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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Granby Center, NY
Ozflea E-mailed me asking for some pictures of my hotsaws. So I figured why not start a thread so we all can show him what we've got. Here are three- Me at fryeburg maine missing the rear handle, myself and Dave Engasser in the warmup in Vanier, Ont, and my wife Erica at Terryville CT.
Awesome pictures Andy. I rarely get photos taken of me hotsawing. Mainly because I suck sooooo bad. I have several photos of my Rotax on the site if anyone's interested. Thanks to EHP, It's got pictures of me taking off the float bowl and changing the needle and seat from a gravity fed needle to a fuel pump needle. I told EHP that I was way underqualified to be doing all that work on a hotsaw. I told him that felt like a janitor doing major open heart surgery. It took all season to get the darn thing right, but it finally ran.

All the best,
Arden Cogar Jr. aka Jamie
Jaimie- What are you running for a carb? I've got the same carb/ignition setup Sullivan has, mine doesn't run like his.
I bet you don't have the same pipe as Sullivans LJS
What saw is your wife running. From the little I can see of it it looks like a Dolmar i guess a 7900.
Nope i was wrong in my guess, I blew up the picture and cant really tell from the little i can see.
Sweet photo!! Seeing these photos makes me want to buy a hotsaw and start practicing.


Well fellas that kinda says more than a mouthful those rotax's look awsome.
I,m going to give the Old Mac 101 a run this year, but it will be interesting to see if it still bothers the locals and their hotted up stihls, we have advanced to your stage yet.
I did a bit of ringing around to see if the saws still compete and it looks as if the organisers are worried on insurance, so no racing in the true sense but two saws doing demo runs side by side sounds good (shh) but it's not a race, bull isn't it as i don't like coming second to nothing, demo or no demo.
I had heard that Dale's saw went to a guy in France. Stihl has some stuff going on in Europe. Harold Winkle's almost went there, but Kevin Holtz in NY snatched that one up. At least I won't be the Inexperianced one this year. LJS- you got any info on pipes?
Chopwood said:
Jaimie- What are you running for a carb? I've got the same carb/ignition setup Sullivan has, mine doesn't run like his.

My carb is a lectron. It's 48mm at the mouth and put on by D&D. It has a rubber boot connecting the carb body to the saw frame which cuts down on vibration considerably which is suppossed to be better for the engine. The solid mounted carbs vibrate an awful lot. Again, I had to add a fuel pump because the engine died on me after 2 and 1/2 cuts on bigger logs. No crap, Rochester, Boonville, Hayward, and a small show down our way......two and 1/2 great cuts and....whammo...... dead. In wood smaller than 18" it was perfect. But once I got on a 19" (Stihl Series) or a 20" (the four shows I listed above) it blew chunks. D&D did great work, it just took me too much tinkering in order to get it to work. Again, I liken the procedure to a janitor performing open heart surgery.

Andy, what type of harmonic balancer do you have on your saw? Just curious, I may be able to help you with the vibration on the saw if you've kept the original aluminium harmonic balancer.

All the best,
The balancer on mine is brass. When I bought it from Rick H. I really didn't get a whole lot of info. Vibration is not really a factor though. Iv'e thought of changing carbs but then I see what Mike is running on his is the same as mine. Granted, he has probably done some interior work and has a better pipe (mine is going up to EHP in a little bit), but the biggest thing holding me back is experience.
Chopwood said:
The balancer on mine is brass. When I bought it from Rick H. I really didn't get a whole lot of info. Vibration is not really a factor though. Iv'e thought of changing carbs but then I see what Mike is running on his is the same as mine. Granted, he has probably done some interior work and has a better pipe (mine is going up to EHP in a little bit), but the biggest thing holding me back is experience.

The two things that I would note that are different about Mike's saw, when compared to yours, is that he has a better stater (more efficient electrical system) and a better pipe. The crank shop did his pipe and there is only one other stater on a Rotax today that's like Mike's. And that saw belongs to Harry Burnsworth. To be honest, I actually bought another Stater from Russ and it was just like the one I had. Mike's and Harry's are Big and red. The rest of our staters are small and metal. I honestly don't know if that means much, but Harry and Mike's saws are really fast in comparison to others. Particuarly Harry's. Harry's had the brass harmonic balancer installed on it from the beginning - hence, everyone changed the balancers to be like Harrys. However, his came from Russ, so I imagine it's a bit more precise.

What type of sprocket are you running? I've been running a 12, but I'm switching to a 13 for this season. My gut is telling me that some guys are running 14s. I don't know if that means much either. We'll see.

All the best,
Mine's got the big red stator ignition on it check the picture at the beginning of the thread- that's the one right? Only running a 12 tooth. Most of the hotshots are running 13's. I think Matt's running a 14, probably Bolstad is too. I figure my pipe is the biggest problem I have. It is huge and beat up compared to the most of the ones I see. Thanks for the info Jaimie.
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