6 machines for parts: NOT RUNNING | eBay
Bloody 'ell, mate, you practically stole them, major congrats :msp_thumbsup:! I'm glad that my post lead to the saws going to someone here on AS, am looking forward to your report.
Shameless spam alert--If you decide that you don't want the Poulan chainsaw, pleeeze keep me in mind.
Well... Last night I made the trek up to north Jersey to get the goods. I was hoping that the person selling was just someone doing a cleanout. Unfortunately, it was a landscaping service... In fact the seller couldn't meet me at the time I went, but the staff mechanic was there... I had that sinking feeling at that point...
So, what did I get?... A couple little blowers... 1 had a note that said such and such power equipment had quoted them $65 to do the repair... It didn't start... Next had no note... Pumped the primer, pulled it twice and it fired... Another pull and it ran. I figure I'm now in the black since its leaf season and I can turn that one right around if I don't do anything else...
The mechanic told me the hedge trimmer runs, but is tired...
Then we get to the other, more interesting things...
There's a Partner K-1200 demo saw. Must have belonged to the local fire department for a while based on the stickers... Looks to be in reasonable shape. It needs starter dogs, so can't see if anything else is wrong, but the dogs would be enough to bench a machine at the very least... Mechanic told me he hadn't been able to find dogs for sale.
There is also a Poulan of some flavor... I can make out 35 I think and I assume there are a couple more numbers... Tag has it as a Poulan/Weed Eater so those numbers don't work out on Acres site... Looks like the 3000. It needs the guts of the starter at least. I'll have to really ID it and then figure out if I'm missing anything else in there. No chain, but the bar doesn't look bad.
Last there is a Pro Mac 610. Sounds gravely when turning it over slowly, sporadic resistance, but not from compression since I pulled the plug out. Missing the muffler. I'm guessing this is just a carrying case for possibly the carb, and the outer housing... Innards are probably shot. Has a nice Oregon replaceable tip bar, and a decent chain with it...
I'm fighting with my phone to give up the photo evidence...
I think the goal will be to get the Partner, and the Poulan running. The Mac will help others if it can... Hedge clipper will probably stay if it runs as I imagine its too tired for resale... The running blower will likely sell, and if I can get the other going, it will go too... If I sell both blowers, I pay for the auction, and the gas/tolls from pickup...