McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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Bob call me what you will, i know you do. I never said you were a racer, hence the photos. but remember Bob, how often do i pick up a saw, to answer your question: Only on race day. i am a pen pusher by day and a family man by night. Racing is a weekend sport for me two REMEMBER. I have never lost my cool with loosing, not some i have witnessed in the past. Yes neil has offered the MVP to show me the timing.

If i could point out a few facts, husky do not have bolt on Cart parts to make them perform, we just port ourselves and look at timing and carbies. Seems over the years i have been able to develop some kind of performance as i have been racing it and doing well "Australian Title" my first in 20 years, not for the want of trying. You must show us pictures of your trophy cupboard from past years before i cam on the circuit.

Anyway, racing i enjoy, the sport has been safe in Australia under my watch with the events I have anything to do with and i plan to keep it that way. The arena is no place for fools.

Well Dean see we do share something in common our love of the sport we cant all be winners some believe it or not have to lose better off me than you.

As regards Kart parts my Stihls dont have them and my Macs have the imfamous Mac Kart Parts as you put it must make that happen one day the SP125 only had a Kart carb and sloper manifold
surely the other fellas modify things just if only we could just see under their covers we might be amazed at the things that are done and in visually standard thats the rules what you cant see doesnt matter.


Damm bigfella has gone to bed nighty night
I don't its a question about coming first Bob, (that would be out of the question at your age I would think?)
but to look a your ability right now to be able to get these 090's to go (which we all hope you will) but then for
you to be able to actually run them in any way let alone race them?
Its funny how the worm turns sweet one minute bitter the next "Here are a couple of Chinese 070's with 090 top ends" well thats what i thought this thread was about but it seems to have gotten all bitter and twisted somewhere along the track sure the cylinder assy and bits and pieces are sweet maybe being an unknown item is whats got you fellas in a flap.

Well theres races for them unless Neil's been telling me tall stories of far away places in QLD

Mate thats if i can use that term here i started and worked on all the big saws of the pro market there size i'm familier with if you think the 090 is a handful try my Copperhead.


You don't have to convince me about Chinese saws Bob. I had a Chinese 070 well before you did plus a few Chinese 365 knockoffs. I also had an 038 knock off that I leaned out and tried to kill and it pulled 16,000rpm + for a whole tank and didn't die. If you think it's the saws that have got everybody in a flap you're wrong. If you'd have read any threads outside your own you'd have realised I've run, rebuilt, and played with a whole heap of directly imported Chinese saws - imported by me. Another Aussie member here has even done a pretty mean port job on one and it runs damn well and continues to do so. This saw does not have one non Chinese component on it apart from the bar and chain. Other members here have these Chinese 365's with BB top ends fitted too and have had no issues.
As far as 090 races Will pointed out that it is a memorial race and Chinese saws wouldn't be welcome. I thought that was pretty clear.
There is a big difference between working on big saws and running them, especially if they've been modified. The fact you own some pretty nice saws is not in question here but when these saws are finally built who is going to race them? You don't have to worry about my ability to handle big saws with big bars. I haven't met one yet that I haven't been able to handle.
You only have to look at the title of this thread to see how deceptive it is. Not once with any of my threads on Chinese saws did I state "Ported Husky 365 with BB kit". I did however state that my Chinese 070 was a piece of sh*t.
I don't its a question about coming first Bob, (that would be out of the question at your age I would think?)
but to look a your ability right now to be able to get these 090's to go (which we all hope you will) but then for
you to be able to actually run them in any way let alone race them?

Are you trying to say i'm too old and incontinate #### i can still get them going and will be able for a long time yet has this trial by hanging drawing to a close
as its getting past my bed time

P.S I should have been in bed by 7-30 for thats when big dog goes to bed
You don't have to convince me about Chinese saws Bob. I had a Chinese 070 well before you did plus a few Chinese 365 knockoffs. I also had an 038 knock off that I leaned out and tried to kill and it pulled 16,000rpm + for a whole tank and didn't die. If you think it's the saws that have got everybody in a flap you're wrong. If you'd have read any threads outside your own you'd have realised I've run, rebuilt, and played with a whole heap of directly imported Chinese saws - imported by me. Another Aussie member here has even done a pretty mean port job on one and it runs damn well and continues to do so. This saw does not have one non Chinese component on it apart from the bar and chain. Other members here have these Chinese 365's with BB top ends fitted too and have had no issues.
As far as 090 races Will pointed out that it is a memorial race and Chinese saws wouldn't be welcome. I thought that was pretty clear.
There is a big difference between working on big saws and running them, especially if they've been modified. The fact you own some pretty nice saws is not in question here but when these saws are finally built who is going to race them? You don't have to worry about my ability to handle big saws with big bars. I haven't met one yet that I haven't been able to handle.
You only have to look at the title of this thread to see how deceptive it is. Not once with any of my threads on Chinese saws did I state "Ported Husky 365 with BB kit". I did however state that my Chinese 070 was a piece of sh*t.

For the benefit of those staying up past my go to bed time Chinese saws my backside its the race boys being worried about getting canned by a chinese knockoff the crowd wouldn't know the difference.

If some-one was brave enough to step forward and run the saw on my behalf and knew what they were doing ! maybe i might find the driver i need after all saws are saws


Oops Deans back mate i suppose you couldn't sleep too much suspence here
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For the benifit of those staying up past my go to bed time Chinese saws my backside its the race boys being worried about getting canned by a chinese knockoff the crowd wouldn't know the difference.

If some-one was brave enough to step forward and run the saw on my behalf and knew what they were doing ! maybe i might find the driver i need after all saws are saws


Oops Deans back mate i suppose you couldn't sleep too much suspence here

For your benefit Bob you might be surprised just who has Chinese saws in the pipeline as far as the Australian race scene goes (I supplied them). The race guys you think are worried are actually working on Chinese saws themselves. The biggest issue is actually upsetting some of the sponsors if these copies are discovered. You do know which major saw brand is sponsoring some of these events behind the scene don't you Bob?
Are you trying to say i'm too old and incontinate #### i can still get them going and will be able for a long time yet has this trial by hanging drawing to a close
as its getting past my bed time

ok Bob good night:msp_biggrin:

I will say you could prove us all wrong with a vid of yourself happly dropping dics with your 090's:clap:

BTW I did hear of a top handle bar that you have been looking for kicking around these parts, if you are still enterested let me know,
Heck i better off hurrying on my brushing up on the chinese langauge and i thought i might have been the first sucker off the rank it must be old age or something

surely the other fellas modify things just if only we could just see under their covers we might be amazed at the things that are done and in visually standard thats the rules what you cant see doesnt matter.

Visually Standard - haven't heard that terminology used for a while. Rules have changed, Classifications have been altered for national standards. Gee Bob, shame you are well behind the times.:msp_rolleyes:
ok Bob good night:msp_biggrin:

I will say you could prove us all wrong with a vid of yourself happly dropping dics with your 090's:clap:

BTW I did hear of a top handle bar that you have been looking for kicking around these parts, if you are still enterested let me know,

Thanks mate lets git off kickin' the crap of poor old McBob if you have found that front handle for the 090 AV thats great i'm still more than interested let me know for sure

Tah mate see i can be nice at times

Visually Standard - haven't heard that terminology used for a while. Rules have changed, Classifications have been altered for national standards. Gee Bob, shame you are well behind the times.:msp_rolleyes:

Just us old fellas use it cant handle this moden up to date lingo
Visually Standard - haven't heard that terminology used for a while. Rules have changed, Classifications have been altered for national standards. Gee Bob, shame you are well behind the times.:msp_rolleyes:

My stock 3120 is visually standard :D I modified it myself too as I had to tighten the muffler nuts a few months after buying it.
Thanks mate lets git off kickin' the crap of poor old McBob if you have found that front handle for the 090 AV thats great i'm still more than interested let me know for sure

Tah mate see i can be nice at times


ok ok off to bed you go before I change my mind:dizzy:
Well if no one spills the beans then all is well now i know that tasty little morsel my 090's might be looking sweet remember lose lips sink ships

They certainly won't be 070 copies that are racing that's for sure.
As I mentioned though it is the possibility of getting sponsors offside that may be the deciding factor of whether these things ever see the ring. Their performance and reliability isn't in question.
well,well,well, i hope you lot are happy, what are you still up for bob its 11.00 at night.
i fuc#en broke down and had to get carried home the last bit.

edit,,, Fu#k this too much reading, will look tomorrow.
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