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One thing for sure. Greenie is a religion. No one will ever convince them they worship a false religion; until they are freezing and starving.
BS on that. My home is a religion free zone. As for trying to make a difference in the future, yes, I agree with the process. Change is always happening.

After the Covidiot episode, where manly men were refusing to get a shot, and now this, I am glad those people were not around to affect the outcome of WW2. We'd all be speaking a different language now if they were.

Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do.--My mom.
You folks tend to not have a clue.
Wind is not new technology, solar is not new technology.
No one is putting down alternative energy sources, we are pointing out their shortfalls, they are not the end all be all, they have their issues just like fossil fuels and hydro.
kettle and pot.
WInd power, specifically for electricity was common in the west before about 1940 ish the rural electrification act of 1936 made them more or less obsolete, many of the ole skool windmills were for power, not water.

Let alone sail power etc.
Solar as we know it, has been evolving for a little over a 100 years, but really only over the last few decades has it becom affordable, through subsidies as well as being more common. Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the white house in the 1970's guess who removed them?
kettle and pot.
WInd power, specifically for electricity was common in the west before about 1940 ish the rural electrification act of 1936 made them more or less obsolete, many of the ole skool windmills were for power, not water.

Let alone sail power etc.
Solar as we know it, has been evolving for a little over a 100 years, but really only over the last few decades has it becom affordable, through subsidies as well as being more common. Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the white house in the 1970's guess who removed them?
"1767- Saussure’s was the first recorded effort to solar cook food. He built a miniature greenhouse with 5 layers of glass boxes turned upside down on a black table and reported cooking fruit. He later built a cooker of 2 pine boxes topped with 3 layers of glass, and later still added wool insulation between the two boxes. He predicted, “Someday some usefulness might be drawn from this device …(for it) is actually quite small, inexpensive, (and) easy to make” (Saussure, pp 55,59). French contemporary, DuCarlu, added mirrors and reported cooking meat in one hour (Halacy, 1992, p. 3)"
"1767- Saussure’s was the first recorded effort to solar cook food. He built a miniature greenhouse with 5 layers of glass boxes turned upside down on a black table and reported cooking fruit. He later built a cooker of 2 pine boxes topped with 3 layers of glass, and later still added wool insulation between the two boxes. He predicted, “Someday some usefulness might be drawn from this device …(for it) is actually quite small, inexpensive, (and) easy to make” (Saussure, pp 55,59). French contemporary, DuCarlu, added mirrors and reported cooking meat in one hour (Halacy, 1992, p. 3)"
Seen a couple campers try and use the commercially available "solar cookers" around here... it was not efficient lol, they work, when there is full sun, even in winter, but round here, not a lot of days with full sun, and there tends to be a lot of trees while camping. Wanna say I worked with a guy that tried reheating leftovers or sumsuch with one, after a couple days effort it was relocated to the scrap bin.

Now before someone starts, with solar electricity, you can counter the less then perfect sun with more panels, unlike the solar cooker. And cut the damned trees down that are in the way, the parks and FS tend to get upset if you're doing that while camping...

If we want to get real specific, Solar power has been used for drying foods and clothing for a millennia or 4
Every form of Energy Generation has pluses & minuses. The more mature a generation technology becomes, the cleaner OR efficient it becomes.
Today's coal or gas plants emissions are several orders of magnitude cleaner than they were in the 60's or 70's, as are mines.
Same with hydro. Generators are much more efficient today and raceway design much more environmentally friendly, but the trade off for both examples is much more maintenance !
Same can be said for Nuclear.
There in lies the biggest problem for all forms of energy.
Maintenance, before, during and after energy generation are controlled by the profit motivation of corporations.
Union contractors that had been put out of work by his policies.

Who took out the bowling lane
How about the little league field
well chuckles, your boy Reagan had the solar panels removed in 1986, probably by non union folks since the SOB was known for being a union buster but hey lets not let facts get in the way of your narrative.

As for the bowling lane its still there, same as the the WH sports events
Careful Bill, he might be a Chinese supporter.....thats how you get banned
Never asked for anyone to get banned, never even reported a post, despite some pretty F'ed up stuff.

Normally I ignore Bill, he has the not singular privilege to be on my ignore list, But when he responds to a direct question and is utterly F'ing wrong... its hard not to call him out for what he is.
Again, I live in an area that is 99% renewable energy, so tell me again how it can't be done?

Call me a tree hugger, I'm really ok with that, can't log em if there isn't any to cut.

While your whining about how bad things with solar/wind/tidal, have you been to an open pit coal mine lately? how about the oil fields of WY and TX? Oh but lithium sobbb whinge etc any idea how much mercury is released because of coal mines? how about all the natural gas emissions from the oil wells that are not maintained, or that is simply left to off gas?
Seen the results of an oil spill lately? Remember the Exon Valdez, or that offshore rig that went off a couple years ago?
Hell there are numerous major spills just from pipe lines every year we don't even hear about.
Let alone the oil trains occasionally crashing and burning down entire towns

But no... lets focus on the batteries that are easily stored, less volatile then gasoline, last 10 years or more, and are cheap to produce?

The really funny thing, some folks would rather stick with a fuel they have to pay for, everyday, paying some corporate scum bag inflated rates, just because they can, then use something that is free to everyone, you can install solar or wind today at your house and once you've paid for the system, yer done, no more power bill, the sun doesn't need your cash, the wind has no use for money, no one controls them, no one can stop them all you have to do is harvest that energy.
The problem with wind and solar is that they are not available 24/7, so they need some kind of energy storage, which drives up the cost. They need 100% backup by other sources. And there are no cheap backup technologies. I have priced battery backup systems for utilities. The cost to backup a facility for 3 days exceeds the total price to build a conventional facility.
You are right about mercury from coal, but it is mainly released by burning it. But wet electrostatic precipitators can remove 99.999% of the mercury, and actually recover it for profit.
The problem with wind and solar is that they are not available 24/7, so they need some kind of energy storage, which drives up the cost. They need 100% backup by other sources. And there are no cheap backup technologies. I have priced battery backup systems for utilities. The cost to backup a facility for 3 days exceeds the total price to build a conventional facility.
You are right about mercury from coal, but it is mainly released by burning it. But wet electrostatic precipitators can remove 99.999% of the mercury, and actually recover it for profit.
Have you been to places that have wind farms? Wind River for example, is called wind river, because the wind simply doesn't stop, the Ellensburg wind farm is very similar only smaller.
Some of the wind mills maybe stopped and not turning, however, thats becuase they have been shut down to reduce wear as at the moment they are not needed, same thing happens in most power stations, not every generator is running 24-7, if they are... then its simply not an adequate system (cough "texas" cough)

As for tidal, personally one of my favorites, you ever try to stop the tide? 11' or more feet of water ever 6 hours or so. not to mention the smaller waves that are constant.

Yeah solar has nighttime, but again, batteries are not as expensive as you are lead to believe, seeing how they can last upwards of 10 or more years. And can be replaced by a 7 year old with a crescent hammer.

Coal, NG, LPG, Diesel, even with clean tech, still emits massive amounts of CO2 even after scrubbing, not to mention YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR FUEL, everyday, all day, at rates controlled by some greedy prick.
I've had band practice, 3-4 hours of 3 power sucking tube amps and a PA running off just one of these, with like 10% power draw.|tkp:Bk9SR-jSubPrYADid an entire concert, 3000w of PA, 6 bands, 12 hours of music and lights, loads of different Amps, at one point running a back line with 5 pinned tube amps, with one of these, only had to change batteries during the last bands set, (the guys with 5 amps) In fact we did it again 2 weeks later but with only 3 bands, only shut it down because it started to rain... otherwise all three bands started jamming together and probably wouldn't of stopped until the lights went out can buy this off the shelf at sLowess, this was just the first link with an accurate price.
Every form of Energy Generation has pluses & minuses. The more mature a generation technology becomes, the cleaner OR efficient it becomes.
Today's coal or gas plants emissions are several orders of magnitude cleaner than they were in the 60's or 70's, as are mines.
Same with hydro. Generators are much more efficient today and raceway design much more environmentally friendly, but the trade off for both examples is much more maintenance !
Same can be said for Nuclear.
There in lies the biggest problem for all forms of energy.
Maintenance, before, during and after energy generation are controlled by the profit motivation of corporations.
IThe PNW buys a lot of power from BPA, which is the Bonneville Power Administration. It is a government agency. Most of the dams on the Columbia River were built by publicly funded agencies. My power is socialist. I pay a public utility district. Most of our state is socialist power. That's the way power was brought to rural areas where it was not profitable for private companies to go. The TVA in the east is similar.

I've lived where a corporation supplied power and I prefer the socialist power. Since shareholders aren't in the picture, "profits" are put back into maintenance. The PUDs are competent and efficient, and more importantly, local. I have called up an office when my power went off and the voice at the other end was a real person, who knew exactly what the problem was as they had scheduled it to be replaced the next year. He said that it looked like they'd need to fix it earlier than planned.

The dams on the Columbia are scrupulously maintained. They have to be, as a heck of a lot of people get power from them--even California. Some dams are actually fully owned by a PUD, others by Bonneville. Grand Coulee Dam had an additonal powerhouse added in the 1970s--my dad worked on that project. Other dams have added generators and replaced old generators, added fish screeens, there's always something going on.
I've had band practice, 3-4 hours of 3 power sucking tube amps and a PA running off just one of these, with like 10% power draw.|tkp:Bk9SR-jSubPrYADid an entire concert, 3000w of PA, 6 bands, 12 hours of music and lights, loads of different Amps, at one point running a back line with 5 pinned tube amps, with one of these, only had to change batteries during the last bands set, (the guys with 5 amps) In fact we did it again 2 weeks later but with only 3 bands, only shut it down because it started to rain... otherwise all three bands started jamming together and probably wouldn't of stopped until the lights went out can buy this off the shelf at sLowess, this was just the first link with an accurate price.
Yes, and in the camping world, there are RVs out there with solar panels and inverters that can even run their airconditioners.

The usual suspects on this forum cannot comprehend that the science is evolving and improving very rapidly. What they have experienced in the past is just that--the past.

I had orchestra last night. We're all acoustic, except I use a battery powered tuner.

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