Holy smokes!! Tha ridiculous man!! Glad i'm not in ohio-our bucket crews went to three days a week for a couple weeks this winter but us climbers have had a backlog of work all winter. Kind of wished it had slowed down a bit during the below zero days.
I'm in a small midwest town of 30K people, not a city or big area. time off in the cold and snow imo is not a bad thing. anyone smart plans for the downtime and saves. makes for a nice vacation when you don't wanna be out in it anyway. I usually schedule work in winter around the weather, and feel sorry for the poor guys out in the -10 wind chill climbing some tree.
yeah, last /this winter was slower than usual, but I wasn't complaining!
and I keep my expenses low as possible too, so that helps.
if I had more work I'd need more equipment (and the expense that goes with it) and Id have to work in the real nasty weather to pay for it. I've worked hard to find a balance of work, expenses, good money and family time.
I'm at the point that I'm as big as I want to be. I usually take off a day or so a week in spring/summer to go fishing too. usually load up the boat and take the crew with. we act like we went to work all day. plus company camping trips where we shut down thrus evening and load out fri morning until sunday afternoon. usually hunt a day or 2 a week in the fall early winter. too much work burns a guy out. After a 12 year marriage that eventually ended due to me working too much and 2 kids I don't even know (to this day), I learned that there's more to life than living to work for a living. at one time I was a 30 year old fit and trim guy on high blood pressure meds. no longer.
they say youth is wasted on the young and lifes too short. I have decided (and learned) to enjoy it while I am young enough to do the things I want to do and I spend a lot of time with my kids. at one time I calculated I spent 12 hours a week with my family not counting sleep, but counting times when they should be home but were not and were doing their other activities. and for those 12 hours I was so wound up trying to slow down for the evening that no one could stand to be around me even if I was home.
so I changed my outlook, I work to make money to pay the bills and live my life. ask a person who they are and most times you get their job title. well, a treeman is no longer who I am. I am first and foremost a father and husband, who happens to cut trees to support his family and have money to do things with them.
I don't like cheese, so I go out of the rat race.