I've been working on an XL923 and a C52. The clutch shoes were sheared (6 bronze looking shoes) in the 923, so shoes were ordered and arrived. While waiting, I was looking a bit at the C52. I'm wanting to run .404 on a short bar, so took a look at the spur sprocket (7T 3/8) and then the clutch. I was surprised to NOT find a clutch similar to the xl923, but with 3 shoes. Instead, it has 3 BIG shoes that make as much contact as the XL923s 6! Another surprise was that the C52 has an inboard clutch vs the outboard setup on the xl923.
I found an older, but new Oregon 19" .063 hardnose bar. It wasn't spcifically the F014 mount, but may be similar enough to work. The carb kit was delivered, and I bought both 3/16"ID rubber and Tygon fuel line, so need to get those changed. I've also found clutch drum that takes rim sprockets, so will be able to experiment with 3/8-7, 3/8-8, and .404-7.
I need to make a spanner to remove the XL923's clutch carrier. I have a carb kit for it as well.