Originally posted by murphy4trees
[B The far hole was caused by storm damage, but sub knoecked loose large section of bricks to the left of that hole.. [/B]
[/B]Murph, here's a forensic view of that wall
Far hole bad, but what's worse is the long crack oozing black 4 courses below the far hole. Black ooze indicates it preexisted sub's impact--did it? If sub has half a brain he will point to crack and say his damage was minor in comparison, and he might be right.
IMO masons should estimate repair of A. Near hole by sub alone, and B. Total repair of entire wall including preexisting damage. A could be deducted from your bill (did you pay sub already? Ouch! It don't feel good when those bills get stuck where the sun don't shine). B. minus A is clearly the owner''s problem; why didn't they get wall fixed after storm, while insurance spigot was on? Did they just pocket the cash, and wait for some vulnerable contrator (you) to come along and pay for it later? If not, can they refile that claim?
Sub's damage doesn't look like worth filing for even if they had ins, depending on deductible. Sub was negligent here but wall may have had bigger problems before they came on scene.
The only claim on my policy was a cracked neighbor's driveway panel 13 yrs ago. Just clipped a small section-3' crack, and panel was still flat.
Neighbor had problems w driveway before, not content w their own ins co's repairs. Along comes doofus tree guy; my ins co did not contest their claim that my little crack ruined thier whole driveway and they paid to rebuild it. Nailed me for higher premiums for years. I was helpless. Beware getting screwed by ins claims.