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'nuff said...

Jiminy, Jiminy, Jiminy!
LarryTheCableGuy said:
Jiminy, Jiminy, Jiminy!

Let me get this correct, someone is taking old claw hammers and forging them into tomahawks and charging $900.00 for them and saying don't use them for they have no warranty? Is that the case here? Seems to me someone is out of their mind. Oh wait, shoot I forgot, sorry, this person is the guy that came in with the big story and 50% lies about a saw he bought, all makes sense now. He sure has no pride for most people wouldn't show their face after being exposed for what this guy really is, a lunatic and theif.................
NOt bad there "lassie"
You managed to take a claw hammer and turn it into a useless tool.
The same way you did with that sthil.
I'm starting to see a pattern here.
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coveredinsap said:
Oops...double tap.

Also...1050 steel, which is a plain carbon steel...with .5% carbon, is still a 'carbon steel'....as is 1020, with only .2 carbon. Different steel alloys, different hardening and tempering properties.

(By the way, there are carbon steels (alloys) that will 'work harden' just from the heat of cutting them by hand with a hack saw.)

Ya see old Slap Happy Sap, this is where ya go wrong again.............now sit back and let Ol' Paul learn a few things;;;

ToolSteel 101;

Sappy......this thread is re. chain and grinders.........chain is made of Tool Steel (I'll have the exact #'s & hardness for ya as soon as the manufacturer gets back to me!).............not the 1020 or the 1050 (almost Mild Steel) crap you're talking about, this junk is what you make Flea Market quality knives and Tomahawks outa, NOT saw chain!
Sappy, that crap isn't even considered toolsteel as it's carbon content is below .6% (as in my prev. post) and ya can't get the junk hard enough to do anything reasonable with it...........except make JUNK knives & TOMAHAWKS,
We ain't covered "work hardening" yet, that could be left for another lesson, or................. I could group it in with your heat treating lesson?

Let me know, huh?

Now Sap, we won't confuse some of the other guys here with that work hardening crap........cause it doesn't have squat to do with this thread or saws.

BTW ol Sappy, did ya know that some grades of Alum. will also work harden...........course ya did, silly me :bang: :bang:

Ya see Sap, this is where ya get the technology confused between makin dime store junk knives & tomahawks (with a torch) , and real world tools like chain saws and even ...................YES...............the hammer and anvil you PLAY WITH :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

I've noticed that some girls that call themselves "Bladesmiths", actually cheat, & pound these items outa store bought claw hammers???????

Can you imagine that?

Not that you would know of anyone defrauding her customers like that :eek: :eek:

Can you even imagine what the rest of the guys readin this thread would think of a girl after learnin something like that :jawdrop:
Paul61 said:
Ya see Sap, this is where ya get the technology confused between makin dime store junk knives & tomahawks (with a torch) , and real world tools like chain saws and even ...................YES...............the hammer and anvil you PLAY WITH :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

I've noticed that some girls that call themselves "Bladesmiths", actually cheat, & pound these items outa store bought claw hammers???????

Can you imagine that?

Not that you would know of anyone defrauding her customers like that :eek: :eek:

Can you even imagine what the rest of the guys readin this thread would think of a girl after learnin something like that :jawdrop:

Sparks are going to fly now.
All right guys, I think you're being too hard on Sap over the tomahawk thing. He obviously enjoys working on them and if he has customers, more power to him. At least he boldly outlines his warranty and implies they should not be used. If you want to get on him about being inconsistent with his warranty vs. others, that's one thing. But downing his legitimate hobby isn't quite kosher, imho.
I disagree. Sap scrutinizes EVERYTHING done by everybody except for himself. He is merciless and unrelenting. His avatar and his signature are evidence of this yet he never answers ANY of the issues about himself.

He cries:
coveredinsap said:
...Again, what's the big deal? If I have to do it then everyone should...
...but when it is turned the other way, (and this is the ONLY time) he becomes quiet.

Larry, I agree with your assessment of Sap. Still, I don't agree with making fun of his hobby. Other people like tomahawks besides Sap. I suppose what I'm getting at is that there are plenty of things to pick on legitimately.
spacemule said:
...I suppose what I'm getting at is that there are plenty of things to pick on legitimately.
I certainly agree with that!

I'll think about your other point...but c'mon, $900 for a hammer head that that still looks quite a bit like a hammer head? A website that accepts credit cards, disclaimer of warranty...that sounds more like a business, not a hobby.

spacemule said:
Larry, I agree with your assessment of Sap. Still, I don't agree with making fun of his hobby. Other people like tomahawks besides Sap. I suppose what I'm getting at is that there are plenty of things to pick on legitimately.

Yes, he is a target, any direction he turns, but as a Blacksmith, punching a hole is part of the art, cheating is making one out of a hammer,,,,,,, it would be like a "paint-by-numbers" art show.

IOW: Part of the Craftsmanship in making a hammer, is being smarter then one yourself.
I don't like making fun of any body hobbys. Art is in the eye of the beholder.
My interest is Chainsaws, and I listen to others around this Web Site.
This place has alot of talent floating around.
On the other Hand we have all listened To a person. Lie to the furthest extremes.
Not wanting to make amends. just keeps ridiculing all around.
Their's no way to filter through this B.S. without getting caught up in it.
So whats a guy to do? Yea you can ignore it. But now it's like having a bug flying around your face and you just want to smash it.
spacemule said:
Larry, I agree with your assessment of Sap. Still, I don't agree with making fun of his hobby. Other people like tomahawks besides Sap. I suppose what I'm getting at is that there are plenty of things to pick on legitimately.

Space, post a list so we can get started

:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

He get's whats comin to him :buttkick:
No Arnie, Space is right...............I feel bad now.........gotta go & scream @ the TV...........hockey game on.
See ya around 10:00.

stihlatit said:
Space has never been right in his life so you better check your thoughts on that Paul.
Has anyone else ever noticed that the vast majority of absolutes are given by those who are just a few grunts short of a ****? ;)