Jonsered Chainsaws

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Yes the 80, 801, and 90 all have the same cases and lower ends. The old Jonsereds company was a master at utilizing the same parts from production on many different models and sizes of saws. An example that comes readilly to mind is the entire trigger handle on your 80, will fit the 49sp, 50, 51,52/52E, 80 and 90. no matter if you use the metal lower or the plastic one and the upper trigger part will also fit the 66E and 70E but on those the lower plastic part from the 66E and 70E must be used. The only thing you have to change is the actual throttle linkage from the trigger to the carb from the 49-52 series to the larger series. The rear handle AV rubbers will also fit but I believe the larger saws use a firmer/harder/stronger bumper mount than the smaller saws. but they all will work and fit to get you by.

But getting back to the 80/90...the only differences in these saws are the P&C, and the top cover and air filtration with the 801 and 90 being the more advanced filter set up, and the stickers.

Thanks.....the reason I ask is because I can get a 90's piston and jug. If everything just bolts, I could in theory have the a '90' without the top and air cleaner of the factory set-up.

It may well be Niko, to fit properly with the black cover...I'll check when I get to the shop and can go over the IPLS and report back in short while..

Looking closer into it, it lookes like some 801/90s have the same one as the 80, while others (most?) have a different one.....:dizzy:
It may well be Niko, to fit properly with the black cover...I'll check when I get to the shop and can go over the IPLS and report back in short while.. here's what I found from my Jonsereds IPLs Dated 5/01/83

The 80 lists the complete recoil and also just the cover but none of the others do, so these #s are for complete recoil covers/units.

80 complete recoil is Part # 504 604 500

801 and 90 also list those complete recoils as the same part#.

UNTIL...model # 160001 after that the 801 list the complete recoil # as # 504 604 501
The 90 lists the complete recoil # as # 504 612 501. The only difference in the individual part #s of these unit is a different #s for the actual starter ropes LOL!!!

The big changes I can see from th IPLS is this is when they went from the flat cooling air intake of the 80 to the more rounded type screen found on the late 90s and also on the 66E and 70E. The only other change between the 80, and 801 and 90 is the starter pully itself all the other internals including the flywheel and starter pawls remain the same throughout from the early 80 to the late 90.

The pulley for the 80 and early 801 and 90 (before #160001) is # 504 643 700

The pulley for the late (after #160001) 801 and 90 is part# 504 643 508

This pulley change may have just been from an alum one to plastic

The black top covers did not change at all throughout.....My bet is that the early recoil from any of these would fit and work on any of the saws and vise-versa. The only thing I can think of is the cooling area of the later screen (and cover) might be larger to accomodate the cooling requirements of the larger engine.

The engine cases where the covers bolt on are the same #s and so is the flywheel and starter pawls
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The big changes I can see from th IPLS is this is when they went from the flat cooling air intake of the 80 to the more rounded type screen found on the late 90s and also on the 66E and 70E. ......

That is what I was referring to - but from the pics I have, the rounded type was common on the 801, as well as the 90..... :msp_smile:
That is what I was referring to - but from the pics I have, the rounded type was common on the 801, as well as the 90..... :msp_smile:

Yes.... from serial #160001 and up 801s and 90s all had the rounded type, Below this number the recoils were the flat screen type same as the 80.....this rounded type screen (part# 504 363 505) is the same one used on the 66E and 70E as well.:cheers:
Yes.... from serial #160001 and up 801s and 90s all had the rounded type, Below this number the recoils were the flat screen type same as the 80.....this rounded type screen (part# 504 363 505) is the same one used on the 66E and 70E as well.:cheers:

You've lost me in this....I know what the recoil screen looks like on the 80 of you have a link/pic for the 'rounded' screen recoil that came later on the 90/801?

* Never mind....I did some digging and found exactly what they look like!

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You've lost me in this....I know what the recoil screen looks like on the 80 of you have a link/pic for the 'rounded' screen recoil that came later on the 90/801?

* Never mind....I did some digging and found exactly what they look like!


LOL!! Didn't mean to be confusing with all the part #s but sometimes this stuff is so obscure that the only way to keep track is to be very accurate. Of course it certainly helps when spouting numbers to have the pics to go with them.
Anyway what it all boils down to is both recoils will work on all these saws but the later ones would perhaps cool a bit better from a design standpoint. But if you wanted and had the parts you could change your 80 to a 90 as far as the recoil goes. I have not done this change so can't speak from experience so I am not positive whether or not the 80 top cover would have to be modified beyond just cutting the hole for the decomp or not. You said your cutting friend had a silver top "90" you remember if it had the round air filter like your 80 (meaning it had an 80 top) or the square air filter set up of the 801/90 (meaning it had an original black top simply painted silver)? If you could remember it would help to see what he had done and which way he went.
LOL!! Didn't mean to be confusing with all the part #s but sometimes this stuff is so obscure that the only way to keep track is to be very accurate. Of course it certainly helps when spouting numbers to have the pics to go with them.
Anyway what it all boils down to is both recoils will work on all these saws but the later ones would perhaps cool a bit better from a design standpoint. But if you wanted and had the parts you could change your 80 to a 90 as far as the recoil goes. I have not done this change so can't speak from experience so I am not positive whether or not the 80 top cover would have to be modified beyond just cutting the hole for the decomp or not. You said your cutting friend had a silver top "90" you remember if it had the round air filter like your 80 (meaning it had an 80 top) or the square air filter set up of the 801/90 (meaning it had an original black top simply painted silver)? If you could remember it would help to see what he had done and which way he went. really, I'm down with all this's great stuff.:msp_biggrin: Sadly, I can't remember my logging buddy's 90 much more that the resemblance to mine, i.e., the silver top. We might have even had a discussion about the decomp-don't remember. We're talkin' over thirty yrs ago after all.:eek2:

But....not only have I found a jug and piston from a 90, I also found a top and the 'round' recoil(if I want it). So.....I can't see the decomp mechanism from the pic this guy has of the 90 P&C, but it should be there if it's a 90, correct? The top (someone else); I can definitely see the round cut-out for it. So basically, I need; jug, new jug gasket, piston, new rings, new wrist pin bearing and black top with decomp cut-out. I'm not too worried about cooling and the newer style recoil...the one I can get (newer style) has a 'welded' crack in it, it looks like a rough job and I want to budget this conversion. That should put me really close to a 90 unless I'm missing something? Wait a minute....forgot the air filter part. Will the new style bolt right to my 80 carb, or is there an adapter/elbow of some kind? I see a filter 'mount' and bolts I'm gonna have to have too, correct? Then there's the black metal louvered piece that comes the 80 & 90 share the same muffler (I hope!)?

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Yes... mufflers are the would need the top # 504 602 018, the louvered end cap # 404 602 017, filter mount # 504 358 603 and filter # 504 357 105. The carbs are the same. I think the recoil woud be fine from the 80...this old saw won't be running wide open for the next thirty yrs!! LOL!!

Yes the hole for the decomp should be there if it's a 90...the bore for the 90 is 54 MM and 52 MM for the 801 and 80..
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This is my 90 in front, and an 801 with a silver top from an 80. (You know how I like those silver tops, but the 801 top was kind of banged up.)

No changes were necessary fit wise to put the 80 top on the 801. Just needed to change over to the 80 filter and holder.

This is my 90 in front, and an 801 with a silver top from an 80. (You know how I like those silver tops, but the 801 top was kind of banged up.)

No changes were necessary fit wise to put the 80 top on the 801. Just needed to change over to the 80 filter and holder.


Those saws looks really nice, and both have the rounded intake on the starter cover. :D
Yes... mufflers are the would need the top # 504 602 018, the louvered end cap # 404 602 017, filter mount # 504 358 603 and filter # 504 357 105. The carbs are the same. I think the recoil woud be fine from the 80...this old saw won't be running wide open for the next thirty yrs!! LOL!!

Yes the hole for the decomp should be there if it's a 90...the bore for the 90 is 54 MM and 52 MM for the 801 and 80..

Thanks....if the budget starts to get too expensive, I can just drill a hole in the 80 top....may do that anyway for the look of it.:msp_rolleyes:

I did find all those parts though; metal top, louvered metal end cap, filter mount & filter. One question though about usage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like when you take off the louvered end cap to access the looks like the kill switch in connected there, as in cord attached to it?? That's not the best design in the world....:dizzy:

This is my 90 in front, and an 801 with a silver top from an 80. (You know how I like those silver tops, but the 801 top was kind of banged up.)

No changes were necessary fit wise to put the 80 top on the 801. Just needed to change over to the 80 filter and holder.


But I thought the 801 had decomp on top like the 90?
This is my 90 in front, and an 801 with a silver top from an 80. (You know how I like those silver tops, but the 801 top was kind of banged up.)

No changes were necessary fit wise to put the 80 top on the 801. Just needed to change over to the 80 filter and holder.


Gee Bob......I think Joe 25DA has an extra can of black he can send you?????? Or perhaps you guys can have a swap??? LOLOL!!!
Gee Bob......I think Joe 25DA has an extra can of black he can send you?????? Or perhaps you guys can have a swap??? LOLOL!!!

Yeah, sooner or later Joe and I will meet at a GTG and do some painting.

I sure hope Joe finds this as funny as we do. :msp_rolleyes: