Iowa Spring GTG II

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Looks like I may be the first one home with photo's.

First off, a great big thanks to Ron & Mark Hosky and Mike Monley for putting this together. If you have never been to a GTG to can't really appreicate all the time and effort that goes in to getting ready, and for the clean up afterwards. Sorry guys for bailing at the end, hope you can get all those cookies and sawdust cleaned up! Our sponsors provided a big lot of great door prizes and everyone that signed in got something to take home as a reminder. I want to give a special thanks to Boyd since I got a gallon of Dolmar bar oil AND a Dolmar T shirt.

Struggle and Tall Guy (Shane and Greg) stopped by Friday night to tempt me sorely with a NOS Dolmar 9010. Somehow I resisted. The Saw, and The Guys in the shop.



Some of the stuff to give away...


The girls from Minnesota...


Let's eat!


We did get to the wood, lots and lots of guys with saws here today. I won't try to ID everyone, but will point out a few that made the extra effort to join us today.

First up, Mike and Mike, (Super 3 and Moparman) thanks for putting in all the hours driving from Kentucky to play saws with us in Iowa. Oh yeah, they brought some great saws as well, even if the yellow and black aren't exactly the right shades. Struggle in the back trying to look like Wendell.



Modified Mark came over from NE Indiana, no trouble with the IA or IL law, go figure.


There were saws of every color in attendance today.



I really wish that me and Sarah could have made it but just didnt have the finances for it this time. Just went to the Missouri gtg 2 weekends ago and driving to Moab, Utah next friday. How did the weather fair for you guys? Hope you all had a good time, looking forward to seeing some more pictures.
I ran a several saws today including a few of my own, but I must say this one really impressed me. I will add that when you decide to start it, you'd better be committed.


I also got to perform the honor of giving this one it's first taste of wood ever. Struggle gave it a go as well, makes sense as it is his saw.



Just a sample before lunch.



It might seem to you like we just finished breakfast, but it was already after 1:00 PM and some of us were getting hungry. After lunch there were door prizes to give away, Mike did a nice job of handling his new responsibilities.




WARNING - Suspenders are no guarantee...


(maybe I just pick on Wendell since he has better saw than I do?)


Mitch resolving the two man / one man riddle


Modified Mark putting the 895 to the test


Steve touching up a chain


Shawn demonstrating his milling rig


A Mac to be sacrificed in the interest of advancing chainsaw technological research. I'm not sure they every managed to get it started to test the "how long on straight gas" question but I did see a few attempts at the "how far can it fly" contest.


Last set, I promise. First up, a great Father/Daughter moment.


Mike and the hand stumper.


Mitch using his new roller guide, really it is hidden there.


Tall Guy, BP-1


Mike (Super3) and a fantastic 076. I was really impressed watching that saw pull through the wood.


That's all from me, let's see some of the others now!

285 miles and 5:15 from downtown Chelsea, I am back safely. Straight through, and one stop to unload Grizz and his saws before the Husky smell infected the trunk too bad :tongue:

Thanks a ton to our hosts and those that helped get it going, Mother Nature for not soaking us today, Mitch (mweba) and Mark (Heimannm) for giving us the gold key tour of their shops on the way down, all the great guys that let me play with their toys, and to everyone for the door prizes.

I have some "stuff" for Boyd, JD, and Jon in the car. I'll drop it off at the shop on Monday if I don't eat em first :laugh:

Be back tomorrow afternoon with a full review and a bunch of pics.

Many thanks to Mark and Ron and all else who got this GTG together! My son-in-law and I had a great time meeting all of the folks there and seeing all the interesting saws. Hope everyone makes it home safely.

Ray(rheima) and Ryan
It's been a long day, but I had plenty of fun. Thanks to Steve NW WI for the ride, to all the hosts, those who donated the door prizes, and everyone who came out. (and for the good weather-it did snow a little here at home early sat. morning) It was also nice to meet some more of the long distance members of this site and to put more faces to names. Hopefully I can make it to some of the gtg's farther away one of these days. I do have some pictures but I'll post them later.
Huge thanks to all that put this on again.

We probably were on of the first to leave, but I had to go before Mitch found out where I hid the 039 top end:hmm3grin2orange:

Super big thanks to the sponsers for all the goodies. It is a great added bonus and will support them when ever possible

As always anyone that has though about getting to one of these events but have not showed up are really missing out on a great time. Third one I have attended. Some guys covered a great deal of distance to get to this one and brought some great saws.

I now have 372 evny:heart:

Thanks to the Heimannm hotel for putting Tallguy and I up for the night as the sky turned on us while there. And for the horse trading and fun at his McMuseum.

If anyone would have seen Mark's face when I brought the 9010 in. He might not smile much in his pictures but he was then:hmm3grin2orange:

Thanks as well to the host of this event and his family for putting this on. Always a good time and this one was by the hardest wood I have cut on so it was great being humbled by that. Kind of makes a ported saw seem mandatory:msp_sneaky:

Kind of feel bad if any of the children were traumtized by Wendell:eek2:

Also on a side note we stopped in Webster city gas station and the girl behind the register says to Tallguy you almost hit your head coming through the door:bang:
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Where to start?? First thanks to Ron and Mark Hosky and Mike Monley for the great place and the wonderful time. I got to put faces to a lot of names and to see friends from previous GTG's. There were tons of prizes and everyone got something, so special thanks for the sponsors who were VERY generous. Fine cuisine was served for breckie and lunch, although I missed the white chicken chile, drat. So many great people in one place running saws. I'll see if I knew enough about that stupid phone camera to post some pictures. GREAT TIME. JR
Here is a few that I took. Didnt get near enough. I told my daughter she has to come with me to be the picture taker as its too much to remember when your having so much to do running saws, talking to people etc.




