Hardest Part Of Tree Work

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Don't have the ground guy hold on cause if you fall you'll injure him too! Ladders are very safe and incredibly efficient for gaining access to the tree if used properly. Heavy duty has a rating of 250 pounds, so no huge *****. You can often bypass the viny portion. Collar cuts, my brothers. Peace.
rebelman said:
Ladders are very safe
Is that so?, hmmm, I have never used them for treework, never will, but I see that people fall off ladders often. I learned that here on this site, funny huh? Well not really funny to those who get hurt, they should be put against something solid, like a building, for example.
I believe the statistics about falling must be non proffesionals, not tied in. I don't believe ladders should be used for windfirming. I mean why haul it through the slash with your caulk boots on? Whether you use spikes or not, I realized that to a person on the ground it seems as if the sun shines outa your ass!
Not trying to hi-jack thread(but i am good at it hehe)

i've never used or even seen anybody use a ladder to get in a tree.
But what do you do if the tree is small enough that only the top rung of the ladder is actually on the tree and the side rails are touching nothing but air? Seems kind of wobbly to me.

holy smokes not to be an a$$ but it takes balance to climb a tree correct?same thing with a ladder got to be smarter than what your workin with.Always work smarter not harder.I use a ladder every day almost,and have for as long as i been doin trees.Cant see spendin all that energy or sittin on hooks if i can get it with a ladder.If im doin a reg tree ill use the ladder to get to the highest part where tree makes own ladder.If on a palm ill use it as high as it will go then lanyard in and hook the rest.Remember this is my opinion as ekka has stated and my brother they both hate ladders with a passion.They both are alot more experienced/better climbers than i will probably ever be.Oh well off to trim some hedges.
l2edneck said:

holy smokes not to be an a$$ but it takes balance to climb a tree correct?same thing with a ladder got to be smarter than what your workin with.Always work smarter not harder.I use a ladder every day almost,and have for as long as i been doin trees.Cant see spendin all that energy or sittin on hooks if i can get it with a ladder.If im doin a reg tree ill use the ladder to get to the highest part where tree makes own ladder.If on a palm ill use it as high as it will go then lanyard in and hook the rest.Remember this is my opinion as ekka has stated and my brother they both hate ladders with a passion.They both are alot more experienced/better climbers than i will probably ever be.Oh well off to trim some hedges.
Odd, most people on this site are all about safety (TITS, etc.) So my question is how do you tie in when going up a ladder. If you go up the ladder while tied into the tree, why even use the ladder? Your rope is already set-just footlock up. Tying into the ladder definitely isn't safe. What am I missing? When I climb with spikes, I am always lanyarded (is that a word?) in and cannot fall (or at least not very far.) How do you keep from falling off a ladder in case you become unbalanced or you step on your lanyard or you saw gets snagged on a rung, etc.
How do you keep from falling off a ladder in case you become unbalanced or you step on your lanyard or you saw gets snagged on a rung, etc.

skills i guess

Never learned to footlock because i always had a ladder and trees here are more spread than tall. Alot of times i can ladder to my tie in. Easy fer me maybe not for other ppl.Guess im just a ladder b*t*ch.To each his own.

edit:i never said it was safe
most people using a ladder, have ground guys to help hold and rope the ladder solid to the tree.
once in the tree and tied in, groundie moves the ladder.
anyone that has trouble securing and/or climbing a steady ladder, should give serious thought to "being" a climber.
once in a while a ladder can be of great help, if it's used safely.
....or it could be a death trap.
Hardest part of treework for me definately has to be finding employee's that will show up for work and work like they are supposed too. I am down one crew because one violated parole went back to jail " My best Climber " and the groundies couldnt get up in the morning because they liked to drink to much.:bang:
beowulf343 said:
Odd, most people on this site are all about safety (TITS, etc.) So my question is how do you tie in when going up a ladder. If you go up the ladder while tied into the tree, why even use the ladder? Your rope is already set-just footlock up. Tying into the ladder definitely isn't safe. What am I missing?

Simple answer is you don't tie in when climbing a ladder. Who does??? Certainly not painters, electricians, roofers etc. Sling your kit out of the way, get someone to hold the ladder and off you go, tie in at the top, secure the ladder or remove it, it's just common safety sense!
To trim really skinny palms I have to use a ladder, the top rung is padded to give it grip, I tie the ladder to the trunk whe I get up there and lanyard/rope onto the trunk, then work the pole saw while standing on the ladder at least three rungs from the top.

How do you keep from falling off a ladder in case you become unbalanced or you step on your lanyard or you saw gets snagged on a rung, etc.

How do you keep from falling on your nose if you trip on your laces walking back to the truck?!
skyhightree1 said:
Hardest part of treework for me definately has to be finding employee's that will show up for work and work like they are supposed too. I am down one crew because one violated parole went back to jail " My best Climber " and the groundies couldnt get up in the morning because they liked to drink to much.:bang:

So you're saying treework drove your employees back to a life of crime or drink!!!LOL Maybe he can put his climbing skills to use to go over the wall.

Seriously, I discussed elsewhere, this industry has a real problem with attracting and retaining useful and productive employees.
You can install a cable or chain above the top rung of the ladder to help it sit on trunks and palms ... that's what I did.

The bugger comes when the trunk dia is just too fat for the ladder or the size where the ladder gets jammed.

After I fell when the ladder slipped I gave it away, the feet skid off, I was working alone and had it firmly planted (so i thought) but underneath the mulch in the garden was plastic weed mat ... whoosh went the ladder and down I went. Threw the chainsaw away and hit the deck.

So then it either becomes a 2 man op or a lot of stuffing around tying in the ladder, yourself etc ... ahhh, put ya gear on and just climb it. You have to have your gear on anyway.

Also, when cleaning palms many times you have to then put the ladder the other side of the palm to get the crap around the back. Also, when there are heaps of dead butts that are still attached you put the ladder on the trunk, go up, pull butts off, come down, raise the ladder another couple of rungs, go back up and sometimes have to do the same again ... PITA.
Ekka said:
So then it either becomes a 2 man op or a lot of stuffing around tying in the ladder, yourself etc ... ahhh, put ya gear on and just climb it. You have to have your gear on anyway.
Ha ha, thanks Ekka, that is what I thought too. But alot of people say ladders are the best thing going. I am always interested in anything to make the job easier but I couldn't seem to get an answer on how to make the ladder safer to climb than the tree itself. Oh well, guess I'll forget about the ladder thing.
I tried using as ladder earlier this year. Climbed up it, anchored the ladder to the tree with my climbing rope and then climbed SRT, sinking redirects as I went along. I was such a noob to the ladder / tree thing that I set up a camera to capture the event.

I've used it two or three other times this year. I can see how it would be useful in certain situations, but as Ekka says, ya still gotta have your gear on.
Here's the virgin noobie ladder job

Is it just me or did TM do that tree in 3 seconds?

Man that was fast, it was blurr, dont squint or you'll miss it. lol

Where's the ladder part?
I never claimed to be slow. The ladder is set up on the trunk, behind the truck. That was my very first job after I recovered from last Summer's broken leg, which is why I used a ladder.

That camera blew out a few months ago. When I get a new one I want the time lapse to be more adjustable. That piece was shot at one pic every thirty seconds. A shot every ten seconds would give a lot better time lapse result on tree jobs, especially Winter crown reductions.

On my third ladder job I dropped a piece of firewood and took out a rung.

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