Addicted to ArboristSite
It is doubtful I'll make it but thanks for thinking of me.
I hope we can both get to at least one GTG together this year!
Sure like to see ya again!!!
It is doubtful I'll make it but thanks for thinking of me.
I hope we can both get to at least one GTG together this year!
Sure like to see ya again!!!
The last huge snowstorm we ever had in Omaha started late April 14 and ended the evening of April 15. The year was 1987. Over 13" dropped and all of it was heavy wet slop. City crews had already shut down the snow removal equipment, so the place was stranded. I recall it so well because I had to walk a mile to the post office to mail in my 1040 income forms.The '73 storm started on 9 April, I only know that because the local TV station featured it on their web site yesterday.
There will be no snow in Chelsea on 27 April, of this I can assure you.
I wanted to get the date up so everyone can mark their calendars for the Iowa Spring GTG.. It will be April 28 and will be held at the Hoskey farm North of Chelsea. I will have more details to come. Thank You.
Cuttin cookies til the cows come home.![]()
one more change... "til" to "till"
Cuttin cookies till the cows come home!
The spelling would drive mitch and shaun crazy dontcha know!
one more change... "til" to "till"
Cuttin cookies till the cows come home!
The spelling would drive mitch and shaun crazy dontcha know!
If it'll drive 'em crazy, I say we leave it.
one more change... "til" to "till"
Cuttin cookies till the cows come home!
The spelling would drive mitch and shaun crazy dontcha know!
I like ur style!
Seriously though are we making shirts? I'm in for another shirt!
Most rednecks wouldn't even notice!
I like ur style!
Seriously though are we making shirts? I'm in for another shirt!
I vot four miz spel. It iz a red nek thingy
One xl and one xxl for
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