I'll move the story to here.
I was giggling yesterday most of the way back in. I had some spare time earlier in the day, so headed in a two track road and started cutting brush and small trees out of it. Yesterday was the day before elk season started and the hunters were everywhere, setting up camps. It was quitting time so I threw Twinkle (the 440) back in the truck box and started out. I met a pickup pulling a travel trailer on the two track so I started backing up. We came to a spot that I hadn't cut yet and their trailer wouldn't fit under the trees. So, I walked up and asked, "your saw or mine?" They didn't have a saw. I told them I'd put my gear back on and cut the trees out and would appreciate it if they yarded the slash out of the road. I dug Twinkle out, and heard the comment, "That's a big bar!" (it is a mere 28 inches). There was no comment about the lack of a full wrap handle. I was hoping Twinkle would run well, didn't want to mess up with an audience watching. Twinkle started on the first pull and the trees were down and bucked up in seconds, much to my amazement. I shut her off and pulled out my earplugs. The hunters mouths were hanging open. One of them said, "Gawd I wish I had a fun job like yours." I loaded up and took off....giggling because I usually get waved over by hunters and when they see who I am, they start asking questions like Aren't you afraid of: (choose the following)
A. Cougars
B. Working alone in the woods
C. Getting lost
D. Evil people
C. Everything else.
It was a good day!![]()
And I've seen nothing but grouse and hunters and loggers all week.
LOL... We always tell the deer hunters where the USFS ground is and if they have any questions they can flag down a green pickup and the nice Fed will tell them everything they need to know. It's not exactly a lie...more of a redirection of fact...and it gets them the hell off of our ground and out of our way. Sorry, Slowp, but your people have more time to deal with these idiots than we do. Probably more civility and tact, too.