Thanks Poge I thought about that. I have two parts saws and took an old fuel lid from one of them and drilled a hole on it and put that on it so I knew it was venting properly and it is still doing it. I just keep thinking that somehow it is that fuel line for some reason. I put it on new but it is not OEM but still should do the job. Mark felt that it could be the fuel in the carb boiling and I feel he could be right but I checked and I have everything back together according to the IPL. I took an air hose and blew everything out thinking it could have been just not flowing enough air to keep it cool and once it was shut off it boiling the carb but it is very clean. I thought maybe the flywheel could be dirty and not flowing enough air. It is clean. I am running out of ideas. If the fuel line I put on it was collapsing I would think I would see it while running. I don't see how I could have it routed wrong as their is not another way of routing it. You know one thing that comes to mind is I cut it a little long and I wonder if it is getting against the cylinder and causing it to boil the fuel. HUMMMM I will have to look at that.