I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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Apparently I was correct about this not being 70cc's...............

Professional 90 cc chainsaw w/24 &36" bar

Someone please buy this since it just keeps making me cry that I can't afford it..........did I mention that I took three of my kids to an Orthodontic consult today...............enough said.

Ouch. I'll bet Lee's interested in it. I don't think he has the 90cc Alpine yet.
If any of you are lookin at that Homie 3100G on ebay, be warned he just replied to my offer of $400.00 plus shipping by saying "I appreciate the offer, but just turned down $500.00". It is worth it if it is in the condition he says, but I don't think anyone is gonna get a bargain here.
Not sure what this is, but the seller is Royalty?

Circular Chain Saw

Kinda cool............


"prince info" eh? Could be lots of different things. There was a chainsaw bar attachment for circular saws. Used for slabbing boards. There were also XL100 and XL120 Homelite circular saws. Based on the XL-12. I'd be VERY interested in it if that's what the prince is indeed selling.
Apparently I was correct about this not being 70cc's...............

Professional 90 cc chainsaw w/24 &36" bar

Someone please buy this since it just keeps making me cry that I can't afford it..........did I mention that I took three of my kids to an Orthodontic consult today...............enough said.

Ouch. I'll bet Lee's interested in it. I don't think he has the 90cc Alpine yet.

Yeah, I'd like to get that one myself, but at $400 plus transportation costs, it ain't happening yet.

If any of you are lookin at that Homie 3100G on ebay, be warned he just replied to my offer of $400.00 plus shipping by saying "I appreciate the offer, but just turned down $500.00". It is worth it if it is in the condition he says, but I don't think anyone is gonna get a bargain here.

Yeah, he already talked to me about that one. I suggested a realistic price but he's wanting top dollar for it.

I just don't understand people anymore trying to get wealthy on saws and saw parts.
Yeah, I'd like to get that one myself, but at $400 plus transportation costs, it ain't happening yet.

Yeah, he already talked to me about that one. I suggested a realistic price but he's wanting top dollar for it.

I just don't understand people anymore trying to get wealthy on saws and saw parts.

I agree Jacob. They point to past ebay actions where somebody got 'caught up' and paid stupid money for a worn out old saw, and say "see, it's worth XXX amoun.t"......:bang:

Don't you have a sweet 3100G already? I'll pay you a realistic price for it. PM me the amount that it'd take to pry it away from you so I know how many pistols I need to hock. Better yet, Make a deal with that guy for the Alpine, send him the $$$, and I'll transport it to your doorstep and only charge you that 3100G for my trouble...:D
They point to past ebay actions where somebody got 'caught up' and paid stupid money for a worn out old saw, and say "see, it's worth XXX amoun.t"......:bang:

And tons of people here tell them that, probably you and I both as well... we've kind of done it to ourselves!!:frown: There are at least two post always up asking that same question... watch what happens.
And tons of people here tell them that, probably you and I both as well... we've kind of done it to ourselves!!:frown: There are at least two post always up asking that same question... watch what happens.

Yep. I tire of the "I've got this old saw, what's it worth?" threads. Usually made by some newly registered member who's only here to find out how much they can make off the saw nuts by selling a garage sale find (that they got for $5-$20) on feebay. I make it a point to NOT tell them a value...
Dirty pool. When somebody starts an auction, they should let it run for the duration unless there is a legitimate reason to end early (like they discover there's something wrong with the item). The Homelite 650 auction ended early too a day or so ago. These 'backdoor' offers and deals don't sit right with me. Probably because I've been the high bidder in auctions that ended early SEVERAL times. If the auction had continued to run, the guy that got the thing probably would have won it anyways. Why not just play by the rules?

What REALLY chaps my ass is when some turd lists with no reserve (and is sure to point that out in the listing......with lots of !!!!!!!! and other colorful language), then ends the auction early (using the "item is no longer available" reason for ending it) just because the ####er isn't happy with where the auction appears to be ending up. THEN the ####bird lists the item again a few weeks or months later................at no resesrve again. I guess it was a minor miracle, and the item suddenly reapeared on the guy's shelf and it's "available" again. They want the increased bidder enthusiasm and participation that comes with a $.99 starting bid, no reserve auction..............................yet aren't willing to take the chance that the auction won't go above the level where they're comfortable letting the item go (where their reserve or starting bid SHOULD be). Dirty ####sticks.....