I pulled the muffler and the P/C look beautiful! (big bore too, must be a short stroke).
I would gladly take that lower handle brace! I will PM you.
The other two handles I need are on Feebay from a Partner 500, They look right but the guy thinks they are gold under the black paint

(wait...maybe they are and that's why they are so hard to find

So far the only parts I cannot seem to locate is the AV spring for the lower part of the top handle, it's busted on this one (I know, shocker)...and the rewind housing(there is a Partner one on Feebay too but yes yellow would look silly).
I can't believe this thing didn't overheat and melt or spontaneously ignite all the oil soaked sawdust...and I thought the Devil Beaver was bad...
Thanks for the leads on the other models the parts match up to.