McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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They certainly won't be 070 copies that are racing that's for sure.
As I mentioned though it is the possibility of getting sponsors offside that may be the deciding factor of whether these things ever see the ring. Their performance and reliability isn't in question.

Let them pick the difference got the IPL'S same saw 070 and 090 except for barrel and piston
Let them pick the difference got the IPL'S same saw 070 and 090 except for barrel and piston

A trained eye will know the difference that's for sure Bob. All the copies I've had of any make or model are obvious fakes up close. The Chinese are getting better but they ain't there yet.

IPL's don't mean diddly for build quality.
Well??? One of you fella's is gonna have to put Bob's saws in some wood, to draw this thing to a close... Who's the victim??? Surely there's a class somewhere they'd be within the rules to run in... ???
Oh, and....
Mornin' fellas'!!!
Here anyway...
Well??? One of you fella's is gonna have to put Bob's saws in some wood, to draw this thing to a close... Who's the victim??? Surely there's a class somewhere they'd be within the rules to run in... ???
Oh, and....
Mornin' fellas'!!!
Here anyway...

puts me to sleep thinking about it!:msp_w00t:
good night!
Ah Ha!!!! Post ripping!!!!
Damn I love that event...
Usefull too... Fence posts are expensive...
You poor poor thing welcome back Neil

Don't feel sorry for me i'm a big boy and can deal with my own sh#t.

Come on what the hell, its 6.48am and i have just read all since yesturday.

Of coarse i knew all this snot would go on for hours after i had my little say, but i get very tired of the same construded posts.

Bob, in short you are an internett guru, i mean you know where to look and who to talk to regarding competition saws and raceing, Thats a credit to you, i like the ability you have to get some rare parts from the states, my macs would still be doorstoppers if not for you, and yes you showed me how to make them go. I have no problem there, and am not frightened to tell all this point.
Unfortunitly you like to construde concept origans and performance ideas as yours, not others that you have acuired on the nett, nothing wrong with that as we all learn things every day, conning forum members with snott who take you on face value is not.

OK now onto, 090 racing in qld, i have told you its part of my events up there, just one event now and then, not a everyday accurance, i have also told you very few run them because of OH&S reasons, the fact modern stihls and huskys run over them.
In our association events the 090 can only run if we hold an open event, which allows for a powerhead without a chain brake but that saw (090) now has to run against, kart saws, twins, bike saws and the normal unlimited modified production chainsaws of any CC's.
Point added here,,,, qld rules state, a 090 can run in O100cc speed as it never came out with a chainbrake, thats QLD rulling, but that rule does not apply in NSW.
I also have told you, if enough interest was shown i would make sure they were accomadated and would try and have an 090 modified production run, but that would need to fit into our currant full program in which we struggle to finish. Another point to say is, you feel all the boys with 090's would love a run,,,, the answer is, no they don't or other wise they would be running now. I should know, i see and talk and race all our members and the QLD boys on a regular basis and also have alittle more involvement regarding raceing than i let on.

Yes i bought a 2100 from the states, how many times has it run in our competition ????, i can tell you all, ONCE, at national level a few months ago, now did that saw win a australian title, NO, have i been skiteing about it on any forum, NO, why, because i don't need or want to. The day i need to prove to anyone what i have acheived in rugby league, chainsaw raceing and wood chopping, its time to take up lawn bowls and drink beer like the rest of the bowlers and enjoy whats left in life.

Another point to make here,,,,, We all talk about one another in sport, thats just part of it. F#ck if i got pissed off every time some competitor said something about me i would be in a mental instatution.
This sport we do is a very passionate sport, tempers flare sometimes in the ring, guys and girls get heated in the moment of tension, frustration ect,ect and for other reasons like a judges decissions. Thats also part of raceing at weekend and the top level and it will never change.
I, like you also enjoy the company of the race fraternity, i know most of them very well, i also know who can build fast chains, get a saw running fast and who can put those 2 important features into practice to make a fast run, thats something i am prowd of and i make no appology for that.

The bottom line is,,, Bob you would love to have a run in our ring and be part of what we do, nothing wrong with that, but we have a mimumin standard which must be met, for a lot of reasons, anything below that standard, the person in question cannot be involved, plain and simple.

You know what you need to get up to speed, all others who fell bellow the minumim standard had to rectify the breaches and demonstrate their corrective measures to meet and go above the minumin.

Winning at our top level isn't easy, money can't buy titles, ability will take any competitor further than any saw mod, but when an individual has all 3 facits right, he or she is VERY hard to beat in any areana.

Lastly, Bob you are the most disscussed man in our raceing, thats a possition you put yourself in, you have to live with that.
Have a nice day gents.....
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Thanks Neil ................. Bob.

P,S First I dont con people ..... but i see heaps of ideas but not all work or ever will the net is a handy place but sorting fact from fiction is something else
And i know that running a 090 is like running a morris minor in the V8 Super Cars it belongs in its own class and rightfully so. And for the occassional outting
i'd luv to be part of it ...................
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A trained eye will know the difference that's for sure Bob. All the copies I've had of any make or model are obvious fakes up close. The Chinese are getting better but they ain't there yet.

IPL's don't mean diddly for build quality.

Well the only real giveaway is the copper oil line for the oiling system since you cannot see inside the saw itself why Stihl bothered using a copper tube on the 070 has me beat you would have though common sence would have prevailed and they would have just used the 090 setup i suppose they saved a few cents in manufacture not that with Stihl's pricing structure it alone would have made any difference

I hardly think the crap is coming from some Aussie racers that are scared of getting beat by those 090 saws of your really need to step back from yourself and stop believing your own bull ####. Its more the fact that you are affiliating yourself with a bunch of good guys and im getting the feeling they dont like the representaion that comes with you.
Well Husq2100 you have never in my memory had anything good to say or for that fact positive so do us a favour and bugger off and annoy some-one else.

since you are good at using the internet, go search all my posts and threads and come back to that comment. If your finding that I havent had anything "positive" to say regarding you, maybe thats a case of "if you shovel enough ####, you cant avoid wearing some"
How goes the toaster Bob?:D

Ol' boiler with a toaster???


Sorry Bob!
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