Homelite Chainsaws

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I don't think he's had that 790 as long as you've had Knothead's. :sucks::help::biggrin:

Yeah, but I had it all cleaned up and running for him in June (using one of my carbs........Randy hasn't decided which carb he's gonna install)............but found out it had a corroded/broken crankcase stuffer and oil tank. We were gonna sort that out when I stopped at his place on the way to the PNW GTG......but my truck died on the way north. The saw has sat on my shelf ever since. The Emperor recently sent me a used stuffer and oil tank (and it turns out that tank is cracked too........may end up using a tank I have laying around from a S-44A). I need to order a stuffer and oil tank gasket and throw it together. About an hour of work left, tops. The raffle 10-10A and John's 750 have cut in line as well.
Is the stuffer the same as a 125? I have one here that might work if you need it.

I think so Charles. Randy sent me a good stuffer though, so I don't need one. Thanks though. He also sent an oil tank from a 797 he parted out, but the front of the tank's pretty cracked. I think somebody bashed the front of the saw into something pretty hard. I might be alble to seal it from the inside with JB Weld, but I have a good S-44A tank in a box of parts (and Randy sez he can live without the auto oiler pump). Main thing I need is gaskets. McCulloch seems to have used about 2,456 different oil tank and stuffer gaskets. Between the 44/55 IPL's, various front tank saw IPL's, 740 IPL, 790 IPL, 795 IPL, 797 IPL, 840/890/895 IPL, and the various 105/125 IPL's I have, there are many many different part numbers for these two gaskets. The gasket numbers from the 790 IPL haven't popped up on feebay or the various kart/saw parts sites very often. There are several other gaskets that "look" like they'd work...................but I'm not sure of compatability. I really should just call Bob Johnson...
Pretty soon you'll be known as Prolite 1020. A little too qualified to be the Homelite shopmonkey, though...

Hey now that's LOW Jeff. I've finished several projects for myself and others in the time that SM has taken to fiddlefart with that 790.:sucks:

Both of ya are hitting pretty low.

Maybe some pictures of the mess I'm dealing with are in order... most people's brains fizzle out at the sight of a mess like the one my barn is in... :sucks:

I get distracted pretty easily... visit the tool forum if you want to see a handful of the useful crap I brought home from work, I cleaned out and organized the 'spare parts and chit' room that they have...

I do have some surprises planned for a few of ya...

While I'm here, does anyone know where to get some long reach bits for a Dremel/mini die grinder? I am trying to figure out the best way to work the lower transfers... you know, the ones behind the 1/2" plugs... I could use the large ball cutter, but the results probably wouldn't be what we all saw with the upper transfers.
I think so Charles. Randy sent me a good stuffer though, so I don't need one. Thanks though. He also sent an oil tank from a 797 he parted out, but the front of the tank's pretty cracked. I think somebody bashed the front of the saw into something pretty hard. I might be alble to seal it from the inside with JB Weld, but I have a good S-44A tank in a box of parts (and Randy sez he can live without the auto oiler pump). Main thing I need is gaskets. McCulloch seems to have used about 2,456 different oil tank and stuffer gaskets. Between the 44/55 IPL's, various front tank saw IPL's, 740 IPL, 790 IPL, 795 IPL, 797 IPL, 840/890/895 IPL, and the various 105/125 IPL's I have, there are many many different part numbers for these two gaskets. The gasket numbers from the 790 IPL haven't popped up on feebay or the various kart/saw parts sites very often. There are several other gaskets that "look" like they'd work...................but I'm not sure of compatability. I really should just call Bob Johnson...

My 790 MC91 has a shellaced gasket between the stuffee and block and 1194 between the stuffer and tank, no gsaket. No leaks so far.
My 790 MC91 has a shellaced gasket between the stuffee and block and 1194 between the stuffer and tank, no gsaket. No leaks so far.

I was wondering if going gasketless and using Threebond 1194 would cause a clearance issue beween the stuffer and the crank/rod. It'd be great if I could forgo the gaskets and go with some Threebond.
I was wondering if going gasketless and using Threebond 1194 would cause a clearance issue beween the stuffer and the crank/rod. It'd be great if I could forgo the gaskets and go with some Threebond.

I checked my 101s for this. It works, but I didn't do it. On the tank side, go for it.
I was wondering if going gasketless and using Threebond 1194 would cause a clearance issue beween the stuffer and the crank/rod. It'd be great if I could forgo the gaskets and go with some Threebond.

I would feel safer using gaskets, Even if you
have to make your own. At least between the
block and stuffer like cpr stated. I always have
used gaskets as they are not hard to find.

I am in the process of cleaning up my 925 for re assembly and found the flywheel.....darn thing is missing 50% of the fins, looks like this one is going on the back burner until I can get to my parts store for a more complete one.

Here is that flywheel if it will work for you, I have stolen the starter dawgs and springs.



Working on a 330 that I tore apart and reassembled with new intake boot, fuel, impulse and oil lines. Starts and runs very well. With a muuf mod it really is a strong saw. Oiler has me baffled however, won't pump oil. Tore it apart and everything looks okay. Diaphragm has no holes but wonder if that's the problem. Anyone have any exp. with these oilers? Any one know the part # for oiler as I don't have an IPL.

Part# for oiler diaphragm, sorry.

the oiler diaphragm and plunger part no. is A94675. pm me an addy and i'll send you the IPL.
now that i've got your attention. i started tearing my 330 down last night so i could replace fuel and oil lines and the carb boot. almost got it torn down. seems like it should come apart but the p&c assembly seems to rotate about some point but i can't find what's holding it. almost seems like the fuel tank is interfering with the removal. only thing i haven't taken off is the oiler. wondering if there's a hidden screw under the oiler assembly? this saw better impress me cause its a real PITA.
Here is that flywheel if it will work for you, I have stolen the starter dawgs and springs.


Was this flywheel with a 3 piece electronic ignition? Mentioning this since 925s could have a single piece module (later models) or the 3 piece setup. I was thinking there would be 2 dimples on the inside for the trigger module if its a 3 piece setup and can't see 'em in the pic. Just throwing this out to make sure it'll work as expected.

Was this flywheel with a 3 piece electronic ignition? Mentioning this since 925s could have a single piece module (later models) or the 3 piece setup. I was thinking there would be 2 dimples on the inside for the trigger module if its a 3 piece setup and can't see 'em in the pic. Just throwing this out to make sure it'll work as expected.


This is the ignition

I believe there were also Phelon and Wicco points ignitions used on those saws. You had to match the coil to the flywheel (both will have markings) for it to work. I can't tell which points type ignition that is. Look for a "P" or a "W".
True that many 7/8/9s used points, but 925s proper all either had a 3 piece or single piece electronic ignition. Homelite sure made this a confusing line to figure out parts interchange, just like the XL-1xx with all the different variations. What was it, like the 850 that had even another oddball electronic ignition setup with a special trigger molded onto the cover plate with the crank bearing and mounted a coil.


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