It is nasty stuff, never used it myself, but I had a bunch of Marines that had. It burns the skin around the wound and the scares are raised and really nasty looking, BUT, it stops the bleeding. They carried that stuff and tampons on their flak. From what I was told, tampons saved alot of lives, perfect for bullet wounds. The clotting agents where used for IED wounds mainly. Again, not speaking from experience, but the majority of kids I had working for me at OCS where in the "chit" alot. Had one kid that did 131 vehicle recovery's, they try and limit a wrecker operator to 30, as most of the time, he is picking up his friends. This kid was blown up and shot several times, and he swears by that QuickClot..........and tampons! He is now a spec operator at MarSoc, which for u that don't know what that is, it means he would kick Rambo's aas!