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....who knew.
BTW Zog, Goose is some fine eating.....but swans ?:cool2:

BTW Zog, Goose is some fine eating.....but swans ?:cool2:
Wow - either I live in a pretty darn good area, or I better wake up and smell the coffee. Sure, thieves have taken one of the kids bikes from time to time (most were recovered), and once someone walked off with my pressure washer (darn thing was brand new!), but nothing beyond that.
Still, I'm a bit more worried now that my new shop is 1/2 block away. I lock it up at night (didn't bother when it was in my back yard), and have some motion lights around it.
Put the cameras in now, and remote the feed to a hard drive off site. The first time you recover your equipment they will be paid for. In this economy and social structure, crime will just keep going up and up. Use real hidden cameras then some obvious fake ones for deterrent.
If it is only half a block and you have clean line of sight, you should be able to wifi (heck, even a high end bluetooth connection will go a hundred yards or better) the feed over to your house.
It is funny how I'll be working on some hair brained idea and I'll think to myself "boy, John would have liked this"
Swans....who knew.
BTW Zog, Goose is some fine eating.....but swans ?:cool2:
What do you think of parking a Police car at your place would thieves still rob there?They can be bought cheap used !Just move it around a little like it is in use daily.
sounds like they had info as to when who was home.Well from all that I heard here I say you need to always have someone home and armed.We lived on a corner lot with garage underneath the house in Des Moines. Literally 20 ft from my backdoor was the house of a police officer. Over a weekend thieves broke in while we were gone. They tried the front door but the glass in the door was too far from the lock. Went to the backdoor broke the window out leaving blood :biggrinbounce2: and gained entry. They ransacked the place taking my wife's jewelry ($10 to 15K), food and anything of value. They must of left by the front door because it was open when we arrived back on Sunday. All of our spare car keys were sitting on top of one of the cars in the garage. Too dumb to figure out which key went to which car. Police car may be a deterrent but it will only work for so long. Hate to say it but you can't count on the police.
sounds like they had info as to when who was home.Well from all that I heard here I say you need to always have someone home and armed.
Thats why I taught my Great Dane to shoot.
He makes a great deterrent since he can stand up and look over our 6ft privacy fence at any would be idiots. The Lab and the Weimerainer help with the barking alarm. I really love to let him out the door in front of me when solicitors come by, holding onto his collar (tall enough so no leash needed) he usually does the talking for me on the no thanks I'm not interested.
Neighbors across the street from us have had their door kicked in and a few things stolen. Said it musta been kids since it was like lighters, cigarettes, cds, dvds.
Wife and I are both crack shots if the need arises that an idiot decides to press his luck while we are home, the rest of the time they will be dog chow
Tip of the day bows are silent!