List of Pro Saw Models - References

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I'm just glad I hit it when I did and saws like the 2100 were available to me. That 075 by comparison was a dated design and something was always falling off it. The irony there was that an 'older guy' shoved a prototype 2100 into my hands and said "Try this instead!";)

SE = special edition??

The comment of closed and open port pro vs not has my saws arguing lol.

When my saws helped earn a living they were pro. But that was simpler times.
SE = special edition??

The comment of closed and open port pro vs not has my saws arguing lol.

When my saws helped earn a living they were pro. But that was simpler times.

Agreed, any saw which runs well and cuts and earns money is pro.

SE is kind of sticky and may have to be removed altogether, but I left them in because apparently some of them are darn near an XP.

For those beginners looking for a good used saw I'd like to offer a list of the best options for them, not just good options. I'd like to spare people buying a cheap saw at a box store.

The experience of an old saw with great initial quality far surpasses a shiny new saw with poor quality. I have owned saws which were so bad I cursed almost every time I used each of them. Never again. The frustration isn't worth the low price.
If memory serves me right from posts in the past no one knows what the SE on Husky saws stands for not even Saw Troll.It is not special edition because the heated handle bar ones were sg.
Most of the early 266 XPs had SE and XP stickers on various parts.
I just pull out my old Husquarna 2 & 5 Series service Manuals . The designations are as follows , XT = Strato engine design (X-torq) W = Full Wrap handle ( Only on Pro saws ) G = Heated carb (& or handles) OE = Original Addition NE = New Edition ( Marketing reasons) EL = Electric saw T = Top handle saw SE = Special Edition XP = Extra Power , although i have also heard this pro grade unit referred to Extra Performance . Anyhow , the jest of my comment is that the SE model designation was a predessessor of the XP Both were & always have been the elite Commercial ( Professional) grade or Series saws in Husquarnas line up . Actually , back in the day saws were either referred to as Commercial or Homeowner saws . Then terms like Consumer or Prosumer became common . I Prefer the old designations pretty straight forward !
SE = special edition??

The comment of closed and open port pro vs not has my saws arguing lol.

When my saws helped earn a living they were pro. But that was simpler times.
Open & Closed port refers to how effective flow over the piston crown ocurrs via the transfers & much less turbulence is optimal. Every closed port saw I have run was day & night within horsepower & acceleration , over a comparative sized open port configuration . The 266 vs the 268 is a perfect example . Many saw builder prefer the closed port configuration since it provide s much more metal to work with or fresh canvass . Pretty well all recognized world class homeowner saws are open port configuration today , not all but most !
N by NW I have 50 series in both open and closed and it is not day and night there. But I consider neither commercial (spelling?). Nor some of the MS.

AH = Advertising Hype.
MH = Marketing Hype.
Then come the bosses, ranchers, and all that BS.
IMO they would all do better in marketing by segregation.

What does MS stand for?

I consider a lot of this as hype but fun to talk about.
Edit, fun to talk about but a PITA for the inexperienced new saw shopper.

Hence the creation of the pro saws list in my help the inexperienced beginner to get started with a reputable saw from the get-go.
Thanks for all the input.
N by NW I have 50 series in both open and closed and it is not day and night there. But I consider neither commercial (spelling?). Nor some of the MS.

AH = Advertising Hype.
MH = Marketing Hype.
Then come the bosses, ranchers, and all that BS.
IMO they would all do better in marketing by segregation.

What does MS stand for?

I consider a lot of this as hype but fun to talk about.

I have an acquaintance who owns a Husq 445. I picked it up and started it the other day. Man, I can tell a difference. It is light, with lots of plastic. It is quiet, and sluggish. I am sure it works fine sitting on the shelf, where it spends 99.8% of it's time. For me, that won't "cut it".
Open & Closed port refers to how effective flow over the piston crown ocurrs via the transfers & much less turbulence . Every closed port saw I have run was day & night over a comparative sized open port configuration . The 266 vs the 268 is a perfect example . Many saw builder prefer the closed port configuration since it provide s much more metal to work with . Pretty well all homeowner saws are open port configuration today .
I got a cheap homeowner saw and it is closed dual quad port.
What to
N by NW I have 50 series in both open and closed and it is not day and night there. But I consider neither commercial (spelling?). Nor some of the MS.

AH = Advertising Hype.
MH = Marketing Hype.
Then come the bosses, ranchers, and all that BS.
IMO they would all do better in marketing by segregation.

What does MS stand for?

I consider a lot of this as hype but fun to talk about.

What u don' t appreciate the "Farm Boss" & "Rancher" Prosumer Marketing ! :laughing: . The MS is just the Stihl German dna venaculiar "Motorsage" or roughly translated "German Saw" . Whats the CS designation within Echo's line up ? ...i think you can easily handle this translation brother ! ;)
What to

What u don' t appreciate the "Farm Boss" & "Rancher" Prosumer Marketing ! :laughing: . The MS is just the Stihl German dna venaculiar "Motosage" or roughly translated "German Saw" . Whats the CS designation within Echo's line up ...i think you can easily handle this translation brother ! ;)

Cheap Saw?
LOL....well, I haven't been recording or keeping track over the decades but as I said earlier....ALL the big houses have fudged with their saw descriptions over the yrs.

If they can make you believe you're getting a 'pro' saw for residential prices, they've won.

As far as Husky and Jonsered(s), Bob(spike60) can tell ya in a second what was/is a real pro saw in all their lines back to the late 70's. Don't let his knowledge go to waste.

Craftsman? Maybe we should add to the pro list.
Craftsman is tricky because they don't make anything....everything is subbed out In tools. They've had MANY subcontractors make them tools over the decades. As far as their chainsaws, I never asked around who was making them. Should be pretty straight fwd just looking at them.....who made them.

LOL....well, I haven't been recording or keeping track over the decades but as I said earlier....ALL the big houses have fudged with their saw descriptions over the yrs.

If they can make you believe you're getting a 'pro' saw for residential prices, they've won.

As far as Husky and Jonsered(s), Bob(spike60) can tell ya in a second what was/is a real pro saw in all their lines back to the late 70's. Don't let his knowledge go to waste.

Don't need Spike to advise me , I have run most of the legendary saws , I was there , and so were you oldtimer. ;) . However , your correct the man knows his saws without question , as do numerous much younger individuals on site . I originally stated there were numerous individuals onsite that could & should contribute to these discussions , to assist Nate in this massive endeavour . Especially , within today's more modern units . There are at least 4 world class saw builders on this site & another half dozen bike & sled engine builders , which is where I learned life's lessons . Although , I have only ported one 357 xp , I have repaired & torn down numerous saws for routine repairs & general mtce . In closing Kevin your absolutely correct , that you get what you pay for much more often than not brother ! ;)
I have an acquaintance who owns a Husq 445. I picked it up and started it the other day. Man, I can tell a difference. It is light, with lots of plastic. It is quiet, and sluggish. I am sure it works fine sitting on the shelf, where it spends 99.8% of it's time. For me, that won't "cut it".
Nothing wrong with a Saturday nite special saw , with a purge bulb for one to twice a week or year trimming or lite bucking . However even my daughter could identify a 445 or 445e as a weekend warrior saw at best !