I almost had me a wood thief?..

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Wow - either I live in a pretty darn good area, or I better wake up and smell the coffee. Sure, thieves have taken one of the kids bikes from time to time (most were recovered), and once someone walked off with my pressure washer (darn thing was brand new!), but nothing beyond that.

Still, I'm a bit more worried now that my new shop is 1/2 block away. I lock it up at night (didn't bother when it was in my back yard), and have some motion lights around it.

Put the cameras in now, and remote the feed to a hard drive off site. The first time you recover your equipment they will be paid for. In this economy and social structure, crime will just keep going up and up. Use real hidden cameras then some obvious fake ones for deterrent.

If it is only half a block and you have clean line of sight, you should be able to wifi (heck, even a high end bluetooth connection will go a hundred yards or better) the feed over to your house.
Put the cameras in now, and remote the feed to a hard drive off site. The first time you recover your equipment they will be paid for. In this economy and social structure, crime will just keep going up and up. Use real hidden cameras then some obvious fake ones for deterrent.

If it is only half a block and you have clean line of sight, you should be able to wifi (heck, even a high end bluetooth connection will go a hundred yards or better) the feed over to your house.

Yeah Unc better git cracking!
It is funny how I'll be working on some hair brained idea and I'll think to myself "boy, John would have liked this"

Like... firewood via explosives? Make sure to film it! :D

"And now, the proper use of a shaped charge to split 30" oak"
Swans :rock: ....who knew.

BTW Zog, Goose is some fine eating.....but swans ?:cool2:

Got the wild ones all over here because there are multiple ponds and pastures. Never shot one though, I kinda sorta outgrew most of my hunting interest (that will change whenever the wild hogs discover this place). Tons of quail, too, and turkeys. One of the dogs here, a border collie, is fast enough and can jump high enough she snags quail once in awhile, and eats them. None of them jackals has caught any geese yet, but they try. Rabbits they sometimes get, and one of my cats can catch rabbits fairly regular.

When we first moved here, I saw small deer herds daily, then the poachers started hitting the place. Within two years of hearing bang bang bang at night you rarely saw a deer. Now that the game warden guys are cracking down I am starting to see some deer again.

I have read on the internets over the years about how guys will "just go hunt for their food" when/if the TSHTF. I don't think they realise how fast deer disappear once 1,000 times as much unregulated anything goes hunting pressure is put on the herds. Back during the depression, white tails near got wiped out this side of the big muddy. And it didn't take very long either, a few years.

My dad was telling me about it, he was a kid back then, lived on a farm northern lower peninsula michigan. Same deal, even with a low real rural population, once the bankster gangsters wiped everyone out, guys had to really hunt for food. Deer disappeared. His dad went to clubbing and trapping rabbits to supplement what they had from chickens and a garden. The deer, what remained of them, went wicked deep and totally nocturnal.

Anyway, he taught my dad how to spot and club rabbits and then my dad taught me. Back then, shotgun shells were expensive so they just clubbed them.
A couple of weeks ago I drove down to my home in Kissimmee, Fl and parked the truck in the driveway. My wife and I went on a road trip in another vehicle. When we got back I went to fill the truck with diesel. I noticed it took 10 more gallons then expected. Sure enough, someone had stolen 10 gallons of diesel. They broke off the filler neck nozzle safety door and stuck a hose down to steal the diesel. Must have had 2 five gallon cans. I reported to police. Now I am going to get some hidden cameras to see if I can get the thief in the act if he returns. Hopefully he will have a cutting experience as I will ****y trap the filler door.
Agreed Zog, we don't want to hunt, but enjoy the neighbors hunting on this place for food. Getting back to the low lifes stealing wood, the hunting probably keeps them away.

Plenty of deer, coyotes, turkeys, quail or pheasant ( I can't tell ), coons, porcupines ( eat the cambium off my White Pines, I will shoot the %$#@& ), Black Bear, too many Massachusetts Homo Sapiens in summer, and a sighted Mountain Lion. Moose and deer don't share territory here. It's been so warm this winter, the bears are out.
zogger........don't know how long you've lived in the mountain up there, but the law states if you have need to fear bodily harm toward you are family you are justified in the State of Georgia to fire at will. When that punk pulled the knife I would have let him know I felt for my safety and capped him where he stood. I've question our sheriff on this and he told me not to give the crook time to do much of anything when you feel in harm way because of him.

My mutt is by no means a mean one, but he has gone at other dog in a rather pointed way when he felt the other animal was going at me. He meant to end it all right there. He's a herding line, I think. Maybe Border Collie and Australian Shepard. Possibly some German Shepard in there too. Plus he has a loud mouth and lets me know if anybody in on our place from any direction. Sometimes I think he's like mama in that he has eyes in the back of his head. :msp_smile:

Bottom line we do live in a mean world that has been taught we that have a little, owe them that don't. Never mind they don't have because of their choices, but the government has them believing we have cuz we're greedy. So protect what's yours or loose it. Sooner or later some thief will attempt to take it. Get some of these prized citizens the government pampeps high on some of the drugs they do today and the sky's the limit as to what they'll try. If I see um I'm not concerned. If I don't, I rely on Morgan my dog to warn me.

How bout some of you with the camera systems giving some brand names that are good to go.
I'm glad I live near the city. Sounds scary out there in the sticks. You all talk about living out in the middle of no where so you're left alone. Doesn't sound that way.

I had an Australian Shep/ Border collie mix as my last pup. Best dog I ever saw. It actually herded cats in the house. Couldn't even take a pee until it chased every bird/squirrel and chipmunk out of the yard. When it was a 6 week old pup, she would sneak around the house at nite and grab a sock out of every family members hamper, and lay them outside of its bed so it had its small herd to keep a lookout on. Whenever we would leave, I would give her a bag with 2 breadcrusts in to guard from the cats.

We had some crackheaded hillbillys move in across the street from me some years back. I have a lot of elderly neighbors who started getting robbed of money items. I nipped it in the bud real quick. I started harrassing there kids and all there freinds who came down the road. Some of them I flat out told them that they weren't aloud down my street. Go ahead, call the cops. I know your on probation!! After about 2 months of that, I offered them $200 to move. GONE!!!!
What do you think of parking a Police car at your place would thieves still rob there?They can be bought cheap used !Just move it around a little like it is in use daily.

We lived on a corner lot with garage underneath the house in Des Moines. Literally 20 ft from my backdoor was the house of a police officer. Over a weekend thieves broke in while we were gone. They tried the front door but the glass in the door was too far from the lock. Went to the backdoor broke the window out leaving blood :biggrinbounce2: and gained entry. They ransacked the place taking my wife's jewelry ($10 to 15K), food and anything of value. They must of left by the front door because it was open when we arrived back on Sunday. All of our spare car keys were sitting on top of one of the cars in the garage. Too dumb to figure out which key went to which car. Police car may be a deterrent but it will only work for so long. Hate to say it but you can't count on the police.

We lived on a corner lot with garage underneath the house in Des Moines. Literally 20 ft from my backdoor was the house of a police officer. Over a weekend thieves broke in while we were gone. They tried the front door but the glass in the door was too far from the lock. Went to the backdoor broke the window out leaving blood :biggrinbounce2: and gained entry. They ransacked the place taking my wife's jewelry ($10 to 15K), food and anything of value. They must of left by the front door because it was open when we arrived back on Sunday. All of our spare car keys were sitting on top of one of the cars in the garage. Too dumb to figure out which key went to which car. Police car may be a deterrent but it will only work for so long. Hate to say it but you can't count on the police.

sounds like they had info as to when who was home.Well from all that I heard here I say you need to always have someone home and armed.
sounds like they had info as to when who was home.Well from all that I heard here I say you need to always have someone home and armed.

Thats why I taught my Great Dane to shoot.

He makes a great deterrent since he can stand up and look over our 6ft privacy fence at any would be idiots. The Lab and the Weimerainer help with the barking alarm. I really love to let him out the door in front of me when solicitors come by, holding onto his collar (tall enough so no leash needed) he usually does the talking for me on the no thanks I'm not interested.

Neighbors across the street from us have had their door kicked in and a few things stolen. Said it musta been kids since it was like lighters, cigarettes, cds, dvds.

Wife and I are both crack shots if the need arises that an idiot decides to press his luck while we are home, the rest of the time they will be dog chow
I live in a rural community and about 15 years ago we had a group move into a rental house. They had a 16 year old kid who was on a rampage of stealing and joyriding peoples equipment, damaging it to by the way. Everyone knew who was doing it but cops wouldn't do anything till THEY witnessed it.

When the kid got a pickup truck it got worse. He'd use the cash he "made" to customize his 4x4. One night he broke into a farmers shop and the farmers dogs started barking. He got up and chased the kid and he ran into the woods. His truck was parked at the edge of the property so farmer called the cops and went to his shop to gather some supplies.

Needless to say the kid called the cops and said someone had stolen his truck. Cops and farmer were at the truck when the kids Mom pulled up with him and he had a smirky smile on his face. Cop ask him where he had been and he said at home and his Mom lied right along with him.

The smile was quickly wiped off his face when he opened the door and was met with the stench of what was probably a whole bottles worth of fox urine soaked into the seats, headliner, steering wheel cover and dash wiring. Kid yelled "What the *$^) is this?" Farmers replied, " Those damn thieves have no respect for anyones stuff."

Long story short, The situation was finally fixed when the kid turned 18 and came up missing.
Thats why I taught my Great Dane to shoot.

He makes a great deterrent since he can stand up and look over our 6ft privacy fence at any would be idiots. The Lab and the Weimerainer help with the barking alarm. I really love to let him out the door in front of me when solicitors come by, holding onto his collar (tall enough so no leash needed) he usually does the talking for me on the no thanks I'm not interested.

Neighbors across the street from us have had their door kicked in and a few things stolen. Said it musta been kids since it was like lighters, cigarettes, cds, dvds.

Wife and I are both crack shots if the need arises that an idiot decides to press his luck while we are home, the rest of the time they will be dog chow

Tip of the day bows are silent!
I'd have to say we've been fortunate out here in the sticks... Whenever a piece of property has come up for sale, one of the neighbors will usually cough up the duckets to buy it. Just to keep someone else from moving in... Sounds kinda bad, but everyone knows everyone here... Get too many outsiders, it's hard to tell who belongs on our road and who don't... It pays to have good neighbors... I still leave the keys in the rigs... Though after hearing all this, I may start taking them out... My lab is too old and fat to be considered a guard dog...:hmm3grin2orange: