend on a saw, or won't use it enough to justify the cost of a new professional model Stihl saw. This is one of the reasons so many people buy Poulans and other low buck saws, because they can't or won't spend the money for a better saw. The 290/310/390 are designed for those who need more than a Walmart Poulan to cut their firewood, but don't want the higher cost of a professional model. To these people, the Stihl name is a big selling point, and a 290 is still light years ahead of a Poulan in build quality and cutting abilities.

The fact that it is overweight for the power it delivers and that it isn't as well built or easily serviced as a lighter more powerful professional model isn't a major concern for most of these users. It cuts wood, starts easily and doesn't break down. A pro model is more saw, but it is also more money, and that is the real reason they sell so many, is because it has the Stihl name, good reliability with reasonable performance, and fits the budget that the average woodcutting homeowner or firewood cutter is willing to spend.
TimberPig said:
The 290/310/390 aren't meant to compete with the more rugged, lighter weight and more easily serviced professional models. They are meant to provide homeowners and personal firewood cutters with a decent quality saw, with the Stihl name on them, at a price that they are willing to pay. A large number of people don't have the money to spend on a saw, or won't use it enough to justify the cost of a new professional model Stihl saw. This is one of the reasons so many people buy Poulans and other low buck saws, because they can't or won't spend the money for a better saw. The 290/310/390 are designed for those who need more than a Walmart Poulan to cut their firewood, but don't want the higher cost of a professional model. To these people, the Stihl name is a big selling point, and a 290 is still light years ahead of a Poulan in build quality and cutting abilities.

The fact that it is overweight for the power it delivers and that it isn't as well built or easily serviced as a lighter more powerful professional model isn't a major concern for most of these users. It cuts wood, starts easily and doesn't break down. A pro model is more saw, but it is also more money, and that is the real reason they sell so many, is because it has the Stihl name, good reliability with reasonable performance, and fits the budget that the average woodcutting homeowner or firewood cutter is willing to spend.

Well said and 100% correct Timber. Some people just want to cut some wood. Alot of the guys that buy those 290's off me are usually driving BMW's or other fancy cars. They wear suits and make a bunch of money doing what ever they do. They aren't in love with saws, they just want to cut some wood on the 10 acres they have with that multi million dollar home sitting on it. They could care less about of all things, a chain saw.
I am going along with clearance, well sort of I don't think you should limit yourself to one brand of saw or that it has to be brand new. out of the 290/310/390 I would choose the 310 as a price, power, weight compromise. I was lookin at the 310 very closely at one point myself simply because I am very happy with my 025. I didn't buy a 310 because for less money than what the 310 costs I bought a brand new 359. Nobody gave me my money I've worked for every cent. When I lay down my hard earned cash I want to know that it is on the best value available and I feel confident that I made the correct choice in the 359, would you concur?

If you look at that link you can get a 359 with a 20" bar 3 chains and a t shirt for $409 I believe baileys has the same deal and better deals are out there you just have to look. You could also buy a dolmar 5100 if that's what floats your boat, or for the price of 361 you could buy a 372xp if you can find one around.

keep your options open


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