how to prevent lean Situation again?

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ArboristSite Member
Aug 12, 2002
Reaction score
hi guys,
with all your help, my Project "restaurating my 024" is complete.
The problem in the past was a lean situation that caused a cylinder and piston damage.
I have rebuild some seals and gaskets.........but how can I go shure, it isn´t the same lean situation again.
Ok, using the propper gas, oil, the right rpm, that is clear to me.
I don´t have a pressure/vaccum Tool to check for air Leaks.
My major question is now:

Is there something on the behavior of a saw, that lets me know, she is running lean again?
I know how to "read" the face of a spark plug in a 4 cycle. It must be brown when fuel/air mix is right.
Is there some spark color in 2 cycles too?
When she is starting hard, running bad, or something else, are these the signs of going lean again?
Do i have the warranty, if she is running good, the rpm is right, mix is right and she starts fine she isn´t leany?

Sorry, i have Problems to explain, i hope you know what i mean....

Camel, you can try the traditional test of letting it run at an idle, and turning it 360 degrees over...sometimes an air leak in seals will show itself will know by the saw changing rpms or stalling...the other thing you can do and i do this quite spray carb cleaner around the base of the cylinder and intake boot while its running..(found a 365 intake leak that way just yesterday) .that will help you with those leaks, but not seals...the best test is pressure/vacuum....if you an maybe visit a dealer and see how much they would charge you....
aha, you mean, spraying carb cleaner around the leaks will richen the mix and then change the rpm?

I heared the same on cars.....spraying and looking at the "co" gauge if it richen up.

I just found an air leak on my 026 the other day. The clamp holding the rubber intake boot to the cylinder was loose (again) and the screw was stripped so I cannot tighten it down. I have another clamp on order, $4.

I forgot who sent me the 026 parts breakdown in PDF, but I am thankful that I have it. :angel:
"I know how to "read" the face of a spark plug in a 4 cycle. It must be brown when fuel/air mix is right.
Is there some spark color in 2 cycles too?"

2 cycles should also be a "dusty brown"
ok, fine thx Bill.
Mine has to brake in, the plug is multicolored till now.
Little brown, little grey, little black...