Why are you so worked up? Nobody here told you that you had to take the same security measures that others have, nobody told you that old tools are better than new. Some people are not comfortable with even locking their stuff up and that is ok, the great thing about this country is freedom to choose to do some things and the freedom to not choose to do things.
A good example is my better half, she grew up in a town that was virtually crime free, her parents never locked anything and didn't have keys to pass on to the new owners when they sold their house, she always thought my measures were extreme until there was a rash of home burglaries in the area and one day she said to me that " she would like them to try that crap here" right then I knew she understood but did not always like security. I would love to return to a time when we didn't have to worry about such things but we can't so, I just prevent my family from being victimized.
I own a lot of tools, I would say that most are relatively new by tool standards but every one has a story behind it and I want to have them when I need them, I am a bit of a tool junkie but, I always can find the right tool for whatever I'm working on. One of the things I consider irreplaceable is my fathers old Kennedy tool box, it sits on top of my eight foot monster as a constant reminder of my dad, all his tools are still in there, from old mckaig hatch wrenches to hand sharpened drill bits, there is even a picture of him and my mom taped to the inside of the lid that probably has been there for fifty years and because I have good security it will remain right where it is until my son has it someday.