well then from the bottom of my heart i apologize. i hope you and your family live long and make all the money you need. i take back all i said about your mother, she is probably a fine person. i should never have said what i said. but i have posted here and got no reply. i got one phone call and the man is so busy we can't get together. one post is all it should take. if you post and say you need water, or wood or whatever and i read it then that is all it should take. the people here may mean well but i know people that heat with wood and meaning well does not heat their house. i am grateful to all who post here that they have free wood but these people the wood. winter is going to be gone in 3 to 4 weeks but they are calling for very cold weather and snow this week and next week here in sc. if i offend anyone when i say i have gotten no service i am sorry but when i used to cut wood for a living and i told people i had free wood, i always gave it to them. i guess the ones here in the south did not count on the people asking for it or maybe they need to make some money, i don't know. but like i said i have found a man with 25 acres that was cut and he is giving it away, and if you are in the area and need some just give me a holler.