McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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Ol' boiler with a toaster???


Sorry Bob!

Oh, don't be sorry Al, we be twistin' the old goat's tail for a spell.
I hardly think the crap is coming from some Aussie racers that are scared of getting beat by those 090 saws of your really need to step back from yourself and stop believing your own bull ####. Its more the fact that you are affiliating yourself with a bunch of good guys and im getting the feeling they dont like the representaion that comes with you.

This bit of truth may hurt

Well now the view of me not be able to steer anything is sorted lets rewind the story a little not once did i say or claim that i personnally won anything with the Copperhead neither did it win the nationals but might have if Neil hadn't cut out but the times and the video proof is there showing that with the right operator in this case Neil the saw could have and it was Neil who entered both the Copperhead and SP125 in the races at Dungog not me ................... i know that i couldn't have had a better operator run the saws than Neil and i'll always be grateful for that and showed that even the old McCulloch SP125C can still be a saw used competitively by those who wish to and in that case maybe the newer saws aint as fast as they think they are. The SP125C was standard except for the intake and carb and complied with the visually standard rules for the category and i'm more than certain if all the saws competiting were examined they too under the covers were modded.

So Neil if you feel you were conned then you conned yourself not me your $70-00 doorstopper of a Mac SP125C showed that it won the over 100cc visually standard from memory.


And wasn't it your intention to take it to QLD for further events ??
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Bob Wrote "Well now the view of me not be able to steer anything is sorted" -

Pleasing to see you have admitted this small but most significant piece of our weekend sports. i am sure Neil will respond. in light of this though, I thought I would add my 2 cents worth, (just for fun). It seems Bob that with all the talk you give and knowledge you have is evidence that you are capable of chainsaw modifications.:msp_ohmy:
I do know one thing though, It will not matter how much you talk it or walk the talk you say, there will be ZERO chance of your saws being run in competitions by anyone else as everyone has there own (and are more then competitive) saws. Some have mods and others have the chains that cut. As you know Bob, (I am probably telling you something you already know) a good chain on a standard saw, will bet hands down a good saw with crap chain.

If you find someone silly enough to run your new products, GOOD LUCK. But everyone has seen enough evidence from the past in relation to your saws and their competitiveness. Yes Neil had some good fortune as per your repeated videos, but why is he not still running them? And why are there no more actions shots of these saws?
Hello boys and girls,,,,,
Has this thread not run its coarse yet, i see those vids dissplayed again for the vieweing pleasure of all the lucky viewers of this thread, my guess mcbob just wants to make sure everyone see's them so they can go WOW did you do that.....

more to come
Bob Wrote "Well now the view of me not be able to steer anything is sorted" -

Pleasing to see you have admitted this small but most significant piece of our weekend sports. i am sure Neil will respond. in light of this though, I thought I would add my 2 cents worth, (just for fun). It seems Bob that with all the talk you give and knowledge you have is evidence that you are capable of chainsaw modifications.:msp_ohmy:
I do know one thing though, It will not matter how much you talk it or walk the talk you say, there will be ZERO chance of your saws being run in competitions by anyone else as everyone has there own (and are more then competitive) saws. Some have mods and others have the chains that cut. As you know Bob, (I am probably telling you something you already know) a good chain on a standard saw, will bet hands down a good saw with crap chain.

If you find someone silly enough to run your new products, GOOD LUCK. But everyone has seen enough evidence from the past in relation to your saws and their competitiveness. Yes Neil had some good fortune as per your repeated videos, but why is he not still running them? And why are there no more actions shots of these saws?

Well after all i have been man enough to take what you have said on the chin and respond in a truthful way Dean i have been in saw racing a lot longer than you realise yes my current status is a bit slow and rightly so but thats me is that a problem with you after all it's only taken 20 years of your time to get where you are as you may have noticed our ages vary my time was a bit before yours and win races i did but recording all on video just wasn't part of that era as nowadays everything is ..... you stick up for Neil whatever but there was a time not long ago when he done you no favours in his phone calls between us but i'm glad you proved him wrong theres two sides to Neil just like a penny when things smile on him he's happy but if he doesnt see something that might go his way then he has a tendacity to bad mouth as i said he's like melbournes weather hot one day foul the next and whatever in between.

If he's not happy with how i have responded to you well so be it he's run out of favours here and i dont owe him anything.

Dont forget your association is not the only group who race there are others.

And besides travelling all over the country attending races is not my thing its just a pity that friendships will be lost i enjoyed your company even though it was a bit strained at times.

just to make things clear, i have just talked with bob direct and will leave it there as private.

I liked that old 125 and i did take it to qld and run it, it ran many times in nsw as well and it actually won a few races.
Pitty i blew the thing up with my non mac knowledge, i still have it here but its dead with a few bits missing.

Regarding me being like a penny (2 faced) well thats my nature and bad tempered is one side i have, no apology's for that and all my raceing mates know me and what i am likely to do in certain situations.

lastly, yes i entered the copperhead and my own 125 back in 08 titles, i was happy to do so at the time and have no regret as to what happened (sometimes things happen in the ring which stays there).
I will thank you publicly for your confidance in my ability to run that saw.

to answer you simply, that was back in 08, a lot has happened since then and i am happy doing my own thing. I thank you for your support.
I dont think two face'd is the correct term Neil, hey we all have a temper somewhere, just takes different things to set it off.....Two face'd is more saying one thing to one person and then something else behind their back. Which I highly doubt you do.

Bob its good you are enthusiastic, but it gets a bit painfull to see the same thread on 4 or more different forums, with the same BS and NO actual results. Please spend more time working on and getting them running than posting on the interenet. This will go along way to help your cause.
I dont think two face'd is the correct term Neil, hey we all have a temper somewhere, just takes different things to set it off.....Two face'd is more saying one thing to one person and then something else behind their back. Which I highly doubt you do.

Bob its good you are enthusiastic, but it gets a bit painfull to see the same thread on 4 or more different forums, with the same BS and NO actual results. Please spend more time working on and getting them running than posting on the interenet. This will go along way to help your cause.

thanks Serg.

Ok men,,,
When the boys push me out of the ring for good, this will be my new sport, and no excuses mcbob as you will have more time to practice than me.


pic courtesy of my young fella
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Well Neil the problem would be you'd bowl like an old shiella and need to be half way down the green to go the distance .................... good one Neil thanks to the young bloke he's quite creative

Bob its good you are enthusiastic, but it gets a bit painfull to see the same thread on 4 or more different forums, with the same BS and NO actual results.

Enthusiastic yes theres no hiding that as to whether seeing spread all over the front pages well it achieves peeving people great stuff off what they go like is my concern
a black horse has an element of mystry to it an unknown quantity just like the old SP125 McCulloch so i'm not too prone to releasing it's internal details just so the uninformed
can pass smart assed remarks ................... Serge i spend a lot of time reseaching what i do hopefully to one day to have saws that perform and perform well.

Many years ago i was good friends with a fella from Sydney called Darcy Peck and bought some of his engines Mac's of cause Pity ol Darcy is long gone Darcy was a great copyier
and would knock out replica's of those engines but i got the ones he took to the next level.

Anyway Serg have fun tomorrow is another day.

Boths saw are finished but going by the doubting thomas's of this thread i'll save the videos for later let the mystry continue


Hello Bob,

I cannot speak for any other member here so my opinion is SIMPLY that OPINION. With that being said I will say my opinion is that there are many members here that feel you have a great knowledge of saws. My opinion is that is you do have that knowledge. My opinion is that MOST members want you to be honest about your "builds" and they want to see you run them in the end. I do not believe I have ever seen you run the Bonbright "copperhead". I do not believe I have ever seen you run the duel 101 engines. Please tell tell us what saws you have built that you run. Trust me I am not trying to bust your balls . I ask you these questions with all the respect in the world. I just want to know as well I believe others here feel the same way.

Boths saw are finished but going by the doubting thomas's of this thread i'll save the videos for later let the mystry continue


Wow... i just spent the last 2 hours reading your thread, very interested in seeing these saws run. And you "want the mystery to continue" and i have to work in the morning and just wasted my time reading this ####.:angry: FU
Hello Bob,

I cannot speak for any other member here so my opinion is SIMPLY that OPINION. With that being said I will say my opinion is that there are many members here that feel you have a great knowledge of saws. My opinion is that is you do have that knowledge. My opinion is that MOST members want you to be honest about your "builds" and they want to see you run them in the end. I do not believe I have ever seen you run the Bonbright "copperhead". I do not believe I have ever seen you run the duel 101 engines. Please tell tell us what saws you have built that you run. Trust me I am not trying to bust your balls . I ask you these questions with all the respect in the world. I just want to know as well I believe others here feel the same way.


Well Bill to put you outta your misery i have never said i ran the Bonbright Copperhead truth is i have and proberly didnt do the saw anywhere near the justice it deserved its an awsome saw and there are videos of it running and competeing and yes personnally i haven't run the 101's in the dual engined saw just like i haven't run my dual Copperhead or dual SP125's i suppose i just like building saws with balls thats all and building something different the SP125 i built with the 35mm BDC Carb had em tossed for a while and it took a while before your fellow countrymen could do the same maybe just maybe it's the first time it was done.

I have found theres too many armchair sawyers around for me that know much more than i so i'll leave it up to you to form an opion of what works and what doesn't

Now not to bust your balls Bill you say a lot of things but seldom carry them though, me and you could have done a bit business together but you have let me down time after time so its your loss not mine
thankfully this world is a small place and i sourced what i needed elsewhere you never had the decency to even email me and keep me abreast of what was what.

If you think kissing your you know what is needed your wrong.

Anyway have a nice day Bill as i will regardless.

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