ArboristSite Operative
McGiver stuff, I was wondering too !
Marc, Very good! Feel the same. Something very personal about your firewood. I've got a bad back and I actually give some wood away to some people who really need it. But steal my wood! You better be able to run or have very good hospitalization insurance!There's something so infuriating to me about the idea of someone stealing my firewood. Maybe it's the labor that goes into it. I know I work for the other things I buy, but something about having sweat and occasionally bled to stockpile my firewood. And in the past if someone is desperate and asks for help, I'd be glad to offer some or work something out on price. But I have to wonder if more often someone who chooses to steal is just lazy rather than in a hard place.
Like tripwire to mousetrap deal?
What Breed you have?
Mostly mutts, rescue dogs. have 7 right now, close to a dozen cats.
The two that would def chomp someone are both females, one is a dalmation/ozzie shep mix, the other looks mostly black lab, pretty big. That's the one picked up on the sneak thief. She ain't as big as big male lab, but hits around 90. big enough. Black with big white teefs....
The dalmation/shep mix is NUTS and fast. I mean bonafide crazze don't give a crap nuts. That's the only one I have that I got as a new puppy. She's like my personal protector, self appointed.
She saved my bacon once bigtime. We got invaded by a wild pitbull pack. Maximum suckage. First they charged my Gf right by the house, up outside the greenhouse, that dog held them back, she's screaming I come running up, they ran off. So, I go get her to get me some heavier stuff while I watch them run, see where they head, took that dog, tied the others, stuck the little ones in the house, and went hunting. Found them up in the upper pastures, five of them come charging out at us, that dang dog just leaped in the middle of them and was kikin righteous booty like I never seen any dog do in my whole life. She was slash biting out one lb chunks of pitbull, spitting them out, getting another bite, faster than your eyeballs could work, like a machine. I couldn't get a clean shot, dog melee. So, I wade right in (I'm sorta nuts too and adrenalin kicked in big), I am gonna just slap the rifle barrel on individual dogs and blast, plus some fancy kicking. I get to the first one, it wiggles away, I don't shoot, so wicked kick hard, that one got hurt. The others by now are having enough of this devil dalmation and split- this surprised heck outta me, but that's what happened. Call it a draw for the night, sun going down.
Next day I go out by myself and rifle, go downwind where I think they are hiding, sit and wait. Eventually I see them coming out, wait for the largest one, pack leader, nail that one clean. The others start running, I take my best shotgun styled lead swing effort on the next one and tumbled it, but it got up kept running. Never saw the rest of that pack.
I NEVER even heard of a single dog live through tangling with five pits. She didn't hardly take much of anything for wounds either, just too darn fast. Plus, she was just supreme aggravated I guess. And she ain't that big, only about 75lbs.
I think that first night if she hadn't distracted them I woulda got chomped pretty fair. I owe her bigtime.
I personally don't have thousands of dollars for some elaborate security system and ****y traps and ten more dogs and remote robotic gun sentries and all that noise. This is the best I got. Worked for me so far. There's a donkey with the cows to deal with coyotes when I ain't around. The dnr guys have hidden trail cams set up to catch poachers and weed growers in the more remote areas of the farm. I stay completely away from those areas. I don't even accidentally want to walk up on some big operation or surprise one of the armed poachers. Most of them boys are two time losers and face life on the third bust here, so they are trigger happy and it ain't worth the risk to me to go play junior rambow over some stupid reason like that, and I am always with my dogs anyway and I don't want any of my dogs hurt either, either shot or hurt in some lame ****y trap.
You guys worry me, my driveway runs right past my neighbors, they are great at telling me who has been up or not. Am thinking of a gate since we have a bridge over the creek, one way in/out. I love my dogs, don't mess with my dogs.
Zogger, how many acres you got on the 'farm'? When you are afraid to visit a portion of your property then maybe you should turn that portion into the impact area. Sporadic fire at any time of day is a great deterrent. North Georgia, not a huge problem with pot here, meth trailers here in rural McDowell county ae where its at. My bil has those issues, they are bad.
I have ten Chinese and Embden geese besides 12 cameras, the geese are a roving pack of grass eating nastiness, besides trimming grass they roam the cleared part of my property and will attack everything from humans to rabbits, they are very territorial and noisy when someone is around, even when I let someone drive in they will surround the vehicle and start pecking at it till I call them off, as a bonus they keep the Canadian geese out of my ponds.
my chow bully mix keeps the riffraff away, he's an extremely faithful dog.
To bad you cant post your camera video of the thief on here !(prolly invasion of privacy or something)Just when you thought it was safe to be at work….
I've recently installed security cameras for the home/property and I was going through some alarm footage only to find a would have been wood thief. It was just around noon when this guy pulls into my driveway, walks the property for a minute then backs his pickup all the way in to property and upto my wood stash. I see him get out of the truck, put on work gloves, make one quick knock on the door. He then goes back near his truck, takes a look around to see if the coast is clear, then BAM, he looks one of the obvious cameras right in the eye and high tales it outta there.
In my opinion the investment was well worth it. The look on this guys face was PRICELESS!! It may as well been a 85lbs German Shepard running at him. F@%$ing guy had his truck in drive before he closed his door. LOL.
Let's just say he should be expecting to have a nice chat soon
I have ten Chinese and Embden geese besides 12 cameras, the geese are a roving pack of grass eating nastiness, besides trimming grass they roam the cleared part of my property and will attack everything from humans to rabbits, they are very territorial and noisy when someone is around, even when I let someone drive in they will surround the vehicle and start pecking at it till I call them off, as a bonus they keep the Canadian geese out of my ponds.