Government reaching to govern wood burning consumers

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I bought my retirement property a couple of years ago ( Ontario Canada, North Bay area). I noticed that a lot of listing showed where the fireplace / wood stove, had been removed.. You couldn't get a mortgage, or insurance unless the stove / fireplace was "WETT" certified. It was obviously easier to remove the heating appliance than to replace it to meet certification. It also made the sale easier for the vendor and buyer, as even having a WETT certified heater would jack up the home insurance rates..
If they keep on taking it, they'll keep on shoving it in.
Insurance co. employees in the head shed are all morons. In about 2006 we changed the FARM policy to FARM bureau ins. A couple weeks later the new policy was cancelled. Why? They cancelled the policy because (shudder) we had ANIMALS on the farm. Horror of horrors to a moron.
As I expected, the Canadian fed gov is slowly reaching in to place controls on the wood burning marketplace. Like all things they want to impose on its citizen, they start with small and subtle changes to impose new rules to the general population. They start with only imposing on specific groups, generally businesses. The sort of impositions that the general public would think, "It doesn't affect me so why should I care." Such impositions will eventually apply to homeowner's with wood boilers, and eventually those with smaller wood stoves. You could anticipate a situation where such regulation agencies work with insurance companies to require annual or bi-annual inspections of residential wood stoves requiring repairs to gaskets, bricks, flu parts. Then possibly they will impose regulations on dryness of the wood supply. It's already being done in Europe. There's all sort of regs and articles, like this one from across the pond.
Sadly, I can't say I am surprised. Their over-reaching knows no limits, and it will happen just as you say. A little bit at a time so that the majority will think "oh this will never affect me".
Sadly, I can't say I am surprised. Their over-reaching knows no limits, and it will happen just as you say. A little bit at a time so that the majority will think "oh this will never affect me".
I am not surprised. They should tell their leaders/regulators to ride bikes year round so that pollution from their limos does not affect people. walk the talk I say or go home.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. I just don't agree with all of the folks who elevate him to the status of some sort of demigod.
He is not a demigod and in fact I doubt he has any real religious beliefs.
He should not be elevated to any status other than the fact that he is the President of the United States.
He is the leader of the greatest nation in the world.
He is only the second US President ever to be elected to a nonconsecutive term.
He is arguably the least "political insider" as we have had in our lifetimes.
Like or hate his tactics he is a businessman and knows how to get chit done.
When he talks folks listen worldwide
When liberals such as the the Joe and the Hoe show spoke the world shook their head in disgust.
Yeah I believe we are headed down a much better path.
We seldom hear of anyone who gave up their 'smoke dragon' for a modern wood stove ever say they want to go back to their old 'smoke dragon'.

This will be what finally makes the difference. Once people realize they can get the same heat for less wood, they'll switch themselves. The environmental difference will be a nice byproduct.
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