McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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Sorry Bob, but where did the ported secret squirrel barrel 090 kit/s come from?

From the States and i said that early on in the piece i never said i did the porting or other work on the 090 cylinder just bought it and added it to a fresh build using Chinese bits

From the States and i said that early on in the piece i never said i did the porting or other work on the 090 cylinder just bought it and added it to a fresh build using Chinese bits


bolting bits together Bob? as Matt points out is hardly saw building stuff,
I think the biggest problem here is that some people flap their gums and others just do it.
As far as some people getting others to build their saws for them that's because they are better at it. Some of us simply don't have the time to build a saw even if we were capable. There is also a lot more to building saws and just buying a few performance bits and bolting them on. When was the last time you ported a saw Bob? Hell I've match ported mufflers and cleaned up dags, set the squish etc but am I a saw builder? Hell no.
Although I've pulled saws down and rebuilt a few I have absolutely no interest in porting saws myself. The best bit is though that despite actually having other people build my saws I actually use mine.
I don't have a gripe with anyone but do get tired of BS artists. There was another Aussie who used to frequent this forum who'd done it all. Then I met him and despite "running saws all day every day" he was puffing like a Billy Goat after 10 minutes on his saw. I then realised that this guy didn't do 10% of the cutting he made out he did. It is easy to appear legendary online but eventually it wears thin and people turn off. The truth always ends up becoming painfully obvious.
The way I see this thread Bob is you're bragging about your 090's and racing them yet you've been told time and time again by the guys who actually race that there are basically no classes for them to run in. Then when you don't get enough fanfare or attention here you start dropping photos of the same saws in other threads.
I'd suggest that this thread should have started with "Here are a couple of Chinese 070's with 090 top ends and I'm hoping to see just how far they'll go". Until a video hits the screens they've gone nowehere.
I'd actually really like to see these Chinese 090 clones come up with the goods and run hard in some wood (or blow up, either way it proves a point). I'm just wondering who the hell is going to run them and where? I mean I'm 6'3", 115kg, pretty solid and saw fit, yet I know full well that a saw like this would be a bloody handful. There is a reason why saws like this rarely get raced anymore.
As far as Neil getting shirty I don't blame him. Every time you try and prove your saws are race saws the same video pops up with Neil running them. Sometimes we all have to lay our own path as individuals and not ride off the coat tails of others...

Its funny how the worm turns sweet one minute bitter the next "Here are a couple of Chinese 070's with 090 top ends" well thats what i thought this thread was about but it seems to have gotten all bitter and twisted somewhere along the track sure the cylinder assy and bits and pieces are sweet maybe being an unknown item is whats got you fellas in a flap.

Well theres races for them unless Neil's been telling me tall stories of far away places in QLD

Mate thats if i can use that term here i started and worked on all the big saws of the pro market there size i'm familier with if you think the 090 is a handful try my Copperhead.

So where is this 090 race in QLD? i will bring my stock 090 along :cool2: but not race i know nothing of chainsaw racing they are way fast make ironbark look like soft wood, And i for one can say it shore as hell is no soft wood...there are a few big names that race saw's around here even call in looking for parts... and heaps of vids of my home town on youtube with saw like to get into it but for now dont seem to have time but next one on im there for a look at lest...;)
bolting bits together Bob? as Matt points out is hardly saw building stuff,

Well that will be true on my alky saw but not the visually standard it will be a different proposition it will be my work 100%

Maybe you bolt bits together but i dont theres more to engines that just that and maybe your just not there at this stage in life you could look but not see

Mate thats if i can use that term here i started and worked on all the big saws of the pro market there size i'm familier with if you think the 090 is a handful try my Copperhead.


Bob can you post one video of yourself racing with the so called Copperhead?
Bob can you post one video of yourself racing with the so called Copperhead?

I dont think i have one to be honest i'm only a sunday driver maybe some others might i didn't claim to be a real racer like some others thats why i got Neil to run em.

If my saws are all bullxxxx then i doubt Neil would have been even bothered after all he's a Husky man

Well that will be true on my alky saw but not the visually standard it will be a different proposition it will be my work 100%

Maybe you bolt bits together but i dont theres more to engines that just that and maybe your just not there at this stage in life you could look but not see


sure there is more to it than that, but have you done any of it? even your so called copperhead you just got it from the states did you not? what mods have you done?
I dont think i have one to be honest i'm only a sunday driver maybe some others might i didn't claim to be a real racer like some others thats why i got Neil to run em.


so how can you claim that these 090's are nothing to run when you havent even really run the so called copperhead?
sure there is more to it than that, but have you done any of it? even your so called copperhead you just got it from the states did you not? what mods have you done?

With the same contempt why should i tell you thats for me to know and for you to work out

maybe I can Help Bob out here a little. I hope these couple of photo's attach correctly.
View attachment 245634View attachment 245635
Note in the second Bob still has not one disc off.

Well that's little ol me sure enough as i said i'm just a sunday driver thats why i got Neil to run it

Your a tad slow bigfella i have already stated that

And and if you noticed i have about the same build as them there other skinny little fella with arms like matchsticks.

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maybe I can Help Bob out here a little. I hope these couple of photo's attach correctly.
View attachment 245634View attachment 245635
Note in the second Bob still has not one disc off.

LOL boy whats the go Bob? the other guys are about one and a half disc in and you still scraching the bark on the first one:msp_w00t:
and on the first pic why have you only got the nose in? did the copperhead not have anough go to put the bar right in or are you doing a bore cut?
LOL boy whats the go Bob? the other guys are about one and a half disc in and you still scraching the bark on the first one:msp_w00t:
and on the first pic why have you only got the nose in? did the copperhead not have anough go to put the bar right in or are you doing a bore cut?

Goodness me your either blind or just plain slow the logs dont have bark and we dont use scratcher chain anymore

Well that's little ol me sure enough as i said i'm just a sunday driver thats why i got Neil to run it

Your a tad slow bigfella i have already stated that

And and if you noticed i have about the same build as them there other skinny little fella with atrms like matchsticks.


Sorry Bob, The guys asked for something to prove your ability to cut. :dizzy: Just remember one thing Bob, although skills and training helps, ability takes learning. its not just building saws, but using them is a whole different ball game.
Sorry Bob, The guys asked for something to prove your ability to cut. :dizzy: Just remember one thing Bob, although skills and training helps, ability takes learning. its not just building saws, but using them is a whole different ball game.

Right Dean if i'm allowed to call you that i didn't say i was a racer just a weekend warrior off for a weekends fun something you fellas hate to hear flogging me personnally is fair game
at least i dont get cut about coming last as i said its a sunday out for me always has been and always will ................ anything after first place is an also ran so be careful of whom you might offend.

By the way Dean did Neil bring the MVP over so you could see how the ignition was advanced on the Huskies ?
Seeing how your the speed champ maybe better off leaving the advance alone since your combination won.

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Right Dean if i'm allowed to call you that i didn't say i was a racer just a weekend warrior off for a weekends fun something you fellas hate to hear flogging me personnally is fair game
at least i dont get cut about coming last as i said its a sunday out for me always has been and always will ................ anything after first place is an also ran so be careful of whom you might offend.

By the way Dean did Neil bring the MVP over so you could see how the ignition was advanced on the Huskies ?
Seeing how your the speed champ maybe better off leaving the advance alone since you combination won.


Bob call me what you will, i know you do. I never said you were a racer, hence the photos. but remember Bob, how often do i pick up a saw, to answer your question: Only on race day. i am a pen pusher by day and a family man by night. Racing is a weekend sport for me two REMEMBER. I have never lost my cool with loosing, not some i have witnessed in the past. Yes neil has offered the MVP to show me the timing.

If i could point out a few facts, husky do not have bolt on Cart parts to make them perform, we just port ourselves and look at timing and carbies. Seems over the years i have been able to develop some kind of performance as i have been racing it and doing well "Australian Title" my first in 20 years, not for the want of trying. You must show us pictures of your trophy cupboard from past years before i cam on the circuit.

Anyway, racing i enjoy, the sport has been safe in Australia under my watch with the events I have anything to do with and i plan to keep it that way. The arena is no place for fools.
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