I had to do the same. Disabled Javascript in Chrome and on my phone. Disabled scripting/advanced scripting in IE. Now it's kinda clunky, but at least I'm not getting the linkbucks crapola. BTW...............do a virus/malware scan. After getting that llinkbucks crap, I found 8 bugs in a scan...
That saw has the 4 petal pyramid reed setup. Tillotson HS as well. That saw is a Super XL-Automatic in cool colors. Quite a score indeed. Talk with ModifiedMark before he heads to the GTG if you can. IIRC he still has some NOS Homelite bars. Bet he'd hook you up with one for that saw. Check the bar studs. Should be 5/16', as that saw should be from before the switch to 3/8" studs..........but you never know. Tell Mark the stud size too. Of course, you could always do the spring stud spacer thing if you need to put a 3/8" slot bar on it (and it has 5/16" studs). Between that saw and your Canuck department store SXL-AO with the chainbrake, you've got a couple RARE ones from that series.
Thanks Aaron. I like this one. The black SXL AO with the chain brake is special to me but it's so ugly it has to sneak up on a fuel can to get a drink.
I might try to polish and paint up this bar. You can see the remnants of the paint in this pic plus another of the ID plate. No UT numbers on most of thee saws plus I have never been able to come across an IPL if they even produced them. The saw does have 5/16" studs. I will have to find a fuel line for it as the parts of the one that is there is now just tar.
Sorry about the thumbnails but the pic function is gone with the Java disabled.