I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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Be nice.China holds the vast majority of the US trilion dollar debt.Chinese products are by and large far better than they were just a few short years ago.All these things used to be said about the Japanese and look what they've become.
I'm a huge supporter of buy local but like it or not,it's a world economy these days.So many of our domestic companies are actually owned by offshore interests,unless you're buying produce from the farmer down the road,you really have no idea where your dollar is going.
Don't know if anyone else has noticed the recent slug of new Ebay sellers with no sales or feedback history offering new 346xp's. Most sell for $450 or less and free shipping. I've been searching the "completed listings" to see if anyone has actually received a saw and provided feedback.

Some completed sales are now going on 3 weeks. Absolutely nobody has provided feedback, which indicates no merchandise has been received. I have always received my saws from reputable sellers within a week. Something smells fishy with these Ebay sellers.

Did a follow-up on some of these no sales/feeback Ebay sellers. Take a look what I found.
It appears that Ebay has taken down all the current listings. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the work of the Nigerian scamers.

eBay Feedback Profile for nadalvan539
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You'll probably find that the case quality is fine. The issues I've seen with these however is that they are heavier than OEM, some of the screw/bolt holes are running different fastener guages than OEM, and the crank bearings "may" vary in size to modern OEM equivalents. There are a number of companies knocking off the 365's now and some are running undersize crank bearings. You'll probably never know unless you try one.
Also don't underestimate the amount of Chinese components in any modern saw brand. The second you pull the lid on many of the new Stihls you'll see "CHINA" stamped on the carby and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg...
Eventually they will make all the parts in China and assemble them here or in Germany or Sweden, that way they can claim they were manufactured in those countries, kinda like some of the big television companies did before just giving up and building the whole thing in China.
Or, the high price of oil will cause global economic collapse, free trade will break down and large multinationals will be broken up. The result of that will be no parts, but it just might be handy to have an existing local chainsaw manufacturer around - perhaps Poulan and/or the Stihl facilities, depending on how much capability they still have in terms of design and parts sourcing. No one can tell where this is going.
I don't know about the cases except I would not buy them.I did buy an aftermarket muffler from the seller 3 years ago for my 359 and had to put shims between the bracket and muffler because it was an 1/8" off:angry:
36 inch Gas Chainsaw mcculloch? | eBay

Wonder what it is?? The yellow color and style of the clutch cover certainly make me think McCulloch but the recoil looks more Homelite......... Then the overall styling makes me think????..... Echo?? Don't really know because there is to many influences combined into one........ The only tip is a cap marked "made in Italy". Bottom line is any saw that can handle a 36" bar is welcome in my collection.
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36 inch Gas Chainsaw mcculloch? | eBay

Wonder what it is?? The yellow color and style of the clutch cover certainly make me think McCulloch but the recoil looks more Homelite......... Then the overall styling makes me think????..... Echo?? Don't really know because there is to many influences combined into one........ The only tip is a cap marked "made in Italy". Bottom line is any saw that can handle a 36" bar is welcome in my collection.

Alpina Super Pro 120
Yep. It's had a rough life by the looks of it. The original muffler is gone and the muffler guard is broken off, which is somewhat common to
these saws. I don't know that I'd pay a lot for that one.

Yeah it is missing a couple things, but wow some crazy big dogs on it. I haven't seen one with a stack on it before. Some hard core logger was using that saw.