Rupe, so a carb doesn't control the amount of mixed fuel that is delivered? nor does it control how much fuel is added to the incomming air?
Then please tell me what does it do?
I'd wager you use 32:1, can't find flaw with what I said, so you jump me over a typo?
Did I type air? Once? did I really mean mix? Aren't you really splittling hairs?
I refuse to edit any previous post, If I erred in what I was saying, I own it. If I erred by way of typo, I claim that also. I've had to say it over and over so many times, that I'm sure any reasonable person would understand my humanity, realize what I meant, and went on.
So, if the manufacturer says 1 part oil per every 50 parts fuel is the idea mixture for their product, who are we to say different is better? Those stupid a55 engineers!!!
Tell me why I should use more oil than needed, when I know that more oil is more harmfull than good. Call me lazy, I despise having to tear down saws to clean mufflers and plugs. I also realize that plugs don't foul at once, that it takes time, all the while the spark is growing weaker, and the saw is loosing power, until it gets to the point that it won't run, and needs the plug cleaned.
Lets talk about the subject at hand, not about the fact Stumper smells like mixing oil after a long day and needs a bath

, or wether or not I can really type. So many of these good discussions fall into the realm of you su(k ,they su(k, and that ends it all.
OH BTW (I will edit for this) I am so interested in this topic, thereby posting so much on it, because I am the one buying the saws for my company. I use/specify 50:1 mix rates, with no problems, BUT, if someone can convince me that more oil is better, I'll quickly switch to using those specs. I just haven't heard it yet. Maybe the info is out there, maybe it doesn't exist. I'd like to hear other opinions on it, backed by testing, logic or reason.