I tried the IPL's & none of them (Eager Beaver 2010,2014,2016) has an IPL diagram,only parts lists.
Pretty pricey. https://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-McCull...=item284f09818f:g:ePgAAOSwmNxabNzZ:rk:14:pf:0
I usually pay 1/2 that amount. Last one I watched had to be relisted before it sold with one bid at $17.95 plus shipping a few weeks ago.
Jethro, ive personally found that thw mcculloch dsp valves dont seal up well when they close. Lots of oil around it and.the muffler. On my sp81 i remdied this with a compression valve from am echo 590. Yes i did have some work but it was very simple and they seal up great when they close. What i did was, take out the little cleanout allen screw. Thread a q-tip into that all the way to catch shavings. Then got a 10x 1.25mm bottom tap (had one). Go a bit at a time and blow out the shavings. After i got deep enough just threaded the echo valve in. Slow and dont overtighten. It works great. No oil leaking. The echo valve is the same on the 590, 600p, and 620p. That saw is modeled after a shindaiwa saw. I got it off ebay used for $10.00!! Free shipping. Score.
On RandyMac's 850, Brian used valve lapping compound to seat the DSP mating surfaces. When he was done, you could crank the saw over, wait and then open the valve and a psst sound could be heard as the pressure was released. Real nice and ideal, but I have found my PM800 will still cut well with the DSP laying in the saw dust. Ron
Jethro, there are many things here that are metric. Side by sides, 4wheelers, mini bikes, vehixles, chainsaws, pretty much everything and anything could be metric. Heck even my mcculloch sp81 has a metric dsp in it...![]()
That's funny Jethro.When IO was a young lad of about 23 I worked for a summer for a construction company building barns.We'd be putting up trusses &I yelled down for another 4x2.Lol They all looked at me quite strangely & asked me where I went to school.Of course I had to be a smart ass & tell them that I was self taught.Or another of my favorites wasd when they wanted a 4x4 put up,I'd ask them which 4 side they wanted me to face which way.Lol I also liked to make them look when I told them they were wearing their socks on the wrong foot.I just liked to have fun.
Thanks Pogo,I don't understand why they say"No Diagram Available".Very misleading.Anyway,upon further examination of the IPL,I see there's a duckbill in there to screw up the whole works.It could be as simple as replacing that.I really won't know till I get the saw tore apart.Now do I have to use a McCulloch duckbill,or will a Homelite duckbill work,or you don't know?I might have to give Bob Johnson a call if I need a Mac duckbill.I just remembered that I have some Poulan duckbills as well.The saw is about 25+ yrs.old,so chances are that duckbill has turned to goo.I must've missed a screw when I tried to take it apart earlier.