Mr. Nice Guy
I already doo'd that mang!
Hmmph! I'm went peacock bass fishing in Panama. What a cluster #### that was. I guess the Navy or someone has a bunch of "tours" they have set up with local folks, like horseback tours through the jungle, rainforest tours, dinner tours, etc. One of them was a peacock bass tour. I'm all in for that. So I dropped the $100 on it and then did some research on the internet. Google "Gatun peacock bass" and you'll read what I read. I was stoked! Big fish, nice boats, and away I go!
Nope. They shoved me and the three other gringos from the cutter in a 10' John boat with ankle deep water in it, and an 8 hp motor! The tour description stated that all gear was provided, along with 200 minnows per person. I brought a bunch of fly gear, so I was fortunately set because we got probably 100 minnows for the whole boat, and the rods were dry-rotted, antiquated pieces of ####. One guy broke one on the first fish, which was all of 10"! The fish averaged about 12" long, but we caught a bunch. The "guide" was of course fishing too, keeping his fish, throwing them in the cooler and charging us to filet them. And he brought five rods, each with ONE hook. Break that hook off, and he had no spares. He had to call another "guide" to come over and loan us a single hook. It was the most unprofessional, ridiculous outfit I've ever seen. But we had a friggin blast! We laughed so hard throughout the day, talked so much #### to each other, and drank some cheap Panamanian beer-$7 for a 18 pack! Then they took us back to the dock and fried our fish for us, along with some French fries. Turns out the guy who owns the operation also makes moonshine rum. So we all got liquored up on that #### and rode back to P. City buzzin hard. It was a good time. I've got pics of that too.
Man, flew damn near 5 hours today. I'm beat, and going to bed. Later buddy.
AMT1 Jeff Breidenbach
Plane Captain 6514/CGC Mellon
"I am the Walrus...Coo-Coo-Ca-Choo!"
Here is the story to go with the peacock bass... rather funny...
Thanks for sharing. I agree with him, he had to make a good time out of that situation.And now he can tell everyone that he caught the great Peacock bass on a flyrod.
that has got to be the smallest Peacock bass I have ever seen, and the largest Cigar.
Ya'll call'em Peacock Bass? I'll be dawged... Here we call'em Perch. We eat'em by the tons here. I had it today matter of fact. Bout the only time we fish'em is in the winter when the lakes are frozen. Ice fishing produces several thousands of pounds of perch here. The diner I was at today where they had a perch fry said last year they sold 3200lbs of perch last winter. It's probably one of my hands down favorite fish I'd say... What we do is Filet those little suckers, they are super small ya know, then the very thin filets we put in batter and deep fry. Super light, very NON-fishy tasting, and nice and tender... Ya'll eat'em that way too?? Or are they junk fish or something for ya... I know spring is coming soon and we'll be bullhead and perch fishin' soon. Our bullhead up here are small though, they call'em catfish down south but up here they are a little different and never much bigger than say 1lb. Off topic, sorry guys...
Does your lakes freeze like 3' thick out there like here?? I live right next to lake champlain, 6th largest lake in north america and that's cause of the 5 great lakes... Takes ALOT of cold to freeze it over... Point of that statement is wondering if you they go ice fishing in the PNW???![]()