I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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Never seen a scam like that for such a low $$ amount. What I've seen before is people hyjacking somebody else's listing and pics (but substituting their contact info). Ususally the listings are for vehicles or equipment that's worth between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars (so the buyer will have a wad of cash in pocket). They list it for a price that's "too good to be true". Not sure what their "end game" is.............but I'll bet it's a setup for a robery.

They'd arrange a meet in some remote parking lot or other place, then jack the buyer for the cashola. I've seen repeated listings (over the course of a few months) for Stihl 440's, farm tractors, and vehicles. The locations had been changed. I usually save interesting listings for a while, so I've been able to contact the original sellers. In all cases, the first guy had sold the item already, and had no idea why somebody else was using their pics and listing text. They contactd CL, and the scam ads disappeared shortly afterwards.

It is the idea that if priced reasonably a person will pay for it up front and guy will say sure I can ship it and then it never shows up.

If you use paypal it would not work but guy might say money order only etc.
Just a scam on the small side.

They do this when they steal credit cards. Buy a song from napster and then do a cash with drawl if they find card is good for an amount that will fly under the radar at a bank. How do I know. It has happened to us with a credit card number getting stolen:msp_scared:

Shipping, Send the scammer a M.O. and
never get the saw.


Thanks for the information. I hope others read this as well. I have been very alert to being "jacked" since I was 16. Crack head once pulled a gun on me in Chicago for $20. Ever since then I have been prepared and alert. I have had credit card fraud but it was fixed by the credit card company. Was not alert to the other ways of being scammed. Good info.
Thanks for the information. I hope others read this as well. I have been very alert to being "jacked" since I was 16. Crack head once pulled a gun on me in Chicago for $20. Ever since then I have been prepared and alert. I have had credit card fraud but it was fixed by the credit card company. Was not alert to the other ways of being scammed. Good info.

Our credit card company took care of us when this happened. They even alerted us via email which we confirmed on our own as well (about it being used improperly)to make sure everything was on the up and up.
Thanks Mark. I added it to my watch list. What do these go for? Sounds like the seller did a good job of going through the saw.

I think several of us added it to our watch list. :msp_wink:

I need to add a Poulan to continue on my quest to have at least one saw of every major saw manufacturer.
some eBay sellers selling junk

Hi all lust thought I'd vent a little too!!! bought about 6 saws lately from eBay, not cheap either, So far last 4 have been total junk, I mean less than parts saws, some stated only needed a coil, easy fix, was running, rope broke etc. Wrong all were blown/scored/ and taped up to hold together. Most were missing critical parts and not enough parts to use for others. (rope broke because rod bearing seized on crank,ran without filters etc)
I'm venting because I sell items that are AS STATED!!! and in return I get NOT AS STATED!!! every time.

Just be aware there tons of scammers out there right now both Ebay/CL I stopped CL because of "Bad" people showing up to purchase something then backing out. (scoping stuff out)
I still shop there as I need things but it's getting TAINTED FAST, and returns are well ?????
Hi all lust thought I'd vent a little too!!! bought about 6 saws lately from eBay, not cheap either, So far last 4 have been total junk, I mean less than parts saws, some stated only needed a coil, easy fix, was running, rope broke etc. Wrong all were blown/scored/ and taped up to hold together. Most were missing critical parts and not enough parts to use for others. (rope broke because rod bearing seized on crank,ran without filters etc)
I'm venting because I sell items that are AS STATED!!! and in return I get NOT AS STATED!!! every time.

Just be aware there tons of scammers out there right now both Ebay/CL I stopped CL because of "Bad" people showing up to purchase something then backing out. (scoping stuff out)
I still shop there as I need things but it's getting TAINTED FAST, and returns are well ?????

Do you ask seller questions prior to bidding.
Any seller who doesn't reply to my questions
gets no bids from me.
I have had alot of excellent transactions on ebay.


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