McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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Hey! What the hell's goin' on in here??!! Yeesh!!! Smells like whiskey bottles and some kinda animal!!!
You feller's better get this place cleaned up before Bob gets back...
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Hey! What the hell's goin' on in here??!! Yeesh!!! Smells like whiskey bottles and some kinda animal!!!
You feller's better get this place cleaned up before Bob gets back...

Ahh, Bob will understand, just us younguns lettin off a bit of steam.
No vases broken, just a few beer stains on the rug. Will move it under the couch in the mornin before Bob gets up.:msp_thumbsup:
Ahh, Bob will understand, just us younguns lettin off a bit of steam.
No vases broken, just a few beer stains on the rug. Will move it under the couch in the mornin before Bob gets up.:msp_thumbsup:

Well? Ya might wanna do somethin' with that dead thing over in the corner...
Or was that already there?
Well? Ya might wanna do somethin' with that dead thing over in the corner...
Or was that already there?

Dead thing, you mean Matt, yeah I wish he would use deoderant but what do you expect from a hippy ?
I think next time, dont put the party on facebook where Matt will see it.
Just as well we have plenty of Glen20 deoderiser for when Matt has gone, plus open the windows should help a bit.:msp_thumbup:
Gee an old fella goes for a quick nanny nap and look what happens the crap hits the fan you fellas couldn't organise a chook raffle let alone a saw race.

But its nice to know at the end of the day a fella is still loved by many

Oh i better get busy sharpening my pencil sorry i mean chain Neil was kind enough to lend one of his to copy as it will cut in circles and keep life interesting

November sounds like fun be there or be square as they say.

I is a gettin good mileage outta this thread 9,500 something whoo HOO bring it on babe the bait's certainly working well Young Neil

Hey Bob, I was wondering what you thought when you opened up your email and was hit by about 80 replys to your thread LOL:msp_tongue:
Hey Bob, I was wondering what you thought when you opened up your email and was hit by about 80 replys to your thread LOL:msp_tongue:

Well the fan club is growing daily luv it but i'll be putting up the price of autograph's quite a bit, man i feel like Justin Beeba oh the power and the glory of ones own teacup.

Well the fan club is growing daily luv it but i'll be putting up the price of autograph's quite a bit, man i feel like Justin Beeba oh the power and the glory of ones own teacup.


Yeah, you got the moves of Justin Beeba ?
Sure am glad I got in early in regards to your autograph. Not long now and Ill be able to flog it off on E Bay for a song !:msp_thumbsup:
No flick just yet the fellas are in for a surprise so no preview i'm afraid see ya's at the blocks fellas and as i said this time sharpen ya chains for goodness sake.

Yours Truely McBob.


Ok Bob, we don't mind you runnin' it at the show and all, but if you don't get decent video of it running, I'm gonna be pissed...
Just sayin...
And I mean good vid!!!
Not crap low res junk...
So make sure you find someone who knows how to get it done right...
Ok Bob, we don't mind you runnin' it at the show and all, but if you don't get decent video of it running, I'm gonna be pissed...
Just sayin...
And I mean good vid!!!
Not crap low res junk...
So make sure you find someone who knows how to get it done right...

Yeah Bob, so if you take the video, make sure you take your glasses along with you.
Hi resolution it is mate:msp_biggrin:
Well we just checked the Big fella out with the secret squirrel:msp_sneaky: looks like he is the real deal,

so Big fella your on security detail, you sure you can handle ol Mac man:help:

Nice to know Big Brother is watching over. Security detail no worries. Just let me watch that's all I ask, PLEASE:msp_biggrin:
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