Isn't Sthil the best?

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No problem, Tony. My first 10 years or so I was swinging that old, top-handled Poulan. It was a good saw, when you could keep it running. I went to work for a company that hated Poulans, and used 019's for their climbing saws. I preferred a Poulan, but I had to use(at the time) their equipment. When they replaced them with the 200's, I was impressed with the balance, and power. other than a shiny, pretty(crappy) Shindawa I tested, those are the only climbing(trimming) saws I've had any experience with. A 200 seems to be the best, I've just seen so many top-handled saws out there nowadays, I was just curious. I probally should have posted this under the climbing section-Hey! I'm a newbie! Thanks, everyone.
My feelings are this Stihl and Husky are 1 & 2 in sales and that doesnt always mean the best product, but it can mean some really good marketing. I think when it comes to any quality gas powered engine what you put into it you will get out of it. The easier it is to service the longer it will last.

Comparing the Dolmar PS540 to the Stihl 026 Pro. Many here say the 026 is the way I should proceed. In part I must agree because of my location. The 026 Pro is about 400 here. The 540 runs about 340 from places easily found on the internet east of the Mississippi. With shipping and handling figure another 25. Cost of acquisition is in the 540's favor. Parts can be obtained with a 3 week lead time from the local Makita service center. If my Stihl dealer is out of stock, he has it the next day.

With your assistance if you recall, I repaired all the outstanding issues with the 115i and it ran great. It was easy to work on, pretty, and after the muffler mod it really impressed me with its lightweight and power.

I want to buy the 540, but honestly after waiting so long for each part from Makita it does concern me. I'm not a patient person. This causes me to favor the Stihl. According to the NW regional manager the new MS260 Pro with fully adjustable carbs won't be here until fall so I'm not pressed for time to buy.

For some strange reason I think the 540 will be a better saw than the MS260. I've received opposing counsel from some here.

Your thoughts please.


And Tony, the recipe for my linguistics is 1 tsp Oakwilt, 2 tbs mquinn, 1/4 tsp TreeSpyder, 1 cup of PMS, 1/4 cup melted jokers, 2 eggs, 2 sundried RockyJSquirrels, 1 cup of Trick Fuel, and lastly [a] pinch of Dennis. Mix thoroughly with 046 with square chain, pour over cherries and light with a match.
dang girl,i didnt see that at applebees
last nite. must have been on the back cover.attare sound like a ladies special any way. well i ll sine offen here fer now.
uins have a good time.
Hey Domar_Tech_Mgr, we all know what really good marketing can do for an utterly crappy product (how may of the visitors here are using Microsoft "stuff"?)...

I'm not going to make excuses for parts delays, because I fully understand that parts are the life blood for chain saws. Our organization has been restructured and we are now beginning a new process to add more and more Authorized Service Centers to provide customers with the needed parts. Our policy for shipping to Factory owned service centers is to ship all parts second day air. Of course there are situations were we are out of stock at the main supply location and we have been revamping the processes to eliminate these type problems. The PS540 is a saw that came from an original design of the 110 that was first introduced in the US in 1984. This may very well be the next to last year that the PS540 will be manufactured. This year we will introduce a new family of saws designed to replace the 540. I am going to Germany in September to see the saw for the first time and hopefully shortly after I return we will be putting some samples of the new saw family in the field for product testing. Stay in touch and I will work our salesrep to see if we can get a test model in your hands for feedback and hopefully constructive critisism.
Hey, should I like the part about the 1/4 cup melted jokers? Strangely it doesn`t sound bad. :eek:

Demo saw from the Tech_Manager sounds like it would be hard to beat, maybe even get lost in the system and stay at your place until they come looking for it, huh Candice. I personally am jonesin`for a 7900, maybe when Boonville rolls around if I can chisel `em down a bit below $675. Gotta have some sport.

In reference to the original question there is not a comparison between the 335xpt and the MS 200t. Yes the 200 is more $$ but you get what you pay for. Husq is far harder to work on their oiler is a joke and the performance is not there. It is cheaper though. We sell far more Stihl Ms 200's than Husq 335. It is not because everyone here in CO like to spend more $$ on equipment. They do not want to have to bring it back.
Well alright!!! I guess I won't be changing climbing saws any time soon. All of this feedback confirms what I've suspected all along, STHIL RULES!!! Everything else is 2nd best , stick with Sthil, and s***w the rest!:blob2:
In the trees I have used stihl, husky, solo and echo. I have used poulan but we all know its not worth mentioning

The echo represents the best bang for your buck, half the price of the stihl, while being more ergonomically styled and being lighter. Tough little saw, you could drop it from reentry from space and it would be okay. Power, longevity and bad air filter let it down a bit, but it represents such fantastic value for money.

The 019 is a great saw until you have to use it, its comparative in price to the echo but isnt worth the lanyard its clipped into, its got the fast ass end of the 200 without having the tit to make up for it (tit is slang for power down these ways). Seen them last a month in pro hands before having issues.

200, Great saw, but for its price it should ???? well be, its a terrible shape, just square enough to get hooked up on everything, its like pulling a reluctant overweight dog on a leash at times. Saying that its the saw I use most, good power, I run a 15 bar for taking down the bigger stuff to avoid lugging my 44 around. But for the money it should be better.

Solo, someone handed me one that was a month old to use, probably would have been alright if it started. Nice and light and REALLY quiet.

335 Husky-the old ones sucked, the newer ones are better (kinda like the M16) Great peak but can be hesitant, great ergonomics. Price is pretty high as with the stihl, but its has some great features.

My choice would be the 200t in a 335 shape with the echo price, and while someone is getting that sorted I would also like a monkeys tail to help in climbing.