I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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Dirty pool. When somebody starts an auction, they should let it run for the duration unless there is a legitimate reason to end early (like they discover there's something wrong with the item). The Homelite 650 auction ended early too a day or so ago. These 'backdoor' offers and deals don't sit right with me. Probably because I've been the high bidder in auctions that ended early SEVERAL times. If the auction had continued to run, the guy that got the thing probably would have won it anyways. Why not just play by the rules?

What REALLY chaps my ass is when some turd lists with no reserve (and is sure to point that out in the listing......with lots of !!!!!!!! and other colorful language), then ends the auction early (using the "item is no longer available" reason for ending it) just because the ####er isn't happy with where the auction appears to be ending up. THEN the ####bird lists the item again a few weeks or months later................at no resesrve again. I guess it was a minor miracle, and the item suddenly reapeared on the guy's shelf and it's "available" again. They want the increased bidder enthusiasm and participation that comes with a $.99 starting bid, no reserve auction..............................yet aren't willing to take the chance that the auction won't go above the level where they're comfortable letting the item go (where their reserve or starting bid SHOULD be). Dirty ####sticks.....

I believe I was high bidder on the 650 and I was sent a message seller has cancelled your bid:msp_mad:

He is a member here:mad:
I believe I was high bidder on the 650 and I was sent a message seller has cancelled your bid:msp_mad:

He is a member here:mad:

This may be partly my fault. The seller of the 650 super and I had already come to an agreement here on arboristsite a few days ago before he had listed the saw on ebay. Last night he sent me a message saying that he could not get it to tune in properly and was I still interested. Anyway last night my wifes lyme was acting up so it was up to me to get our three kids to bed and I did not get the message until I got home this evening. At that point I did not know he had listed it on ebay and returned his message saying that yes I was still interested. He explained to me that he had jumped the gun in not waiting for me to get back to him and ended the auction to keep his word to me, which I appreciated. I am sorry if it has messed anyone up, but was just impatience and misunderstanding in this case, not trying to milk every dollar.
Just wanted to give the seller a fair shake.

P.S. There were no bids on the 3100G when I made my offer.:biggrinbounce2:
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Maybe someone can ID this speck of a saw in the photo and tell me what I already know. Which is, this saw is not worth it.

Antique Home Lite Buz Saw

Hard to tell from the puny pic, but it looks to actually be a Homelite Buz. That was an 'economy' model meant to compete with the McCulloch Mac 15 and the various David Bradley, Mono/Wards, and other simple/cheap "farm" saws of the day. Made with sheet steel and alluminum stampings instead of magnesium castings.

Model Profile: BUZ


This may be partly my fault. The seller of the 650 super and I had already come to an agreement here on arboristsite a few days ago before he had listed the saw on ebay. Last night he sent me a message saying that he could not get it to tune in properly and was I still interested. Anyway last night my wifes lyme was acting up so it was up to me to get our three kids to bed and I did not get the message until I got home this evening. At that point I did not know he had listed it on ebay and returned his message saying that yes I was still interested. He explained to me that he had jumped the gun in not waiting for me to get back to him and ended the auction to keep his word to me, which I appreciated. I am sorry if it has messed anyone up, but was just impatience and misunderstanding in this case, not trying to milk every dollar.
Just wanted to give the seller a fair shake.

P.S. There were no bids on the 3100G when I made my offer.:biggrinbounce2:

So he ended up accepting your backdoor $400 offer eh Ian? There weren't any bids when you made your offer, but there sure were when he ended the auction. Some of us were participating in it. I don't hold anything against you, but the seller's a ####head......:msp_thumbdn:

This may be partly my fault. The seller of the 650 super and I had already come to an agreement here on arboristsite a few days ago before he had listed the saw on ebay. Last night he sent me a message saying that he could not get it to tune in properly and was I still interested. Anyway last night my wifes lyme was acting up so it was up to me to get our three kids to bed and I did not get the message until I got home this evening. At that point I did not know he had listed it on ebay and returned his message saying that yes I was still interested. He explained to me that he had jumped the gun in not waiting for me to get back to him and ended the auction to keep his word to me, which I appreciated. I am sorry if it has messed anyone up, but was just impatience and misunderstanding in this case, not trying to milk every dollar.
Just wanted to give the seller a fair shake.

P.S. There were no bids on the 3100G when I made my offer.:biggrinbounce2:

THX for splaining it:msp_mellow: It is give an take with ebay. I wasn't heart broken at all about it. It was just the first time it had happened to me. It is out of the bidders hands when it gets ended early.

I have been asked several times to end auctions early and refuse. More times than not you end up getting more money for the item by staying in.

I won't lose any sleep over it.
Hard to tell from the puny pic, but it looks to actually be a Homelite Buz. That was an 'economy' model meant to compete with the McCulloch Mac 15 and the various David Bradley, Mono/Wards, and other simple/cheap "farm" saws of the day. Made with sheet steel and alluminum stampings instead of magnesium castings.

Model Profile: BUZ

So he ended up accepting your backdoor $400 offer eh Ian? There weren't any bids when you made your offer, but there sure were when he ended the auction. Some of us were participating in it. I don't hold anything against you, but the seller's a ####head......:msp_thumbdn:

I didn't make any backdoor offer. He posted a thread two or three days ago about finding the saw and I contacted him then. In fact two nights ago was when we came to an agreement. His last message to me before the one about the saw not tuning in was that we had a deal and he was gonna get it packed up and find out shipping and let me know the total. This message was the reason I was not looking fro/expecting the one he sent last night and why I did not check my e-mail until today. So as far as I was concerned the deal was done a couple of days ago.
THX for splaining it:msp_mellow: It is give an take with ebay. I wasn't heart broken at all about it. It was just the first time it had happened to me. It is out of the bidders hands when it gets ended early.

I have been asked several times to end auctions early and refuse. More times than not you end up getting more money for the item by staying in.

I won't lose any sleep over it.

Your right. It is give and take/rolling the dice on ebay and a lot of times there are shady/greedy motivations behind these things when they happen.
I didn't make any backdoor offer. He posted a thread two or three days ago about finding the saw and I contacted him then. In fact two nights ago was when we came to an agreement. His last message to me before the one about the saw not tuning in was that we had a deal and he was gonna get it packed up and find out shipping and let me know the total. This message was the reason I was not looking fro/expecting the one he sent last night and why I did not check my e-mail until today. So as far as I was concerned the deal was done a couple of days ago.

Ian I was talking about the 3100G, not the 650.
Ian I was talking about the 3100G, not the 650.

OOOOOOHHHH, gotcha. My bad.:msp_thumbsup: Actually he didn't take my offer. He wrote me back saying he'd already turned down $500.00, so I can't imagine what it did go for:msp_scared:.
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OOOOOOHHHH, gotcha. My bad.:msp_thumbsup: Actually he didn't take my offer. He wrote me back saying he'd already turned down $500.00, so I can't imagine what it did go for:msp_scared:.

I'm sorry Ian. When you stated (after the 3100G auction was ended) that there weren't any bids at the time you made your offer............I assumed that the guy had accepted your offer (or you guys had come to another agreement) and you were getting the saw. The mystery continues. Wonder if it was somebody here that got the 3100G.

I know of one member here who got a 3100G offa ebay (it was located about six hours from me......dammit) the same way as this went down. He made a 'backdoor deal' with the guy, the guy ended the auction early, he then relisted it as a 'Best offer' auction, and the guy here then bought it through ebay at their agreed upon price. Not who you guys are thinking I'll bet.

I'm not going to reveal him, as he swore me to secrecy. I found about it by accident as I was discussing the whole thing with him after the fact, and he confessed that he was the buyer. I notice he's never mentioned the saw here. That's part of the fun of getting a big ticket saw like that. Sharing it with the guys here. Oh well. Maybe he'll sell it to me someday since I never 'outed' him.:D

In the Sachs Dolmar thread there was a guy that got a 166 through a 'backdoor' ebay deal. This ended the auction early, and pissed off more than a few guys that were participating. The AS member eventually admitted that he was the buyer, and said he did the deed because he had been burned in the same manner (as the guys in the SD thread that got burned) so he felt this was the only way he was going to get a 166. When he received the 166, it turned out that it needed a LOT of $$$ in parts for the price he paid. He didn't get much simpathy.........:cool2:

For me, this hobby is more about hooking up with cool people and sharing parts and technical help. Sharing pics of saws and stories too. The "run with the big dogs", "dog eat dog" attitude regarding spending big money (to "out buy" your "competition"............who are supposed to be your friends) and pulling shadey crap (like backdoor ebay deals, and out-of-state snagging a CL saw from somebody's local CL area after that somebody is already talking with the seller) just seems to be missing the point. Same for buying saws for $20-$50 and then turning around and trying to sell them here for $300 to profit from your 'friends'.......................then CRAPPING on the same 'friends' when they are 'too cheap' and 'don't want to pay' you a 500% profit (and saying that they "always want something for nothing") is also missing the point. For me, it's not about "beating" other guys in the "hunt". It's not about making $$$$ flipping saws. Dammit......I got on a rant again. Guess I'm good for Saturday now....
Breath Aaron....

Every big or good saw that goes on eBay is a crap shoot. I get more satisfaction hunting for and finding a saw and having a good transaction. There are people here who have no scruples about opening there checkbook for any amount or at the cost of stepping on others toes... all the way to the point were its telling the seller how much the saw is worth just to screw the deal for someone else.

Shame on them... some day you will be re-paid!

Aaron, I'm with you... lets have some fun while were here, I didn't need that saw anyway and neither did you.;)
OOOOOOHHHH, gotcha. My bad.:msp_thumbsup: Actually he didn't take my offer. He wrote me back saying he'd already turned down $500.00, so I can't imagine what it did go for:msp_scared:.

It would be interesting to find out where the saw went. I made an offer via the CL ad and never received a reply. It was a healthy offer at that.

It would be interesting to find out where the saw went. I made an offer via the CL ad and never received a reply. It was a healthy offer at that.


He had it on CL too? It could have gone anywhere then....

Have you ran Shane's 3100G yet? I'd like to see video of that beast running a long bar in some BIG wood.
OOOOOOHHHH, gotcha. My bad.:msp_thumbsup: Actually he didn't take my offer. He wrote me back saying he'd already turned down $500.00, so I can't imagine what it did go for:msp_scared:.

I offered the guy a hundred more than that for a friend and he turned me down. This was after he e-mailed me for advice on the saw.

It would be interesting to find out where the saw went. I made an offer via the CL ad and never received a reply. It was a healthy offer at that.


Yeah, I have no idea Chris. I talked to the guy about the saw. He responded to my "wanted" ad on Craigslist, which was actually an old ad. I gave him tips
on working on the saw and a general price range which was on the low end of what people here were offering. I think in your case he simply didn't want to
ship overseas which unfortunately is a prejudice you have to deal with often.
He had it on CL too? It could have gone anywhere then....

Have you ran Shane's 3100G yet? I'd like to see video of that beast running a long bar in some BIG wood.

The 3100G is waiting its turn for a mechanical inspection. Just working my way through a few rebuilds on its older brothers first.

I offered the guy a hundred more than that for a friend and he turned me down. This was after he e-mailed me for advice on the saw.

Yeah, I have no idea Chris. I talked to the guy about the saw. He responded to my "wanted" ad on Craigslist, which was actually an old ad. I gave him tips
on working on the saw and a general price range which was on the low end of what people here were offering. I think in your case he simply didn't want to
ship overseas which unfortunately is a prejudice you have to deal with often.

Thats probably right JJ. It would just be nice if people gave a simple reply to state their position. So many don't even give you the courtesy of a reply to what is a simple question.
Its not that difficult to string a few words together in the form of a reply.