Growing up with Redwood's. Truely God's country.

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I want to come back and spend a week or more going through more of them. 2 days wasn't enough to really see the avenue good. There was a real nice one in the founders grove area not marked. It actually seems bigger than the founders tree that is 12'.
Drag yer sorry butt over here. We will make certain you see the best of what is left, and that is more than you might think.

I can beleive that men and it would be worth the trip for sure, well maybe some day it may well just happen. Only thing stopping me coming over is money and time, i still have a young family, morgage and a sawmill buisnes which is still paying for its machines so work and family keeps us from traveling abroad. Any spare weekends i compete in chainsaw racing, which is a family thing for us.
MDavlee, I've been there, and I agree nice place, and some big tree's. It is a worthwhile experience for sure, and life altering. You get back in my neck of the wood's look me up. Turtle I sent you a REP, that's twice this week you helpe'd me, first on the carb kit question, and second you found the ranch I was talikng of, and thank's. Because I trie'd before, and had no luck. If they don't do tour's, or let many people in I am going to try, and contact them, and sneak a few of us in. Hell I'll do an interview, for the redwood thread:msp_biggrin: I will need a camera man, and a traveling band:rockn: Neil good stuff my friend, it is far away for you no doubt, that's cool on the buisness, and young family you are a lucky man.
WOW, that a nice pic, would of like to fall that tree.
Is that normal to clear fell like that, we would of been jailed for doing that on forestry or private land in my part of australia.

yes it looks bad, that was state sanctioned for the 100th state aniversery . right or wrong you would be suprized how fast that would green up.
yes it looks bad, that was state sanctioned for the 100th state aniversery . right or wrong you would be suprized how fast that would green up.

Yes i'm sure the timber will come back and am quessing its a high rainfall area.
My arguement with clear falling is it takes the bush right back to the start again and the mature trees are then gone.
Yes i'm sure the timber will come back and am quessing its a high rainfall area.
My arguement with clear falling is it takes the bush right back to the start again and the mature trees are then gone.
I do agree, it is awesome to leave some giant's behind for us to appreciate. Glad some were saved.
Norm--is their any history as why this tree was spared? would be interesting why it wasn't cut.
I would love the history myself Kimble. It sure is a beauty I am in love with it. Nobody was home I am going to try, and reach the land owner, for permission to go in the yard, and get close up's. Also ask if they know any history on it. I also know quite a few local's there, and will inquire, and keep you all poste'd. I would love to have that next to my garage anyday!
The oldtimers left quite a few big ones scattered about. Often they had too much defect or could not felled in such a way to be recoverable. Those big nasties were often logged later, I fell a few of those myself.
Yep Randy, the first time I saw it, was obviousily a true outlaw. I am going with the no layout, like you mentione'd. Of course that top blew out some time ago. It regrew a new top, my guess was 40 plus year's ago. Not sure, but glad they passe'd it by:bowdown:
old growth vids from youtube

Well men i was shown these yesturday and thought maybe worth showing, you guys may have seen them or even made them.


Neil I am having trouble with video's, and my player, but thank's for bringing those one's up. I love Humboldt county.
The oldtimers left quite a few big ones scattered about. Often they had too much defect or could not felled in such a way to be recoverable. Those big nasties were often logged later, I fell a few of those myself.

Yup. The real problem wasn't getting them on the ground, it was what do do with them after you put them down. In the old days they often didn't have a way to get the logs out that wouldn't wind up costing them money. The redwoods were so plentiful then that missing a few here and there didn't bother anybody. I'm talking the real old days here...ox teams for skidding, that kind of stuff.

Just a little before our time.
Keep it coming guys.

I find this fascinating, mind boggling, and a little saddening all at the same time.

There is a place near me called the Lost Forty that has virgin old growth Red and White Pine. An awesome place to visit here considering there is virtually no old growth left in MN.

I cant imagine walking among the Redwoods that dwarf these huge (to me) pines. :msp_smile: