I saw a fat bike just recently. The tires & rims I noticed immediately. Back when was a serious rider the beefiest wheels tou could get where called double wides made by sun rims. 26"x2.75 or 80 in front &a 24x3 in back of a Santa Cruz super 8. 8.75 of travel out back & the boxxer was like 7.5. Ive still got the bike minus front brake rotor & assembly, bottom bracket & crank arms gonna put a new fork & rear shock on it one day and go see if i can still huck myself off of small cliffs and navigate narrow catwalks just high enough in the air so you hurt yourself if you fall off. With the 24" in the back i could manual that bike as long as there was a hill to pull me. A manual is a wheelie sans brakes and pedal power. Just chllin on the back tire doin about 30mph. Those big wheels & tires made it easy if you got the front spinning before you put it in the air. Gyro effect.. anyhow, how stout are the wheels on those fat bikes? I punished he chit out of those doublewides and never even had to true one up. Popped tubes from casing rocks, stairs/curbs, rim still fine. I need to get back into what we called freeriding. Go find a good long double set of stairs, gap the first set & the landing and land on the second set. Roofs to downslopes. Walls. 18 wheeler trailers to downslopes. Id probably break my leg in 20 minutes if I tried any of that now..