It's a Pacific Northwest thing... you wouldn't understand!

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Forever? He's Coast Guard, to retirement!

He said he was going to be 'way gone' for a few months in December for the upcoming fishing season. I presumed he was referring to the Alaska commercial fishing season... ??? At any rate, I assume Gary keeps in touch with him though, if for no other reason, than to inform him of the inportant chainsaw oil debates on AS.
If you miss Oregon so much why would you want to waist time in Washington?? It's the armpit of the PNW. The only thing worth seeing in WA is Madsens, the Boeing Surplus Store and ********'s Hardware in Renton.

If you go to the Boeing Store check out the Tool Crib!!

Business...I'll be near Spokane for a few days. One takes what one can get. Maybe I'll be able to slip West for a bit.
If you miss Oregon so much why would you want to waist time in Washington?? It's the armpit of the PNW. The only thing worth seeing in WA is Madsens, the Boeing Surplus Store and ********'s Hardware in Renton.

If you go to the Boeing Store check out the Tool Crib!!

Madsens is always great, I think Boeing Surplus is closed now, and McLendons in Renton has changed and is a large step closer to just another HD. Not the small cozy store with a very wide selection of fittings, etc. that it used to be.

I've considered moving to Oregon someday onto like 100 acres somewhere, but my wife doesn't like to be too far from a city.
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Took down nice 34" Madrone last week make for a lotta nice projects and some milling. Notice the spacious open meadow like cutting area at least it was some what flat. Would love to get a lot more of it. Took down 2 dead ones 26" plus sound enough for some really nice firewood tho. Nice to see this thread back up.
Took down nice 34" Madrone last week make for a lotta nice projects and some milling. Notice the spacious open meadow like cutting area at least it was some what flat. Would love to get a lot more of it. Took down 2 dead ones 26" plus sound enough for some really nice firewood tho. Nice to see this thread back up.

34 inch???? damn.... and it looks like a nice piece of wood!
Took down nice 34" Madrone last week make for a lotta nice projects and some milling. Notice the spacious open meadow like cutting area at least it was some what flat. Would love to get a lot more of it. Took down 2 dead ones 26" plus sound enough for some really nice firewood tho. Nice to see this thread back up.

Looks like home, except for the ferns. And your escape path was where? Sorry, had to ask.
I've been on the saw all week helping some friends that are doing the falling for a 4H camp up in the woods. The weather put them behind and now it's dry enough to get in and out. Barely. They're taking out about a million feet of doug fir, white fir, pine, and some really nice cedar. I take all the easy stuff on good ground and leave the adventurous stuff to those that still think it's an adventure.
Looks like home, except for the ferns. And your escape path was where? Sorry, had to ask.
I've been on the saw all week helping some friends that are doing the falling for a 4H camp up in the woods. The weather put them behind and now it's dry enough to get in and out. Barely. They're taking out about a million feet of doug fir, white fir, pine, and some really nice cedar. I take all the easy stuff on good ground and leave the adventurous stuff to those that still think it's an adventure.
plenty of room out the back corners cleared a trail on the back side. Mostly mowing black berry vines. Had about 3 ft up from stump with 8" hallow center but sound wood. Guy wanted it out because it had a heavy lean towards where he wants to build his house. Got a bunch of future work from him to take out some giant old multi trunked maples and some Cedars.
Surely there's a city in Oregon?:greenchainsaw:

Not many places like the one I live on with over 100 acre any more though. And not much close to any cities. We are 45 miles from Eugene. Also while the price of housing is tanking, the price of land in the west has still been drifting up. Actually in the PNW, housing has held up in the cities as well.
Took down nice 34" Madrone last week make for a lotta nice projects and some milling. Notice the spacious open meadow like cutting area at least it was some what flat. Would love to get a lot more of it. Took down 2 dead ones 26" plus sound enough for some really nice firewood tho. Nice to see this thread back up.

Looks like this place. Steep slopes, blackberry viles, ferns, moss all over. Madrones just do not grow stright up. We have a lot of them here. The house has madrone flooring. Only 2 mills that cut it in the west that I know of. It is nice looking flooring. Only problem is that it has light and dark wood, which are different in density, and they expand and contract differently. We have had a lot of people come by to look the the floors here and decide if they want them. A lot of people like it. Makes great firewood, and I salvage a lot of it from slash piles (trash trees here).
Been awhile since I cut on a Madrona tree. We have a lot of them here on the Island... But they just seem to be a real hardy tree with a decent root system. Not many of those come down in the windstorms.

Always fun to have to swamp out your escape path eh Brian? Looks like another typical cuttin' day out here...

Just in from Jeff (fishhuntcutwood) via email this mornin'...

Hey man. We left Panama a few days ago, and are now just out and about on patrol. No real excitement to speak of yet. Just a lot of ocean and flight time. They're flying us like a borrowed kite-all day and all night. So far the plane has been good for me, and hasn't caused me any major maintenance problems. Still looking for a come-home date, but probably still two or three weeks out. Hey gotta do what ya gotta do.

Tell everyone I'm doing well, I'm sweating like a hog, and even though I'm hitting the gym twice a day, I'm still a fat slob. Oh, and my farmer's tan rocks!

So the AS'ers are looking for me eh? Andy and Steve? What's the latest and greatest at AS? What kinda of action am I missing?

I'll attach some pics for you to post if you like. Check out all the "blueberries" in the pics. Did you guys call the tie-downs that? The fuel team are grapes. One is of a HIFR (Helicopter In Flight Refueling) and the other is just the tie down team securing us after a landing.


AMT1 Jeff Breidenbach
Plane Captain 6514/CGC Mellon

"I am the Walrus...Coo-Coo-Ca-Choo!"



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