Have a video, but it's 100 meg.
Have some pictures, will download when scanner is debugged.
Will briefly try to explain. it's one of those things that's really simply ingenious, but unfortunately I didn't think of it, so no $$$.
Engine is just like, and works like a older normal engine.
Carbureator has two (2) holes, one above each other.
Bottom hole draws air in for a normal combustion cycle.
Top hole lets air under flow thru either reed valves or slots in the piston skirt that goes inbetween the 'intake charge' and the 'exhaust charge'
Quickie defination first. Strata (Strato) means layer.
You'll soon see why it's called Strato Charged
Think of 'charges' like seperate layers.
Intake layer, and exhaust layer.
Each in different states of combustion in the cylinder area.
At some point they overlap (mix) this lets unburnt fuel out the exhaust port too soon. it's called "Short Circuiting" by all engine designers.
Correct flow of electricity when it goes bad...is a 'short circuit'.
So the greater the 'Short Circuiting' in a engine, especially a two cycle the more it pollutes, and will lower power.
If air is 'injected' at the right point and time, (another layer), it creates a clean layer air inbetween the intake & exhaust charges.
That keeps the burn cleaner by not letting the dirty exhaust charge get thru the exhaust port. reduces "Short Circuiting".
Strato Charged = Layers of Charges.
Mechanical function will be explained better thru pictures later.
It's simple, it works, it more efficiently burn fuel WITHOUT power loss (like catalytic mufflers), increases component life by more consistent & better lubrication, is easily serviced as it's basically a normal engine design.
More BAD things about Red MAX Strato Charged design:
Increases fuel efficiency by about 34%.
Decreases emissions by about 70%.
Is generally quieter.
Had a big international electric power company looking to buy about 75 String Trimmers, Hedge Trimmers(know how stinky they are), and Blowers.
Very concerned over reliability, fuel costs, emissions, and bio-hazards.
Demo'd Red Max Strato Charged models against other quality makers of regular two cycle, and some with four cycles.
Had them stand about 5-6 feet away, and let them 'smell' the differences in exhaust.
Did approximate buying-ownership costs showing them they would pay for thenselves within 14-18 months with the fuel savings alone. 2 years ago when fuel averaged $1.599-$1.649/gal.
Hate' em so much, they bought more. Employees who are just plain 'ole homeowners, have also bought them because of less stink, fuel savings, and reliability.
Now, chain saws are next.