Chip clearance may well become a factor in larger wood, I tried the .325 on an 066, 9 pin .325 vs 8 pin 3/8. In small wood (8" poplar) the .325 may have even edged out the 3/8.
In 11" wood the 3/8 was faster by a good bit. Though cutter size is nearly exactly the same there is more clearance in the gullets and under the tooth with the 3/8.
Put a 9 pin 3/8 on vs 9 pin .325 and there was no contest (3/8 faster), though I would like to get a 10-11 pin .325 just to try.
There is no way I can see .325 RS cutting rougher than 3/8 RS or full chisle 3/8. More cutters, lighter chasis same tooth size. Must have been something else going on in sawtrolls comparison.
Point of interest, in a bit of practice cutting Crofter and I did, his 026 worked beter with 3/8 than 325, and mine beter with 325 than 3/8. The saws are not built the same though, I think I have him beat off the pipe and his saw wakes up on the pipe. Just not that simple. We did not double check the test or try all chain and saw combinations both on and off pipe though.