Let the low ballin begin!!

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But i'm sure the problem is a little different in the south so close to the point of entry... The ones that make it across the border, and then travel another 2000 miles north are pretty ambitious

thats whats sad......they`re ambitous & many companies are taking advantage of em.....they still make less per hr though & thats where it begins.......they`ll bring up the rest of the pack & then prices will tumble big time.

I think its sad that anyone would defend them & say they make an hourly rate that they dont......I doubt anyone working them even knows how to properly fill out the I-9 form..........!

I saw one post saying something about "only making" $100 an hr......to make more than that here & into parts of ohio is considered pretty good coin for the day......................., I dont care what the race or religion..........speak the language!, do good work!, pay taxes! & be a legal american citizen........if you dont fit that criteria.............we send you home & if you are a low ball bag employer who knowingly hires such types..........we guild you with barb wire & then shoot you for being an anti american jack wagon!

Had my brush with low ballin it yesterday, bid one at 3g's, dead elm, to dead to climb. Told me other guys was at 1g, I said not possible. HO asks if he cant complete job, will I finish, nope, i dont clean up after anybody.
He ask if price is final, I said yes, well, he needs to go with the climber. WHAT!!! HE'S GONNA CLIMB IT?? HE CANT, HE WILL DIE!!
dude looks at me and says I'm just saying it to get the job. other guy is young kid, gonna call him today and ask him WTF?
Dont care about the job, care that this kid is gonna do it, cause he needs the money, gonna try and intervene, gonna work something out so he dont climb it, cant let it happen.
This is nuts! the HO could care less if someone gets hurt, his response "his life, not mine, hahaha" freakin jackwagon. Might cause some ruckus and loss a client, dont care, kid needs to be protected, hack or not.
Well the moral of this story is the only cheap "MEXICANS" are the ones that I still haven't found and wish I could maybe I could compete with all the "LOW BALLING" jackwagon types who are working for 800/900 bucks a day , hell we get 1100.00 a day to work as subs prepping flower beds for mulch ....25 an hour per man and 30.00 per man to install mulch , I just realized after reading previous posts how truly lucky I am , thanks for opening my eyes ...
Had my brush with low ballin it yesterday, bid one at 3g's, dead elm, to dead to climb. Told me other guys was at 1g, I said not possible. HO asks if he cant complete job, will I finish, nope, i dont clean up after anybody.
He ask if price is final, I said yes, well, he needs to go with the climber. WHAT!!! HE'S GONNA CLIMB IT?? HE CANT, HE WILL DIE!!
dude looks at me and says I'm just saying it to get the job. other guy is young kid, gonna call him today and ask him WTF?
Dont care about the job, care that this kid is gonna do it, cause he needs the money, gonna try and intervene, gonna work something out so he dont climb it, cant let it happen.
This is nuts! the HO could care less if someone gets hurt, his response "his life, not mine, hahaha" freakin jackwagon. Might cause some ruckus and loss a client, dont care, kid needs to be protected, hack or not.

My hats off to you..

...if that kid gets hurt or killed and has no insurance.......which it isn't likely he does....then the HO is potentially liable, yes? I would remind him of that.
wampum, thanks for the Likes!!! ya gotta love hearing the stories of companies making $1000`s a day & using mexican labor......LMFAO

and they want us to belive they`re paying em good wages....BWaaaahahahah, it must be a game to some companies??

Ill bet you my 3 illegals against your 2 that I can get more done (BTW how much you payin em?)........? its like the wild west instead of hearding cattle I guess we gotta learn how to heard some mexicans!

any company that considers themselves lucky, good, blessed or whatever & has illegals on the pay roll.......that company is lowely as the bowel movement of a rat......wait! they`re not illegal, I just pay em under the table,:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: LOL

And I will do it for $20 cheaper than yours and toss in a slightly used blow dryer to sweetin the deal ....

Nah, ya gotta beat em by $50 dollars & throw in a toaster :laugh:.......thats the only way to compete with a mexican hiring, non tax reporting, wannabe, worthless low ball hack company!!!!!!

pssst........then you can legally make 6 figures a year & have a legal, tax paying workforce............!


The government keeps the illegal around for what purpuse? Oh when the goverment shuts down on Friday midnight. Orders are in place to stop pay to the Military men and women. There will be a lot more lowball competition out there soon. Thank Oboma and the dems for thrusting more competion on market. Work for the military and not get payed? And we are worried about mexican lowballers. The problem starts much higher up. If ya know what I mean. The lower probem will never leave till the upper problem leaves. Good luck this year to all!!!
I don't blame the illegal's for wanting a better life but our politicians for allowing this circus. I have a video of a job I bid of three illegals climbing bare foot, no rope except a ski rope for limbs and cutting with a machete! They had no saddle either. I contacted the city manager and chewed ass but nothing was done. What everyone needs to do is; quit paying tax until them sob's get the idea!
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I don't blame the illegal's for wanting a better life but our politicians for allowing this circus. I have a video of a job I bid of three illegals climbing bare foot no rope except a ski rope for limbs and cutting with a machete! They had no saddle either I contacted the city manager and chewed ass but nothing was done what everyone needs to do is quit paying tax until them sob's get the idea!

Well, Duh!
Next time you should use a comma, (,) and a period (.) and don't forget the (?). :hmm3grin2orange:
Had my brush with low ballin it yesterday, bid one at 3g's, dead elm, to dead to climb. Told me other guys was at 1g, I said not possible. HO asks if he cant complete job, will I finish, nope, i dont clean up after anybody.
He ask if price is final, I said yes, well, he needs to go with the climber. WHAT!!! HE'S GONNA CLIMB IT?? HE CANT, HE WILL DIE!!
dude looks at me and says I'm just saying it to get the job. other guy is young kid, gonna call him today and ask him WTF?
Dont care about the job, care that this kid is gonna do it, cause he needs the money, gonna try and intervene, gonna work something out so he dont climb it, cant let it happen.
This is nuts! the HO could care less if someone gets hurt, his response "his life, not mine, hahaha" freakin jackwagon. Might cause some ruckus and loss a client, dont care, kid needs to be protected, hack or not.

Dam, its all on up your way.
I don't blame the illegal's for wanting a better life but our politicians for allowing this circus. I have a video of a job I bid of three illegals climbing bare foot, no rope except a ski rope for limbs and cutting with a machete! They had no saddle either. I contacted the city manager and chewed ass but nothing was done. What everyone needs to do is; quit paying tax until them sob's get the idea!

Thats actually quite impressive , bare foot with a ski rope removing trees it almost makes ya feel like a p###Y to complain about how hard your day was when you have shoes and 3 strand .....