Government reaching to govern wood burning consumers

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Look up "straw man argument", and why it's a logical fallacy and not actually an argument.

I'm done with you.
I know very well what a straw man argument is and just for you I re watched the first minute of that video and the only thing the narrator says is "lets watch Elon crash and burn". I gave you some grace and watched another minute and guess what? Still no straw man arguments or arguments of any kind. So clearly you are just making stuff up to try and protect Elon because you have a thing for him. Fanboy
Elon bought twitter with a hard on for free speech.

He didn't think where the company made its money.

Turns out a lot of companies with money don't want their advertisements showing next to "free speech"

Gee i think I would have though of that first. Me with but a mere fraction of the supposed brain of the Musk.
I really dislike people with defeatist attitudes and usually those people don't vote anyway. Trump was elected by a majority of registered voters, myself included and I have complete faith in what he decides and implements. Far as Musk is concerned, the man didn't get to where he is today, in monetary standing or actual physical ownership of companies by being stupid. Quite the contrary and I trust Trump's judgement on him 100% as well.

Both Trump and Musk are successful businessmen. In my view that makes them ideal to run the government in Trump's case and advise in Elon's case and...

Remember that Musk came here as an LEGAL immigrant, unlike the thousands of illegals that the former President allowed in that are now gonna have to be deported at great expense to the taxpayers, me included.

Waiting patiently for Tom Homan to drop the hammer on the illegals, which, I'm confident will commence soon. Tom is another focused individual and a 'bulldog' when it comes to border enforcement.

All I have to say on this subject.
Well it is probably just a matter of time before intentional burning of wood is regulated.
I hate the thought of that. I love my fires!!!!
But i also understand that my actions may impact others. I can grasp the idea that my freedoms impose limits on others.

I really don't believe that gov is trying to control us through limiting our options for no reason. What would they gain??

Gov makes out best when everyone works and is somewhat happy. Needless suffering is not in their best interest.

My house is not in a neighborhood. I hope I can burn for quite a while longer.

What else would I do with my Chinese chainsaw ..
Well it is probably just a matter of time before intentional burning of wood is regulated.
I hate the thought of that. I love my fires!!!!
But i also understand that my actions may impact others. I can grasp the idea that my freedoms impose limits on others.

I really don't believe that gov is trying to control us through limiting our options for no reason. What would they gain??

Gov makes out best when everyone works and is somewhat happy. Needless suffering is not in their best interest.

My house is not in a neighborhood. I hope I can burn for quite a while longer.

What else would I do with my Chinese chainsaw ..

I remember the air here being clear and being able to see clear across the valley most of the year. Can't do that now, constant haze and poor air quality. We have a wood stove and won't be getting rid of it, but use our heat pump most of the time. Costs the same to run the heat pump as it does to go get firewood, but the manual labor involved in firewood is massive and the heat pump is pushing a button on the wall. Side benefit, much cleaner as well. Makes me wonder how much of that haze would disappear if most people used heat pumps instead of a wood stove. Heat pump tech has come a LONG way, they operate efficiently down to much lower temps than they used to, and DIY mini splits are super inexpensive. Worth a look.

That said, there was a maintenance power shutoff yesterday for ~7 hours. Were we cold? No, the wood stove was doing it's thing.
Observing the ineducability and lack of emotional control of those who aren't conservative/conservative- libertarian, is always amusing. The meltdowns caused by their cognitive dissonance is fun to watch, too.
I really dislike people with defeatist attitudes and usually those people don't vote anyway. Trump was elected by a majority of registered voters, myself included and I have complete faith in what he decides and implements. Far as Musk is concerned, the man didn't get to where he is today, in monetary standing or actual physical ownership of companies by being stupid. Quite the contrary and I trust Trump's judgement on him 100% as well.

I voted for the guy too, but trust ANYONE 100%? Absolutely not. Complete faith in what ANYONE decides and implements? Absolutely not.

Every politician should be kept under a microscope and we the people should have our thumbs poised over the "you're fired" button, reminding them constantly that they work for us and not the other way around, no matter whether they have an R or a D after their name.
I really don't believe that gov is trying to control us through limiting our options for no reason. What would they gain??
They always have a reason. Self sufficiency is the enemy of government. The more they can monitor, tax and regulate every aspect of your life the more power they have.
we the people should have our thumbs poised over the "you're fired" button
When was the last time a president was fired? Stop kidding yourself, they do their job as dictated by the people that fund them and then they are replaced by the next puppet you believe represents your interests. And in the meantime they will do whatever they want whether you like it or not
Nothing like a figurative cancer in the locker room to spread his/her poison while talking at the rest of us like he/she is the only one who is informed.
I can talk about US politics if I want don't you believe in freedom? Or is it one rule for thee and another for me?
That sounds like something my immature students would tell me "I can do it if I want to"
That said, sure you can, just like I can call you a troll all you want. You can post them on here all day long, I can say you are trolling about things that don't concern you and that you. The moderators and site owners can allow either of use to post, or ban us- since they have the freedom to do so.

I believe you are trolling, about something that is really of little to no impact to you as you don't live here. When you show up having just joined a arborist forum and immediately start arguing about affairs in a foreign country, I'm going to call it like I see it.

And no, I don't have the same beliefs about freedom for any English citizen (or anyone who isn't a US citizen) as I do for myself. I believe in constitutionally protected freedoms, for myself and my countrymen. We have plenty of freedoms that you don't have in your country, and I frankly don't care what freedoms you do or don't have, as the power to change that for yourself rests in your hands.

I also don't give a rat's behind what you, or any other person who isn't a US citizen, thinks about our government or what happens here, because you and your opinions are irrelevant to the entire affair.
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