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I think the saws of Mike and david are running a good chain to that might make them cut faster than , your average hotsaw
I don't think it's Limpy more like Gimpy, get it right next time TJF. Who's the man now. :eek:

Hope all is well and I will see you at the end of Feb. Dennis doesn't know it but I am coming out for a few days to run the 2100 with your chain. You didn't kow that either did ya. :heart:
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thf said:
I think the saws of Mike and david are running a good chain to that might make them cut faster than , your average hotsaw
I'm more worried about getting the motor runnig correctly. But I'd love to get the virgin loop of oregon done that I have. Does anyone have a suggestion of who to ask?
Chopwood.....have you ever heard of the super-duper fullhouse chain Art Martin invented? He claims it "almost" can't be beat! Ever seen it on the Stihl Timbersport Series? NO!, so if you can get a hank of that, you'll be the first! Good Luck!! LJS
The two posters right under your last post is a start. I hear that TFJ and LJS can file some barbed wire, But what do I know. I'm just a limp wristed, city boy, west coast big wood racer. :cool:
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Marky Mark said:
The two posters right under your last post is a start. I hear that TFJ and LJS can file some barbed wire, But what do I know. I'm just a limp wristed, city boy, west coast big wood racer. :cool:
I'm just a lousy chain filer LOL. Thanks for all the info guys, once I get the motor running right, a tickle on my chain is next. THF- PM me with a price, so I know what I'm getting myself into.
I just want you to get a look at the guy your dealing with.
LOOK! He's posting under the name of Big Dutchman!
OK John I want my pass word erassed from your memory No more bad posts from you People are starting to get madd at me I have a limmited amount of friends anyway
I was under the impreesion it was Joe Lamb in that picture. John has the pictures of Tommy giving filing lessons somewhere. It's all in the Devil thread. So look real hard and you to can file race chain. Just like Lamberts bannana chain.
Hey Chopwood,

In the first set of pictures in this thread, there's a shot of you and another guy warming up your saws. I was wondering what that thing is that's right above the exhaust pipe, where the pipe comes out of the cylinder?

rmihalek said:
Hey Chopwood,

In the first set of pictures in this thread, there's a shot of you and another guy warming up your saws. I was wondering what that thing is that's right above the exhaust pipe, where the pipe comes out of the cylinder?

It's called a RAVE, it is a vacuum/RPM operated variable exhaust valve. one of the the things that make those saws so powerful.
Chopwood said:
I'm more worried about getting the motor runnig correctly. But I'd love to get the virgin loop of oregon done that I have. Does anyone have a suggestion of who to ask?

Tommy Fales does awesome work. Just instruct him to keep the filing on the teeth as the torque from the engines can snap the side plates that have been "thinned" when he lightens the chain. Happened to me on the Series two years ago and it scared the crap out of me; the chain went through the aluminum casting above the sprocket, whizzed upwards and left a nice gash on my right hand. Shortly after words, I put a piece of stainless over the area near the sprocket. Word to the wise. Keep the metal the sideplates for that big chain.

There's a lot of guys that do there own filing that's absolutely awesome. Harry Burnsworth has turned it into an art. Terry Taylor in arkansas is also very good at it, but I'm not sure if he's done 1/2 chain before. I'll see if I can think of some more later.

All the best,

Mr. Cogar Do you know how old that chain was ? if it was the one that i sold you. Have you ever seen a 1/2 chain break that was stock? i have . See the problem is with the 1/2 being so heavy and the guys like your self and alot of others run there chain way to tight!! which after time will make your chain brittle. Don't hate the player hate the game :)

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