Put a kit in the Tilley this morning and tried to run it. I wants to run out of gas and die at W.O.T.. Filled fuel tank to the brim, changed fuel filters and even ran it without a fuel filter. Still see lots of bubbles in the tygon tank to carb. line. Both the low and high speed jets are 1/2-3/4 turn open and react like they should. Fuel lines are good.
Ideas anyone?
Am going to pull the carb. again and have a look-see at the pump side.
The evilbay XL-800 arrived this morning. Nearly two weeks late. Seller shipped it Tuesday. I left neg. feedback.
Few things Carl.
Thing-1)Did you try running it with the fuel cap off to see if your cap has a venting issue?
Thing-2)Make sure you have the diaphragms and gaskets are in that carb in the right order. The HL is different than 'cube' carbs such as SDC's. Propper order (with the carb body upside down) is:
-Carb body (duh)
-Metering chamber gasket
-Metering diaphragm
-Metering chamber cover
-Pump GASKET (on a cube, you'd flip the body over and put the pump DIAPHRAGM here).
-Pump cover.
If you're like me and you brainfart after doing dozens of 'cube' carbs, you may revert to the usual 'cube' carb gasket diaphragm order. This will make the pump section of the carb not work for ####, and it will run like you describe. Did that with my McCulloch 650. Tore that carb apart about five times before I realized my mistake. The pump diaphragm needs to be the LAST thing on the 'stack' before the pump cover, as the valve holes that the pump diaphragm valve 'flaps' seal against are in that cover (and NOT in the metering chamber cover). The metering chamber cover has recesses for the valve 'flaps' to swing into when opening.
Thing-3) Make sure the fuel lines are tightly sealed on the nipples. May have to use the little wire clamps. That's inside the tank, outside the tank, and on the carb.
My bet is that you have the pump diaphragm and gasket switched. It'll run that way, but not well. My McCulloch 650 would idle great, but would fall on its face after revving for a few seconds. Had to 'nurse' it back to life for about 20 seconds with the choke before it would recover. LOTS of bubbles in the fuel line. Once I got the pump diaphragm and gasket in the right order, it ran perfect.