Mighty nice of you, Ron. PM inbound.
Thank you sir.
I've been rooting through IPL's and haven't come up with anything part number wise that even indicates a second tank assembly exists for the PM800 except what appears to be a convention change from the 5 digit to 6 digit scheme. That said, I simply figured they started using the new style when production began for the DE80, PM850 Super, and PM8200 which all appear to have the newer style tank as well, even though all the IPL's still use the black 94025 illustration with the exception of the DE80 IPL..., at least in the IPL's I have and as far as I've researched this. The 1987 DE80 IPL includes a different tank illustration with part number 215708 with the 1988 PM800 IPL using part number 215612. I think there may be a carb mounting difference between the two, but that's getting into Mark territory and I'll leave that to him to address if such is the case. The DE80 and PM8200 IPL's also appear to have the newer style tank represented on the cover illustration. I was thinking if they indeed started with the DE80 and migrated from there, I thought that would date the introduction of these tanks to around '87. Then I found a 1982 PM805 IPL with the new style tank on the cover photo, but a traditional 94025 part number listed. Go figure. As far as decomps, handle bars, and cover differences coming into play for identification and dating purposes, I'll certainly leave that to others with more experience in that area. I'm just going by the info at my disposal and a couple of online resources to compare IPL's..., which can be pretty frustrating when you discover the same exact IPL's are used for all models of most saws during their production run until they finally produce a Master IPL which attempts to provide more detail on the model variants across their production. I could probably spend all day on this, but just end up even more confused than I already am. Anyway, good eye, Jethro. Makes me think my PM800 is even cooler now than it was yesterday!
And after just now going through all the Brian and Ron and Kevin photos, (and vids), it looks like a good day in the Mac thread.