This one gave me a scare. After replacing the PTO side crank seal on my bud's Homelite 750, I was setting the L-side when........................it blew a grey cloud out the side and crapped out. Compression was now near zero. WHAT THE ####???
Pulled the muffler and checked the P/C. Still in great shape and unchanged. Noticed that the spark plug and the underside of the transformer (Homelite's name for the 'coil pack' that sits on top of the plug on these saws...for those that don't know) were all grey and sooty. Underside of the transformer was a bit melted too. Hmm.....
Pulled the transformer and the plug. Damn plug insulator had come loose from the plug body. Weird stuff. Thank God it was a $2 plug and not a $300 plus (when you can find 'em) P/C set.
Now that's more like it. Installed a new plug, put things back together, and it's a runner. Crank seal solved the wandering tune and idle (when tilted) problem.
Man I wish I could still embed videos. Seems that Photobucket videos aren't supported here anymore. They used to be....
I was worried that the transformer got damaged.....but it's still working fine.